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super 59 Soccer-Ashworth exit does not change Man United direction, says AmorimIn a bid to navigate the rapidly shifting automotive industry landscape, Japanese auto titans Honda and Nissan are reportedly considering a strategic partnership by potentially forming a holding company. According to unnamed sources, the collaboration aims to enhance resource sharing and technological development amid fierce competition from Tesla and burgeoning Chinese rivals. The proposed agreement would place Honda and Nissan under a unified umbrella, potentially paving the way for a full-fledged merger. While the exact structure of the dealing remains unclear, the move signifies both companies' intent to streamline operations and curb costs in the accelerating electric vehicle sector. Despite the intrigue surrounding the merger talks, neither automaker has confirmed plans for a union. Their exploration of joining forces comes against a backdrop of declining market shares in key regions like China, pushing Honda and Nissan to innovate swiftly. The discussions also open possibilities for Mitsubishi Motors to join the proposed holding company, potentially expanding collaborative efforts. (With inputs from agencies.)

Iberia launched the first long-haul Airbus A321XLR flight from Madrid to Boston on November 14. It's the world's first example of lie-flat business class on the highly anticipated new jet. The seats don't have a door or an extra-large front row, but I don't think either is necessary. Spanish flag carrier Iberia launched the on November 14, flying seven hours from Madrid to Boston. The new Airbus narrow-body looks like its but can fly about 800 miles further thanks to an extra fuel tank in the belly, extending the aircraft's range 11 hours nonstop. This plane is poised to they couldn't previously reach — or couldn't profitably fly with a wide-body. Because the , many airlines plan to fit them with lie-flat business class to optimize comfort and choice. Business Insider after its inaugural flight to see the industry's first example of these new premium narrow-body cabins. It almost mirrors , minus two key features some passengers may miss — but I don't think Iberia needs either of them. Iberia's A321XLR has 14 business-class seats. The Thompson Aero Vantage Solo seats are configured in a 1×1 layout, meaning all passengers have direct aisle access. Flyers will get the standard business-class perks, like priority boarding and hot meals. The section takes up about one-third of the cabin, while the rest of the plane hosts 168 economy seats in a 3×3 layout. There is no premium economy. Each seat is equipped with a lie-flat bed. The lie-flat beds are likely a welcome feature for flyers during the seven-hour trek between the US and Spain. Iberia provides plush linens for sleeping. I thought the beds were long enough for my five-foot, three-inch tall self, but they were too narrow to comfortably sleep on my stomach. Customers should have enough room to sleep on their side or back. The Bluetooth-enabled television is 18.5 inches. so I was excited to see the option on Iberia — which also extends to the economy cabin. I would prefer to connect my AirPods, but customers without Bluetooth headphones can use the headset provided by Iberia. There is surprisingly plentiful storage space. With minimal cabin real estate for business class, Iberia got creative with storage. Beyond the tabletop space and overhead bins, flyers have nooks beside the seat and below the television. A larger backpack likely won't fit, but chargers, books, electronics, and other small items needed during the flight can be at arm's length. There are no privacy doors as many airlines have added in recent years. , but it comes complete with sliding doors — something that has become a flyer-favorite perk in modern business-class cabins. Iberia has not equipped its A321XLR with , instead relying on the seat's angle and high wings for privacy. I think the design