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NAMI Minnesota announces four new board members at annual conferenceAP Trending SummaryBrief at 2:21 p.m. EST
The NNPC Ltd stated that it has successfully re-streamed the Port Harcourt Refining Company as promised The development marks the start of the plant's processing of crude oil and the introduction of petroleum products into the market Mele Kyari claimed that the commencement of the loadout activities is the start of a new era of energy independence PAY ATTENTION: Got a Minute? Complete Our Quick Survey About Today! journalist Zainab Iwayemi has 5-year-experience covering the Economy, Technology, and Capital Market. The NNPC Ltd claimed it has fulfilled its pledge of re-streaming the Port Harcourt Refining Company (PHRC). In a statement on its X page signed by Olufemi soneye, the Chief Corporate Communications Officer, NNPC limited, it stated that the development signals the commencement of crude oil processing from the plant and delivery of petroleum products into the market. The corporation claims that on Tuesday, November 2024, trucks started loading petroleum products, such as Household Kerosene (HHK) or kerosene, Automotive Gas Oil (AGO) or diesel, and Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) or gasoline. Other product slates will also be shipped. Read also Port Harcourt Refinery: Tinubu mentions Buhari, others involved PAY ATTENTION: Needs Your Help! Take our Survey Now and See Improvements at LEGIT.NG Tomorrow According to Mr. Mele Kyari, the start of the loadout operations marks a significant milestone for Nigeria and the beginning of a new age of energy independence and economic expansion for the nation. The GCEO expressed special gratitude to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu , GCFR, for his steadfast support and understanding of the rehabilitation project as well as his perseverance in securing the nation's energy security. Kyari also sent his sincere gratitude to the Board of Directors of NNPC Ltd. and the whole workforce for their dedication and support, which culminated in the refinery's streaming. In spite of all the difficulties, he also praised the contractors for their excellent work in making sure the refinery was delivered. In his remarks, the Chief Executive of the Nigerian Midstream & Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA), Farouk Ahmed congratulated the NNPC Ltd. for the milestone and assured of his agency’s continued support towards the completion of rehabilitation work at the other refineries. Read also NNPC Fuel: Former Presidential Aspirant Speaks on Port Harcourt Refinery Commencement Port Harcourt refinery finally commences crude oil production reported that Crude oil processing has now begun at Rivers State's Port Harcourt Refining Company (PHRC) Ltd. Femi Soneye, the chief corporate communications officer for the state-owned oil company, verified this information via his X handle with a video of the refiinery. Soneye said truck loading will also commence on Tuesday (today), November 26th 2024. PAY ATTENTION : Needs Your Opinion! That's your chance to change your favourite news media. Fill in a short questionnaire Source:
Jin’s Brother Is Living His Best Life As A BTS FanboyPro Picks: Saquon Barkley and Derrick Henry go head-to-head in matchup of top 2 rushing leadersSemester 2 registration is open at Saskatchewan’s Distance Learning Centre. Sask DLC is a fully accredited online school that offers Kindergarten to Grade 12 education to Saskatchewan students of all ages and backgrounds. The straightforward school supply list includes a computer with internet access and, as part of the computer or as an add-on, a mouse, microphone, and webcam. Students also need headphones/earbuds, a scanner/cell phone camera for submitting work, a printer and paper, along with standard supplies such as pens/pencils, an eraser, ruler, scissors, markers, geometry set, binders, and paper or notebooks. New courses in practical and applied arts and elective courses will give students greater opportunities to explore their interests or try something new and see if it sparks their curiosity. Tourism 10 and 20 courses will introduce students to food and beverage, accommodation, recreation and entertainment, transportation and travel services. Tourism 10 provides the theoretical component necessary for Tourism 20. Tourism 20, newly available in Semester 2, provides more theory and is coupled with a work placement. Other new courses available in Semester 2 include Energy and Mines – Oil & Gas 20 and Football Skills 10. Students enrolling in Energy and Mines 20 will learn about energy exploration, production and environmental stewardship practices, as