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Friend of Quebec man killed in Florida boat explosion says his sister also injuredBOGOTA, Colombia — 2024 was a brutal year for the Amazon rainforest, with rampant wildfires and extreme drought ravaging large parts of a biome that’s a critical counterweight to climate change. A warming climate fed drought that in turn fed the worst year for fires since 2005. And those fires contributed to deforestation, with authorities suspecting some fires were set to more easily clear land to run cattle. The Amazon is twice the size of India and sprawls across eight countries and one territory, storing vast amounts of carbon dioxide that would otherwise warm the planet. It has about 20% of the world’s fresh water and astounding biodiversity, including 16,000 known tree species. But governments have historically viewed it as an area to be exploited, with little regard for sustainability or the rights of its Indigenous peoples, and experts say exploitation by individuals and organized crime is rising at alarming rates. “The fires and drought experienced in 2024 across the Amazon rainforest could be ominous indicators that we are reaching the long-feared ecological tipping point,” said Andrew Miller, advocacy director at Amazon Watch, an organization that works to protect the rainforest. “Humanity’s window of opportunity to reverse this trend is shrinking, but still open.” There were some bright spots. The level of Amazonian forest loss fell in both Brazil and Colombia. And nations gathered for the annual United Nations conference on biodiversity agreed to give Indigenous peoples more say in nature conservation decisions. “If the Amazon rainforest is to avoid the tipping point, Indigenous people will have been a determinant factor," Miller said. Forest loss in Brazil’s Amazon — home to the largest swath of this rainforest — dropped 30.6% compared to the previous year, the lowest level of destruction in nine years. The improvement under leftist President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva contrasted with deforestation that hit a 15-year high under Lula's predecessor, far-right leader Jair Bolsonaro, who prioritized agribusiness expansion over forest protection and weakened environmental agencies. In July, Colombia reported historic lows in deforestation in 2023, driven by a drop in environmental destruction. The country's environment minister Susana Muhamad warned that 2024's figures may not be as promising as a significant rise in deforestation had already been recorded by July due to dry weather caused by El Nino, a weather phenomenon that warms the central Pacific. Illegal economies continue to drive deforestation in the Andean nation. “It’s impossible to overlook the threat posed by organized crime and the economies they control to Amazon conservation,” said Bram Ebus, a consultant for Crisis Group in Latin America. “Illegal gold mining is expanding rapidly, driven by soaring global prices, and the revenues of illicit economies often surpass state budgets allocated to combat them.” In Brazil, large swaths of the rainforest were draped in smoke in August from fires raging across the Amazon, Cerrado savannah, Pantanal wetland and the state of Sao Paulo. Fires are traditionally used for deforestation and for managing pastures, and those man-made blazes were largely responsible for igniting the wildfires. For a second year, the Amazon River fell to desperate lows , leading some countries to declare a state of emergency and distribute food and water to struggling residents. The situation was most critical in Brazil, where one of the Amazon River's main tributaries dropped to its lowest level ever recorded. Cesar Ipenza, an environmental lawyer who lives in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon, said he believes people are becoming increasingly aware of the Amazon's fundamental role “for the survival of society as a whole." But, like Miller, he worries about a “point of no return of Amazon destruction.” It was the worst year for Amazon fires since 2005, according to nonprofit Rainforest Foundation US. Between January and October, an area larger than the state of Iowa — 37.42 million acres, or about 15.1 million hectares of Brazil’s Amazon — burned. Bolivia had a record number of fires in the first ten months of the year. “Forest fires have become a constant, especially in the summer months and require particular attention from the authorities who don't how to deal with or respond to them,” Ipenza said. Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Guyana also saw a surge in fires this year. The United Nations conference on biodiversity — this year known as COP16 — was hosted by Colombia. The meetings put the Amazon in the spotlight and a historic agreement was made to give Indigenous groups more of a voice on nature conservation decisions , a development that builds on a growing movement to recognize Indigenous people's role in protecting land and combating climate change. Both Ebus and Miller saw promise in the appointment of Martin von Hildebrand as the new secretary general for the Amazon Treaty Cooperation Organization, announced during COP16. “As an expert on Amazon communities, he will need to align governments for joint conservation efforts. If the political will is there, international backers will step forward to finance new strategies to protect the world’s largest tropical rainforest,” Ebus said. Ebus said Amazon countries need to cooperate more, whether in law enforcement, deploying joint emergency teams to combat forest fires, or providing health care in remote Amazon borderlands. But they need help from the wider world, he said. “The well-being of the Amazon is a shared global responsibility, as consumer demand worldwide fuels the trade in commodities that finance violence and environmental destruction,” he said. Next year marks a critical moment for the Amazon, as Belém do Pará in northern Brazil hosts the first United Nations COP in the region that will focus on climate. “Leaders from Amazon countries have a chance to showcase strategies and demand tangible support," Ebus said.