easily does the job, and the swing-out television helps further cacoon passengers. A fully private space is preferred among many travelers, but I think adding a door would take up unnecessary space and add costly weight that Iberia likely didn't want to take on. There is no extra-large front row, either. Another popular trend among new business-class cabins is , which typically have extra space for a bigger bed or a companion seat but come at an extra fee. JetBlue, for example, has its "Studio," while Iberia's entire A321XLR business cabin is equipped with standard seats, which was likely the best way to optimize the cabin. Designating an extra-large front row would also likely decrease the number of Iberia's regular high-dollar seats available to sell. Business class won't have to fight for a lavatory. The A321XLR is a smaller long-haul plane, so its likely more passengers will be visiting the lavatory during the flight. The front of the cabin has one lavatory for up to 14 people, which will be fine so long as the flight attendants keep it clean and stocked. Business class passengers will likely be happy to have their own bathroom as the 168 economy flyers have to share the three at the back — and there's very little room to queue. American and United are planning A321XLRs with lie-flat business class. Airlines like JetBlue and Ireland's Aer Lingus have flown narrow-body planes with lie-flat business class for years, and American has a lie-flat cabin on its transcontinental fleet. American is bringing that strategy to its future A321XLR with a new and improved business class — and this time with sliding doors and direct-aisle access for all travelers. United is also planning a lie-flat cabin, though details are limited. Not every airline plans to have an A321XLR premium cabin. The A321XLR is a versatile plane that can fit into both mainline and low-cost fleets — meaning some examples of the jet will not have business class. Hungarian budget carrier between London and Saudi Arabia. The flight will be all-economy with minimal legroom and no fancy amenities. Wizz Air CEO József Váradi said in September that the no-frills cabin will keep prices cheap, but customers will "have to create the fun for yourself." Read the original article onCollege men’s basketball: Catawba Indians lose at AndersonD램 가격 하락에 미국 제재까지... 한국에 일찍 온 반도체의 겨울 Published: 18 Dec. 2024, 07:03 A man rests at the booth for Chinese DRAM producer ChangXin Memory Technologies during the 21st China International Semiconductor Expo in Beijing, Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2024. [AP/YONHAP] 2024년 11월 20일 베이징에서 열린 제21회 중국 국제 반도체 박람회에서 중국 D램 제조사 창신메모리테크놀로지스 부스에서 한 남성이 쉬고 있다. [AP=연합뉴스] Winter comes early for Korean chipmakers amid DRAM crash and U.S. sanctions D램 가격 하락에 미국 제재까지... 한국에 일찍 온 반도체의 겨울 Korea JoongAng Daily 5면 기사 Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2024 Winter looms for Korean chipmakers as dynamic random access memory (DRAM) prices continue their free fall, compounded by new export restrictions from the United States. loom: (주로 부정적인 것이) 나타나다, 다가오다 free fall: 자유낙하, 급락 compound: 악화시키다 한국 반도체 제조사에 겨울이 다가오고 있다. D램 가격이 계속 폭락하고 있고 미국의 새로운 수출 규제가 상황을 더욱 악화시키고 있기 때문이다. Leadership turmoil in the country triggered by last week’s emergency martial law declaration also hasn’t helped reassure investors. turmoil: 혼란 triggered by: ~로 인한, ~로 촉발된 reassure: 안심시키다 지난주 비상계엄령 선포로 인한 국가의 리더십 혼란 또한 투자자들을 안심시키는 데 도움이 되지 않았다. Nomura Securities downgraded the target share prices of both Samsung Electronics and SK hynix on Monday, citing weak price for commodity DRAM and NAND chips. downgrade: 하향 조정하다 target share price: 목표주가 노무라 증권은 월요일(12월 9일) 삼성전자와 SK하이닉스의 목표 주가를 하향 조정하면서 범용 D램과 낸드 반도체의 가격 하락을 이유로 들었다. “The actual magnitude of commodity DRAM and NAND price weakness is likely to be bigger than we had expected for 2025,” Nomura Securities stated in a report on Samsung Electronics on Monday. actual: 실질적인 magnitude: 규모 노무라 증권은 “범용 D램과 낸드의 2025년 가격 약세의 실질적인 규모가 우리의 기존 전망치보다 크다”고 월요일 