well as industry trends, safety, economic impacts and technological advancements. This course, available in Semester 2 only, provides 50 hours of online theory and a 50-hour work placement. Football Skills 10, one of the courses offered as part of a grouping of unique electives, will introduce students to the basic concepts of football. They will explore the elements and rules of tackle, touch and flag football while developing fitness levels, mental training and leadership skills. Students will examine the importance of basic training, conditioning, nutrition and mental wellness in developing an athlete. They will learn about game strategy and tactics, individual and team goal setting, leadership, communication and team building, sportsmanship and fair play and have the opportunity to explore pathways in football beyond high school. Football 20 and 30 are expected to be available in the 2025-26 school year. Also, Baseball 10, 20, and 30 are part of the unique electives grouping. Whether new to baseball or having some experience, students will find that these courses cater to all skill levels. Starting with the basics and rules, students progress to intermediate topics like statistics and metrics for athlete development and can explore non-playing careers such as coaching, umpiring, recruiting, and broadcasting. Baseball 30 will be available in Semester 2. Sask Polytech provided high school students taking online automotive courses, with the opportunity to get practical, hands-on learning in the automotive mechanical field, through a one-day learning camp at the Sask Polytech Saskatoon Campus. Sask DLC and Sask Polytech learning camps provide students from across the province with opportunities to learn about potential career paths and make informed choices for their future beyond high school. The camps allow students to either confirm their current career aspirations or discover new ones. Students got a preview of the Automotive Service Technician certificate program and apprenticeship training options available at Sask Polytech. “Sask Polytech is excited to support students interested in pursuing a career in the automotive industry,” Sask Polytech President and CEO Dr. Larry Rosia said in a News Release. “High school students can gain numerous benefits from exploring the trades and participating in the camp. It is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the automotive industry and to learn about the Automotive Service Technician program.” Interest among students in Sask DLC’s Mechanical and Automotive courses continues to increase. More than 300 students registered for Mechanical and Automotive courses, including 168 with work placements so far this school year. Last year, 124 students registered in Mechanical and Automotive 10, 20 or 30-level courses, completing more than 4,500 work placement hours. An additional 98 students took the introductory theory-only course. Sask DLC offers five Mechanical and Automotive courses for students across the province, including a 10-level introductory course where students can choose to do full-online theory or participate in 75 hours of online theory with a 25-hour work placement. At the 20-and-30- level each course is a combination of 50 hours of online theory and 50 hours of an in-person work placement at a local business. Students participating in the optional learning camp at Sask Polytech will earn six credit hours toward their work placement requirement. Student work placements are possible due to a partnership between Sask DLC and the Saskatchewan Automobile Dealers Association (SADA). Through this partnership, students are provided with opportunities to complete their work placement at a SADA member dealership. This partnership provides students with work placement opportunities near their home community and supports the automotive sector’s recruitment of future qualified employees to serve the industry. These courses complement several other 35 Sask DLC trades courses with work placements or hands-on learning opportunities available to students including Agriculture Equipment Technician, Autobody, Construction and Carpentry, Electrical, Energy and Mines - Oil and Gas, Parts Technician, Power Engineering, Precision Agriculture, Tourism, and Welding. Sask DLC’s Mechanical and Automotive, and other courses are open for semester 2 registration. Courses are available to full-time Sask DLC students and high school students attending local schools throughout the province to supplement their in-person learning. High school students can contact their local school administrator or guidance counsellor for help registering. Learn more about all online courses with work placements available through Sask DLC at .