Ellington Financial Inc. (EFC) To Go Ex-Dividend on December 31stHawks have little trouble pinning Raptors with 10th straight loss
Robert C. Donnelly , Gonzaga University Former President Jimmy Carter, who died on Dec. 29, 2024, at age 100 at his home in Plains, Georgia, was a dark horse Democratic presidential candidate with little national recognition when he beat Republican incumbent Gerald Ford in 1976. The introspective former peanut farmer pledged a new era of honesty and forthrightness at home and abroad, a promise that resonated with voters eager for change following the Watergate scandal and the Vietnam War. His presidency, however, lasted only one term before Ronald Reagan defeated him. Since then, scholars have debated – and often maligned – Carter’s legacy, especially his foreign policy efforts that revolved around human rights. Subscribe to our daily newsletter By providing an email address. I agree to the Terms of Use and acknowledge that I have read the Privacy Policy . Critics have described Carter’s foreign policies as “ineffectual” and “hopelessly muddled ,” and their formulation demonstrated “weakness and indecision.” As a historian researching Carter’s foreign policy initiatives , I conclude his overseas policies were far more effective than critics have claimed. The criticism of Carter’s foreign policies seems particularly mistaken when it comes to the Cold War, a period defined by decades of hostility, mutual distrust and arms buildup after World War II between the U.S. and Russia, then known as the Soviet Union or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). By the late 1970s, the Soviet Union’s economy and global influence were weakening. With the counsel of National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Soviet expert , Carter exploited these weaknesses. During his presidency, Carter insisted nations provide basic freedoms for their people – a moral weapon against which repressive leaders could not defend. Carter soon openly criticized the Soviets for denying Russian Jews their basic civil rights , a violation of human rights protections outlined in the diplomatic agreement called the Helsinki Accords . Carter’s team underscored these violations in arms control talks. The CIA flooded the USSR with books and articles to incite human rights activism. And Carter publicly supported Russian dissidents – including pro-democracy activist Andrei Sakharov – who were fighting an ideological war against socialist leaders. Carter adviser Stuart Eizenstat argues that the administration attacked the Soviets “in their most vulnerable spot – mistreatment of their own citizens.” This proved effective in sparking Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev’s social and political reforms of the late 1980s, best known by the Russian word “glasnost ,” or “openness.” In December 1979, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in response to the assassination of the Soviet-backed Afghan leader, Nur Mohammad Taraki. The invasion effectively ended an existing détente between the U.S. and USSR. Beginning in July 1979, the U.S. was providing advice and nonlethal supplies to the mujahideen rebelling against the Soviet-backed regime. After the invasion, National Security Advisor Brzezinski advised Carter to respond aggressively to it. So the CIA and U.S. allies delivered weapons to the mujahideen, a program later expanded under Reagan. Carter’s move effectively engaged the Soviets in a proxy war that began to bleed the Soviet Union. By providing the rebels with modern weapons, the U.S. was “giving to the USSR its Vietnam war,” according to Brzezinski : a progressively expensive war, a strain on the socialist economy and an erosion of their authority abroad. Carter also imposed an embargo on U.S. grain sales to the Soviets in 1980. Agriculture was the USSR’s greatest economic weakness since the 1960s. The country’s unfavorable weather and climate contributed to successive poor growing seasons, and their heavy industrial development left the agricultural sector underfunded . Economist Elizabeth Clayton concluded in 1985 that Carter’s embargo was effective in exacerbating this weakness. Census data compiled between 1959 and 1979 show that 54 million people were added to the Soviet population. Clayton estimates that 2 to 3 million more people were added in each subsequent year. The Soviets were overwhelmed by the population boom and struggled to feed their people. At the same time, Clayton found that monthly wages increased, which led to an increased demand for meat. But by 1985, there was a meat shortage in the USSR. Why? Carter’s grain embargo, although ended by Reagan in 1981, had a lasting impact on livestock feed that resulted in Russian farmers decreasing livestock production . The embargo also forced the Soviets to pay premium prices for grain from other countries, nearly 25 percent above market prices . For years, Soviet leaders promised better diets and health , but now their people had less food. The embargo battered a weak socialist economy and created another layer of instability for the growing population. In 1980, Carter pushed further to punish the Soviets. He convinced the U.S. Olympic Committee to refrain from competing in the upcoming Moscow Olympics while the Soviets repressed their people and occupied Afghanistan. Carter not only promoted a boycott, but he also embargoed U.S. technology and other goods needed to produce the Olympics. He also stopped NBC from paying the final US$20 million owed to the USSR to broadcast the Olympics. China, Germany, Canada and Japan – superpowers of sport – also participated in the boycott. Historian Allen Guttmann said, “The USSR lost a significant amount of international legitimacy