삼성전자에 관한 보고서에서 밝혔다. “We believe the impact of DRAM commodity price weakness is likely to be relatively greater for Samsung Electronics.” impact: 영향 relatively: 상대적으로 또 “우리는 범용 D램 가격 약화는 상대적으로 삼성전자에 더 영향이 클 것이라고 생각한다”고 전했다. Nomura revised its target price for Samsung Electronics from 88,000 won to 72,000 won and that of SK hynix from 280,000 won to 270,000 won. revise: 조정하다 노무라는 삼성전자의 목표 주가를 8만8000원에서 7만2000원으로, SK하이닉스의 목표 주가를 28만원에서 27만원으로 조정했다. Commodity DRAM prices, particularly those of the legacy Double Data Rate 4 (DDR4) chips that Chinese players dominate, have plummeted in recent months. particularly: 특히 legacy: 구형의 dominate: 장악하다 plummet: 급락하다 범용 D램 가격, 특히 중국 업체들이 장악하고 있는 구형DDR4 반도체 가격dms 최근 몇 달 동안 급락했다. The average transaction price of DDR4 8GB 1Gx8 dropped by 35.7 percent from $2.10 in July to $1.35 in November, according to DRAMeXchange data, marking the lowest figure in more than a year for the price, which had averaged $1.30 in September 2023. drop: 하락하다 mark: 기록하다 D램 익스체인지 데이터에 따르면 DDR4 8GB 1Gx8의 평균 거래 가격은 7월 2.10달러에서 11월 1.35달러로 35.7% 하락했으며, 이는 2023년 9월 평균 1.30달러를 기록한 이래 1년 이상 동안 가장 낮은 것이다. Chinese companies like ChangXin Memory Technologies and JHICC are disrupting the global legacy DRAM market by selling products for around $1 — half their market price, industry reports say. disrupt: 급격한 변화를 가져오다, 파괴하다 market price: 시장가격 업계 보고서들에 따르면, 중국 창신메모리테크놀로지스와 JHICC와 같은 기업이 자사 제품을 시장 가격의 절반 수준인 약 1달러에 판매하고 있어 구형 D램 시장에 급격한 변화를 가져오고 있다. Samsung Electronics also acknowledged during its third quarter earnings call that the influx of Chinese players into the legacy DRAM market had significantly impacted its earnings. acknowledge: 인정하다 earnings: 실적, 수익 influx: 진출, 밀어닥침 삼성전자도 3분기 실적 발표에서 중국 기업들의 구형 D램 시장 진출이 자사 수익에 상당한 영향을 미쳤다고 인정했다. Last year, the DRAM industry suffered an unprecedented supply glut following inaccurate demand forecasts, prompting major memory chipmakers to cut production. unprecedented: 전례없는, 전대미문의 supply glut: 공급과잉 inaccurate: 부정확한 지난해 D램 업계는 부정확한 수요 예측에 따른 전례없는 공급 과잉을 겪었고, 이에 주요 메모리 반도체 제조업체들이 생산량을 줄였다. While the production cuts took effect in the second half of 2023, the recovery faced renewed hurdles, including sluggish IT demand and Chinese competition, and began trending downward in August of this year. took effect: 시행하다 recovery: 회복, 회복세 renewed: 새로운 trend downward: 하락세로 접어들다 이러한 감산 조치는 2023년 하반기부터 시행됐으나, IT 수요 부진과 중국과의 경쟁 심화 등 새로운 장애물에 직면해 지난 8월부터 회복세가 다시 하락세로 돌아서기 시작했다. WRITTEN BY JIN EUN-SOO TRANSLATED BY PARK EUN-JEE [ [email protected] , [email protected] ]] var admarutag = admarutag || {} admarutag.cmd = admarutag.cmd || [] admarutag.cmd.push(function () { admarutag.pageview('3bf9fc17-6e70-4776-9d65-ca3bb0c17cb7'); });

NEW YORK , Dec. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, announces it is investigating potential breaches of fiduciary duties by the directors and officers of Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) in connection with Southwest Airlines' information technology infrastructure impacting the Company's business, operations, and stock price. If you currently own shares of Southwest Airlines stock, please visit the firm's website at for more information. You may also contact Phillip Kim of Rosen Law Firm toll free at 866-767-3653 or via email at . Follow us for updates on LinkedIn: , on Twitter: or on Facebook: . The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company at the time. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs' Bar. Many of the firm's attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers. Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Contact Information: Laurence Rosen, Esq. Phillip Kim, Esq. The Rosen Law Firm, P.A. 275 Madison Avenue, 40 th Floor New York, NY 10016 Tel: (212) 686-1060 Toll Free: (866) 767-3653 Fax: (212) 202-3827 View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE THE ROSEN LAW FIRM, P. A.Border plan features round-the-clock aerial surveillance, drug detection support

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