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BAKU, Azerbajdzsán--(BUSINESS WIRE)--dec. 11, 2024-- Az Xsolla videojáték-kereskedelemmel foglalkozó globális vállalat stratégiai együttműködést jelentett be a StarNesttel és Azerbajdzsán Innovációs és Digitális Fejlesztési Ügynökségével (IDDA) az Xsolla StarNest Academy és Incubator program létrehozása érdekében. Ez a transzformatív együttműködés a régió legnagyobb játékfesztiválján, a Gamesummit Winter Edition 2024-en került bemutatásra az azerbajdzsáni Bakuban. Ez a sajtóközlemény multimédia-tartalommal rendelkezik. A teljes tartalmat itt találja: (Graphic: Xsolla) A Gamesummit Winter Edition 2024 rávilágított az azerbajdzsáni játékipar növekedésére, ahol megvitatták a trendeket, a legjobb globális gyakorlatokat, valamint bemutatták a helyi fejlesztésű játékokat. A fesztiválon az IDDA és az Xsolla felfedte a helyi fejlesztők, játéktervezők és stúdiók számára a legmodernebb képzési, inkubációs és gyorsítóprogramokat, illetve a pénzügyi és technológiai erőforrásokhoz való hozzáférést. Ez a partnerség újradefiniálja Azerbajdzsán globális játékiparban betöltött szerepét miközben előmozdítja a helyi tehetségeket és az innovációt. „Ez az együttműködés a lehetőségek széles tárházát nyitja meg olyan közös projektek megvalósítására, amelyek Azerbajdzsán játékszektorának fejlődését ösztönzik” – árulta el Jevgenyija Bikmurzina, az IDDA innovációs ökoszisztéma osztályának vezetője. „Az azerbajdzsáni játékstúdiók hozzáférhetnek a globális piacon való érvényesüléshez szükséges eszközökhöz és erőforrásokhoz.” „Ez a partnerség jelentős mérföldkövet jelent az Xsolla számára, mivel az azerbajdzsáni vezetőkkel együttműködve kiaknázzuk a régió potenciálját” – nyilatkozta Rytis Joseph Jan, az Xsolla Globális Stratégiai Partnerségekért felelős alelnöke. „Globális szakértelmünk és partnereink jövőbe tekintő vezetésének ötvözésével célunk, hogy megerősítsük az azerbajdzsáni tehetségek következő generációját, és globális hatással bíró, jelentőségteljes innovációt ösztönözzünk.” Xsolla Incubator és Accelerator Azerbajdzsánban Az Xsolla Incubator és Accelerator támogatja az azerbajdzsáni játékfejlesztő közösséget azáltal, hogy különféle eszközöket, mentorálást és erőforrásokat biztosít az ötletek sikeres projektekké alakításához. Az Incubator segít a korai szakaszban lévő fejlesztőknek a koncepciók finomításában, a technikai szakértelem megszerzésében, valamint a nemzetközi szakértőkkel való együttműködésben. Az Accelerator segítséget nyújt a bejáratott stúdióknak projektjeik méretezésében, és hozzáférést biztosít a finanszírozáshoz, a mentoráláshoz, illetve a globális iparági kapcsolatokhoz. E programok célja, hogy Azerbajdzsánt a játékipar kulcsszereplőjévé tegyék, lehetőséget teremtve a helyi tehetségek számára, hogy globális sikereket érjenek el. Az Xsolla StarNest Academy Az Xsolla StarNest Academy 90 fiatalnak biztosít speciális képzést a játékfejlesztés terén. Emellett 2025-ben elindul az ún. inkubációs program a helyi játékstúdiók támogatására, amely nemzetközi szakértők mentorálását, pénzügyi forrásokhoz való hozzáférést és a játékok globális bemutatásának lehetőségeit kínálja. A StarNest nevű azerbajdzsáni távközlési vállalat erőfeszítéseket fog tenni az Akadémia számára kijelölt létesítmény biztosítására, amellyel növekedést és tanulást elősegítő környezetet teremt. Az IDDA stratégiai felügyeletet kínál a kezdeményezésnek az azerbajdzsáni nemzeti digitális átalakítási célokhoz való igazítása érdekében. Regionális központ Az Xsolla azt is vizsgálja, hogyan hozhat létre egy közép-ázsiai regionális központot Bakuban, hogy tovább támogassa a régió közössége és játékfejlesztői iránti elkötelezettségét. Nemcsak regionális, hanem technológiai központként is