on the Olympic question.” Dissidents relayed to Carter that the boycott was another jab at Soviet leadership. And in America, public opinion supported Carter’s bold move – 73% of Americans favored the boycott . In his 1980 State of the Union address, Carter revealed an aggressive Cold War military plan. He declared a “ Carter doctrine ,” which said that the Soviets’ attempt to gain control of Afghanistan, and possibly the region, was regarded as a threat to U.S. interests. And Carter was prepared to meet the threat with “ military force .” Carter also announced in his speech a five-year spending initiative to modernize and strengthen the military because he recognized the post-Vietnam military cuts weakened the U.S. against the USSR. Ronald Reagan argued during the 1980 presidential campaign that, “Jimmy Carter risks our national security – our credibility – and damages American purposes by sending timid and even contradictory signals to the Soviet Union.” Carter’s policy was based on “weakness and illusion” and should be replaced “with one founded on improved military strength,” Reagan criticized. In 1985, however, President Reagan publicly acknowledged that his predecessor demonstrated great timing in modernizing and strengthening the nation’s forces, which further increased economic and diplomatic pressure on the Soviets. Reagan admitted that he felt “very bad” for misstating Carter’s policies and record on defense. Carter is most lauded today for his post-presidency activism , public service and defending human rights. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for such efforts. But that praise leaves out a significant portion of Carter’s presidential accomplishments. His foreign policy, emphasizing human rights, was a key instrument in dismantling the power of the Soviet Union. This is an updated version of a story that was originally published on May 2, 2019. Robert C. Donnelly , Associate Professor of History, Gonzaga University This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Want stories like this delivered straight to your inbox?Stay informed. Stay ahead. Subscribe to InqMORNING
Woody Paige: Broncs QB Nix 'in a really good spot'
Happy New Year! It’s crazy how fast time seems to fly by. As we review how this past year has gone, we are delighted with how much was accomplished. Over $1,158,783 worth of improvements were made in 2024, such as building the Interurban Trail, finishing Lancaster Park, and maintaining our other facilities. Large projects require lots of financial resources, and we are thankful to have been blessed with $332,590.26 in local donations and from our new partnership with Harrison Township. Our department also secured $494,023 in grants this year, helping us prepare for our 2025 projects. Next year looks to be just as busy as this year was, with multiple projects on the books. After the baseball season ends in early July, Roush Park will be closed for major parking lot upgrades, including installing drainage, adding ADA sidewalks, and repaving the basketball court. The Wabash River Stabilization project to repair 1,100 feet of the riverbank from Wayne Street to the Howard Rich Pavilion will also commence in the summer while the river is in a low position. If all goes well with funding, there is a good possibility that as soon as the pool closes for the season, construction on the new one can begin. We are so grateful for the continued community support; we truly could not do it without all of you! Have you always wanted to learn how to Crochet? Now is your chance to sign up for January’s Hooked on Crochet class! Learning to crochet will give you a lifetime of pleasure and relaxation. You can learn to create handmade items for yourself and those you love. Classes will be taught by Kathy Gehrett at City Hall (128 E Market) from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Thursdays, Jan. 9, 16 & 23. The cost for 3 one-hour group lessons is $20, due the first day. Yarn and instructions will be provided, and you will need to bring your own size H hook. Call the park office to pre-register at 824-6069 or email The class is open to beginners and advanced students. The first Theater Thursday of 2025 is scheduled for January 16th at 10 am at the Wells County Public Library. The film will be 007 No Time to Die, rated PG-13. James Bond is enjoying a tranquil life in Jamaica after leaving active service. However, his peace is short-lived as his old CIA friend, Felix Leiter, shows up and asks for help. The mission to rescue a kidnapped scientist turns out to be far more treacherous than expected, leading Bond on the trail of a mysterious villain armed with a dangerous new technology. There is still time to make a New Year’s resolution to become more active! Over 200 people commit to the Wells Winter Challenge each year, and we have expanded the options for 2025! Wells Winter 100 Mile Challenge : Walk or run 100 miles by March 21! That’s just 10 miles a week — are you ready to go the distance? Wells Winter Fitness Minutes Challenge : Stay active with 1,800 minutes of any activity this winter (indoor/outdoor biking, walking, yoga, pickleball, etc.). Aim for 150 minutes a week (30 minutes five times a week), and you’ll be on track. Kids 50 Mile Challenge: For kids 12 and under—run or walk 50 miles and join in the fun. We also want to congratulate this year’s Gingerbread Contest winners : Lane McClure, Jada Gehrett, and Paige Watter. Each winner was awarded Chamber Bucks for all their creative work. Have a great week!California Water Service Group Completes Purchase of Kukui’ula South Shore Community Services’ Wastewater System
Obie Okoye: Empowering Communities through technology, innovationCarter's single White House term still stirs controversy after more than 40 yearsJimmy Carter: Many evolutions for a centenarian ‘citizen of the world’
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Coach Brian Callahan is sticking with Mason Rudolph at quarterback for a second straight game to see if the Tennessee Titans can build on the veteran who's played in four of their highest scoring games this season. Callahan said Tuesday that he thinks Rudolph earned another chance to play despite a 38-30 loss to Indianapolis. “Obviously the one interception was probably his only really poor moment," Callahan said. "The rest of it was pretty well executed on his part and operated in a drop-back passing game and had to fight his way back through it. And it was good to see, so we’ll let him take another crack at it.” Rudolph is 2-4 in the six games he's played in this season. That includes coming in for an injured Will Levis on Sept. 30 in a 31-12 win at Miami , and he tried to rally the Titans in a turnover-plagued 37-27 loss to Cincinnati before being selected as the starter last week. Rudolph, who is in Tennessee on a one-year deal, was 23 of 34 for 252 yards with two touchdown passes and three interceptions. One went off running back Tony Pollard's hands with the final pick coming on the last play of the game after Rudolph led a rally from a 38-7 deficit in the final 18 minutes. Rudolph's ability to avoid sacks is a key piece of sticking with him over Levis, the 33rd pick overall in the 2023 draft. The quarterbacks' stats are similar with Rudolph having eight TD passes and eight interceptions, completing 63.8% of his passes with a 78.8 passer rating. That’s similar to Levis completing 63.7% of his passes with 12 TD passes and 12 interceptions. But Levis has been sacked 40 times compared to just seven for Rudolph. “He’s got the ability to avoid the negative play when it comes to sacks," Callahan said of Rudolph. “He gets the ball out. He knows where to go with it quickly.” That means Rudolph gets a chance Sunday when the Titans (3-12) visit the Jacksonville Jaguars (3-12) to see if he can guide the offense to more than the six points Levis managed against their AFC South rival in a 10-6 loss on Dec. 8 in Nashville. Rudolph said he knows he put the Titans defense in a bad spot with some turnovers. "I’m ready to prove that I can take care of the ball better and keep scoring points,” Rudolph said. The Titans held a walk-through Tuesday with Callahan giving the team Wednesday off for Christmas. An injury report won't be released until Wednesday, and Callahan said it'll likely be lengthy. RG Dillon Radunz, who was knocked out of last week's game with an injury, will be on that report. Lineman Jaelyn Duncan, who hurt a hamstring badly enough early in his first start at right tackle Oct. 20 that he wound up on injured reserve , will be available. Callahan said he is excited to see Duncan play. AP NFL: Minister for Minorities Affairs Ramesh Singh Arora , US Envoy attend Christmas event
In the bustling streets of Cairo, a bold banner hangs outside the Writers’ Syndicate, confronting passersby with a piercing statement: “Every pound you spend on their products returns as a bullet in your brother’s back.” This message critiques the economic and political ties between the listed multinational products and Israel. The visual captures the spirit of a region-wide movement, where ordinary people are transforming everyday choices into acts of defiance against forces that fuel war and perpetuate conflict. Across the Red Sea, in the lively streets of Amman, Jordan, another symbol of resistance stands in silence: the empty aisles of Carrefour supermarkets. Once bubbling with life, these shuttered stores are the result of an unwavering boycott campaign — and a testament to how solidarity and conscious consumer choices can challenge and disrupt dominant systems of power. Across the world, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, or BDS, has gained momentum, encouraging individuals to use their purchasing power as an effective tool for change. By reimagining the global economy as a means to exert pressure on Israel, BDS has transformed boycotts into one of the most effective forms of nonviolent resistance in a capitalist world, creating ripple effects that resonate far beyond the checkout counter. Nowhere is this impact more evident than in the Middle East, where shared regional solidarity and strategic economic pressure have turned the movement into a powerful force reshaping political and economic dynamics. Effective boycotts have long served as tools to challenge power, disrupting profits, tarnishing reputations and compelling institutions to change. In the Middle East, however, they hold a deeper resonance, intertwined with decades of struggle against colonialism and occupation. “Boycotting isn’t new. It’s a legacy embedded in our struggle,” said Hossam Mahmoud of BDS Egypt. “It goes back to the days of British colonization and the partition of Palestine in 1947.” From student protests to global campaigns, the region has long relied on nonviolent resistance to challenge injustice. This long history of economic resistance was reignited by Israel’s war in Gaza in October 2023, as social media quickly became the movement’s amplifier, with hashtags like #Don’tPayForTheirBullets rallying younger generations. In this renewed fight, global giants, such as McDonald’s and Starbucks , were targeted for their financial complicity or implicit support to Israeli military actions. For many, these boycotts are more than economic — they are moral imperatives, a rejection of profiteering from violence. Their power lies not just in financial disruption but in reshaping consumer consciousness, forcing individuals to ask: Does buying this make me complicit in what it supports? Behind every successful boycott is a story of innovative tactics that turn awareness into action. Social media became the core of the movement, transforming local efforts into worldwide campaigns. Platforms like X, Instagram and TikTok amplified voices, mobilized communities and sparked viral campaigns that forced corporations to pay attention. Hashtags like #BoycottOccupationGoods and #DidYouFundGenocideToday? became rallying cries, uniting millions and turning online outrage into tangible action. But the fight for justice extended far beyond likes and shares. Tools like the No Thanks app bridged the gap between digital awareness and real-world action. By scanning a product’s barcode, consumers gained immediate access to details about a brand’s affiliations, giving them the power to make informed choices and determine whether their purchase supported the boycott. Sustaining momentum required more than technology; activists leaned into grassroots efforts, fostering lasting connections through direct engagement. Workshops, public lectures and in-person action turned online trends into enduring campaigns for change. University campuses have emerged as vital hubs for this movement, blending education with activism. At the American University in Cairo, the Political Science Students Association, or PSSA, is leading by example. Under Haya Kandeel’s leadership, the association has turned student engagement into a force for meaningful change. “This wasn’t just about boycotts,” Kandeel explained. “We tackled misinformation head-on, hosting talks with BDS representatives and professors to connect global injustices to local realities. We even launched a dedicated newsletter to spotlight Palestine and promote ethical consumer choices.” These initiatives fostered a culture of critical thinking and educated actions, leading to long-term commitment to change. “Online activism is indispensable,” said BDS Egypt’s Hossam Mahmoud. “But grassroots, on-the-ground efforts remain the heart of lasting change.” He recalls how, in an older campaign, BDS took its fight directly to Zamalek Sporting Club, one of Egypt’s most prominent and historic football clubs. The group engaged members and decision-makers face-to-face to expose Puma’s ties with Israel , ultimately leading to a successful termination of their partnership. This victory underscores a vital truth: while social media can spread awareness, real impact often requires stepping out of the digital sphere and building direct human connections. From the halls of universities to the streets of Cairo, the boycott movement is proving that change begins with community — and the courage to confront power where it lives. For many, boycotting is more than an economic gesture — it’s a deeply personal declaration of values and solidarity. “Boycotting in itself is an act of raising awareness,” Mahmoud said. “It’s not just about applying economic pressure; it’s about educating people, sparking critical conversations and building a collective understanding of the daily injustices Palestinians face.” Mahmoud emphasized the accessibility of boycotting, calling it “a tangible form of solidarity — low-risk, yet profoundly impactful over time.” However, not everyone shares this sense of empowerment. While waiting in line at a McDonald’s checkout counter, I asked a customer why he chose not to boycott. He hesitated before responding with quiet resignation: “To be honest, I don’t think it makes a difference. Whether I buy from here or not, a pack of fries isn’t going to free Palestine.” His words echo doubts harbored by many — questions about whether individual actions can truly dent entrenched systems of oppression. For others, however, boycotting is a way to reclaim agency. Safiya Aboushady, a university student in Cairo, recalls feeling helpless as she watched the destruction in Gaza. “Joining the boycott gave me something tangible to do,” she said. “It’s not just about avoiding a product, it’s about standing for a principle.” For Aboushady, the act of boycotting bridges the gap between despair and action, a sentiment shared by many who find strength in aligning their values with collective resistance. Jana, a 22-year-old activist who requested her last name be omitted, sees boycotting as a vital tool in societies where public protest is restricted. “In many Middle Eastern countries, you can’t take to the streets without fear of being silenced or arrested,” she said. “Boycotting is one of the few ways we can express our resistance without directly confronting the authorities.” For her, it’s about more than just economic impact. “This isn’t just about hitting companies financially, it’s about making our voices heard.” All these efforts yielded tangible results, as boycotts transformed from local acts of resistance into a regional movement, demonstrating that collective action can transcend borders and reshape the global discourse. In Jordan, economic resistance has become a daily act of defiance, deeply rooted in solidarity with Palestine. According to one poll , over 93 percent of Jordanians have supported boycott efforts against companies associated with the occupation since October 2023. Community groups, schools and unions have incorporated boycotts into their initiatives, fostering a culture of disassociation from complicity in oppression. Beyond Egypt and Jordan, the ripple effects of these campaigns are being felt across Lebanon, Kuwait and Tunisia. Lebanese activists have targeted cultural events and corporations like G4S , a private security firm, that are accused of enabling Israeli policies by providing equipment and services to Israeli checkpoints. Kuwait has institutionalized bans on companies linked to Israel, while in Tunisia, grassroots campaigns continue to build on the momentum of regional efforts. This interconnected resistance underscores the power of collective action, where local struggles merge with international movements, proving that economic resistance can ignite global conversations about justice. The boycott of companies like Coke and Pepsi has even transcended national boundaries, resonating across various countries. In Pakistan, local soda brands such as Cola Next and Pakola have seen a surge in popularity as consumers reject Western beverage giants, linking them symbolically to U.S. support for Israel. In Egypt, V7 Cola has gained popularity as a local alternative . Similarly Gaza Cola, introduced in the U.K. , sold out its initial production run within weeks, pledging profits to rebuild hospitals in Gaza and embodying the spirit of resistance. Meanwhile, brands like Salaam Cola in the U.K. and Palestine Drinks in Sweden are channeling their revenues into humanitarian projects in Gaza and the West Bank, reinforcing their mission to support Palestinian causes. These brands not only offer ethical choices but also underscore the growing intersection of consumer behavior and political advocacy, transforming everyday purchases into acts of solidarity. Mahmoud captured the essence of the movement, saying, “Our success isn’t measured by immediate victories but by building a sustained, unified movement that transcends borders.” His words highlight the interconnected nature of the global BDS effort, where campaigns, though rooted in local contexts, contribute to a broader, coordinated push that amplifies their collective impact. “Guided by the BDS National Committee in Ramallah, campaigns around the world coordinate efforts to maximize their influence, while preserving their grassroots foundations,” he said. “From Paris to Cairo, campaigns share strategies, messages and goals, creating a unified front that strengthens the movement’s reach.” This cooperation ensures that each action contributes to a global momentum, demonstrating that solidarity knows no borders. These modern efforts evoke the global solidarity reminiscent of the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa, where international boycotts were instrumental in dismantling injustice. The surge of boycotts across the Middle East has forced multinational corporations to confront their vulnerabilities. Companies like McDonald’s Egypt have scrambled to mitigate damage, distancing themselves from their international counterparts and pledging millions of Egyptian pounds to Gaza relief efforts. Yet these gestures have done little to reverse declining sales or placate public criticism. The economic repercussions have been undeniable on those corporations. Coke and Pepsi suffered a 7 percent sales decline in the first half of 2024 across the region. McDonald’s Egypt sales dropped by 70 percent amid the ongoing boycott over the company’s support to Israel. Starbucks Middle Eat laid off at least 2,000 employees amid declining sales after boycott efforts. The slower sales led Starbucks CEO Laxman Narasimhan to tell analysts that “We saw a negative impact to our business in the Middle East,” and that “Events in the Middle East also had an impact in the U.S., driven by misperceptions about our position.” In an attempt to repair the reputational damage in April 2024, Starbucks’ charitable arm announced a $3 million donation to World Central Kitchen to provide food aid to Gaza. In Jordan, Carrefour’s abrupt closure of all its branches further underscores the growing influence of BDS. The retailer announced on Facebook: “As of Nov. 4, 2024, Carrefour will cease all its operations in Jordan and will not continue to operate within the Kingdom.” This decision followed months of boycott campaigns accusing Carrefour of complicity in Israeli policies, including allegations of support for Israeli soldiers amid attacks on Gaza. The Jordanian BDS movement celebrated the closure as a victory for collective action and a testament to the power of ethical consumerism to challenge entrenched systems. The BDS campaign has also caused global impact. In April 2024, McDonald’s announced plans to buy back its Israeli franchise from Omri Padan, who had offered free meals to Israeli Defense troops during the Israel-Hamas conflict. Despite its power, economic resistance faces notable challenges. Critics argue that boycotts often lose momentum once initial enthusiasm fades, limiting their longterm impact. Multinational corporations, with their diverse revenue streams, can easily offset regional losses by capitalizing on gains in other markets, weakening the broader effect of localized efforts. “Boycotting must be more than a fleeting trend, it must become a lasting commitment to justice,” said Mahmoud, stressing the importance of sustained action to bring about real change. This reality means that even high-profile successes, like the closure of Carrefour outlets, may remain more symbolic than transformative on a global scale. Nevertheless, boycotts remain a powerful tool for holding corporations accountable. As Mahmoud emphasized, they do more than disrupt profits, “they mobilize communities and shed light on systemic complicity in oppression.” By redefining resistance and replacing violence with solidarity — as well as turning despair into action — these campaigns show that real change often starts with small, consistent acts of defiance. They turn everyday consumer choices into acts of protest and show that solidarity, when multiplied, can challenge violence and inspire a shared vision for justice. Ultimately, they prove that, even in the face of injustice, ordinary people can drive extraordinary change.
CooperCompanies Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Results
Aldeyra Therapeutics, Inc ( NASDAQ:ALDX – Get Free Report ) crossed below its 50 day moving average during trading on Friday . The stock has a 50 day moving average of $5.07 and traded as low as $4.83. Aldeyra Therapeutics shares last traded at $4.94, with a volume of 362,371 shares. Aldeyra Therapeutics Trading Down 1.6 % The business has a fifty day moving average of $5.07 and a two-hundred day moving average of $4.79. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.18, a quick ratio of 6.80 and a current ratio of 6.80. Aldeyra Therapeutics ( NASDAQ:ALDX – Get Free Report ) last issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday, November 7th. The biotechnology company reported ($0.25) earnings per share for the quarter, meeting the consensus estimate of ($0.25). Equities analysts forecast that Aldeyra Therapeutics, Inc will post -0.92 EPS for the current year. Institutional Investors Weigh In On Aldeyra Therapeutics About Aldeyra Therapeutics ( Get Free Report ) Aldeyra Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on the development of novel therapies with the potential to improve the lives of patients with immune-mediated diseases. Two of the company’s lead compounds, reproxalap and ADX-629, target reactive aldehyde species (RASP), which are elevated in ocular and systemic inflammatory disease, leading to elevated levels of cytokine release via activation of a broad array of inflammatory factors, including NF-κB, inflammasomes, and Scavenger Receptor A. See Also Receive News & Ratings for Aldeyra Therapeutics Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Aldeyra Therapeutics and related companies with's FREE daily email newsletter .Columbia, a perennial football loser, wins Ivy League title for first time since 1961
Former US President Jimmy Carter dies at 100Dolphins defense comes up big without Tagovailoa as Fins stomp Browns, keep playoff hopes alive
Share Tweet Share Share Email Predictive analytics, a subset of advanced analytics, uses statistical algorithms, machine learning techniques, and data mining to analyze historical data and make predictions about future outcomes. In finance, this approach has become a cornerstone for enhancing decision-making, reducing risks, and identifying opportunities. But how does predictive analytics contribute to financial health? And why is seeing the big picture crucial ? The Importance of Financial Health Financial health reflects the stability and sustainability of an individual, business, or economy. For individuals, it entails consistent income, manageable debt, and savings for future needs. For businesses, financial health involves maintaining profitability, ensuring liquidity, and managing risks effectively. Predictive analytics provides tools to assess, monitor, and improve these aspects by offering data-driven insights. Why Predictive Analytics Matters in Financial Management Proactive Decision-Making: Instead of reacting to financial issues, predictive analytics allows entities to anticipate and mitigate problems before they escalate. Risk Management: By analyzing historical patterns, businesses can identify potential risks and devise strategies to counteract them. Optimized Investments: Insights derived from predictive models can help optimize investment decisions, ensuring maximum returns. Key Applications of Predictive Analytics in Financial Health Credit Scoring and Risk Assessment Credit scoring is one of the most common applications of predictive analytics in finance. By evaluating historical borrowing and repayment data, predictive models can determine the likelihood of a borrower defaulting on a loan. Furthermore, This information helps lenders make informed decisions, minimizing potential losses. For example, financial institutions use machine learning models to evaluate creditworthiness by considering multiple factors, such as income, credit history, and spending habits. These models go beyond traditional credit scoring methods, providing a comprehensive risk profile for borrowers. Fraud Detection Financial fraud poses a significant threat to individuals and organizations alike. Predictive analytics plays a pivotal role in identifying unusual patterns that may indicate fraudulent activities. Machine learning algorithms analyze vast amounts of transactional data, flagging anomalies in real time. For instance, if a credit card is suddenly used in a different country or for unusually large purchases, predictive models can detect these anomalies and trigger alerts. This proactive approach enhances security and reduces financial losses. Portfolio Management Investors and portfolio managers rely on predictive analytics to make data-driven decisions. By analyzing market trends, economic indicators, and historical performance, predictive models provide insights into the future performance of assets. This enables better asset allocation, diversification, and risk management. For example, robo-advisors use predictive analytics to recommend personalized investment strategies based on an investor’s goals, risk tolerance, and financial situation. These automated tools make investing accessible and efficient. Cash Flow Forecasting Accurate cash flow management is vital for businesses to ensure liquidity and avoid financial crises. Predictive analytics helps companies forecast cash inflows and outflows by analyzing historical data, seasonal trends, and market conditions. This foresight allows businesses to plan expenditures, manage debts, and seize growth opportunities effectively. Personal Financial Planning Individuals can leverage predictive analytics for budgeting and long-term financial planning. In as much as, Tools like budgeting apps and financial planning software use predictive models to analyze spending habits and forecast future financial needs. These insights empower users to make informed decisions, save effectively, and achieve financial goals. The Role of Data in Predictive Analytics Data is the backbone of predictive analytics. Without accurate and comprehensive data, predictive models cannot deliver reliable insights. In financial health, data sources include: Historical Financial Data: Past transactions, income statements, and balance sheets provide the foundation for analysis. Market Trends: Economic indicators, stock market data, and industry trends help predict future scenarios. Behavioral Data: Insights into consumer behavior, such as spending habits and preferences , enrich predictive models. Challenges in Implementing Predictive Analytics Data Quality and Accessibility The accuracy of predictive models depends on the quality of data. Incomplete, outdated, or biased data can lead to flawed predictions. Additionally, accessing sensitive financial data often involves navigating complex privacy regulations and security concerns. Integration with Existing Systems Implementing predictive analytics requires integrating advanced tools with existing financial systems. This process can be challenging and time-consuming, especially for organizations with legacy systems. Expertise and Costs Building and maintaining predictive models demand skilled data scientists and significant investments in technology. Moreover, For smaller businesses or individuals, these costs can be prohibitive. Best Practices for Leveraging Predictive Analytics Define Clear Objectives Identify specific financial goals and align predictive analytics efforts with these objectives. Whether it’s reducing credit risks, improving savings, or optimizing investments, clarity in goals ensures effective implementation. Invest in Quality Data Ensure access to accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date data. Implement robust data governance practices to maintain data integrity and compliance. Embrace Automation Automation simplifies predictive analytics processes, making them more accessible and efficient. Tools like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can automate data analysis, model building, and insights generation. Monitor and Update Models Predictive models must evolve with changing market conditions and new data. Thus, Regular monitoring and updates ensure models remain relevant and reliable. Future Trends in Predictive Analytics for Financial Health The field of predictive analytics continues to evolve, driven by advancements in technology and increasing demand for data-driven insights. Key trends include: Integration with Artificial Intelligence AI-powered predictive analytics can process vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds, uncovering deeper insights and enhancing accuracy. Additionally, AI-driven tools like natural language processing and deep learning are expected to revolutionize financial analytics. Real-Time Analytics Real-time predictive analytics enables faster decision-making by providing immediate insights. This capability is particularly valuable in volatile markets or fraud detection scenarios. Increased Accessibility As technology becomes more affordable, predictive analytics tools are becoming accessible to small businesses and individuals. Furthermore, This democratization of analytics empowers more users to benefit from data-driven insights. Conclusion Predictive analytics is transforming financial health by enabling proactive decision-making, enhancing risk management, and optimizing financial strategies. Additionally, By seeing the big picture, individuals and businesses can navigate uncertainties, seize opportunities, and achieve sustainable growth. While challenges exist, the future of predictive analytics in finance holds immense potential, promising greater accessibility, efficiency, and impact. Furthermore, Embracing this innovative approach is not just an option—it’s a necessity for thriving in an increasingly data-driven world. Related Items: Offload Real-Time Analytics , Predictive Analytics for Financial Health , Seeing the Big Picture Share Tweet Share Share Email Recommended for you Offload Real-Time Analytics from MongoDB Using Elasticsearch Comments
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