szolgál majd az iparág vezető megoldásainak élvonalbeli fejlesztéséhez és támogatásához. Az Xsolla - StarNest partnerség új fejezetet nyit majd Azerbajdzsán játékszektorában, tükrözve azt a közös jövőképet, hogy az országot regionális játékfejlesztési és digitális innovációs vezetőként pozícionálják. Ez az úttörő együttműködés előkészíti a terepet ahhoz, hogy Azerbajdzsán a játékinnováció és a tehetségfejlesztés központjává váljon. További információért látogasson el a következő weboldalra: Amit az Xsolláról tudni érdemes: Az Xsolla videójátékok értékesítésével foglalkozó globális vállalat, amely kifejezetten a videójáték-ipar számára tervezett nagy teljesítményű és hatékony eszközökkel rendelkezik. 2005-ös alapítása óta az Xsolla többezer játékfejlesztőnek és mindenféle méretű kiadónak segített játékaik finanszírozásában, piacra dobásában és értékesítésében globálisan és számos platformon. A videójáték-kereskedelem innovatív vezetőjeként az Xsolla küldetése a globális terjesztés, marketing és értékesítés összetett feladatának megoldása, hogy ezáltal segítse partnereit a szélesebb földrajzi terület és a magasabb bevétel elérésében, valamint abban, hogy kapcsolatba lépjenek a világ különböző pontjain lévő játékosokkal. A vállalat székhelye a kaliforniai Los Angelesben található, de irodája van Londonban, Berlinben, Szöulban, Pekingben, Kuala Lumpurban, Raleigh-ben, Tokióban, Montreálban és más városokban szerte a világon. További információkért és hírekért látogasson el a következő weboldalra: Az Innovációs és Digitális Fejlesztési Ügynökségről (IDDA) Az IDDA (Innovation and Digital Development Agency) egy digitális diplomáciára és elemzésekre szakosodott azerbajdzsáni kormányhivatal, amely kutatást, képzést és tanácsadást nyújt az intézmények digitális jelenlétének fokozása érdekében. A digitális eszközökön és az adatelemzésen keresztül kulcsszerepet játszik a modern diplomáciai stratégiák alakításában. További információért látogasson el az weboldalra A StarNest-ről A StarNest Azerbajdzsáni vezető távközlési vállalata, amely internetes és hálózati megoldásokat kínál, köztük szélessávú szolgáltatásokat, vállalati csatlakozást és informatikai infrastruktúra támogatást. A StarNest elkötelezett a technológiai növekedés és a digitális átalakulás lehetővé tétele mellett Azerbajdzsánban. További információért látogasson el a weboldalra A GameSummit-ról A GameSummit a játékipar fejlesztésére összpontosító kiemelkedő szervezet Azerbajdzsánban. Olyan eseményeken keresztül, mint a Gamesummit Winter és Summer Editions, lehetőségeket teremt a helyi játékstúdiók számára, elősegíti az innovációt, és felhívja a figyelmet a játékokban és az esportban rejlő karrierlehetőségekre. További információért látogasson el a weboldalra E közlemény hivatalos, mérvadó változata az eredeti forrásnyelven közzétett szöveg. A fordítás csak az olvasó kényelmét szolgálja, és összevetendo a forrásnyelven írt szöveggel, amely az egyetlen jogi érvénnyel bíró változat. Forrásverzió a címen: CONTACT: Médiakapcsolat Derrick Stembridge Az Xsolla Public Relations igazgatója KEYWORD: AZERBAIJAN ASIA PACIFIC INDUSTRY KEYWORD: TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONIC GAMES PAYMENTS FINANCE ENTERTAINMENT FINTECH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SOFTWARE TRAINING EDUCATION SOURCE: Xsolla Copyright Business Wire 2024. PUB: 12/11/2024 02:35 PM/DISC: 12/11/2024 02:35 PM
A month after the attempted assassination of Komil Allamjonov, the former deputy head of the Presidential Administration, several people have reportedly been detained and a host of security officials have resigned or been fired. The continued evolution of the case – and what remains unsaid publicly but chattered about privately – hints at an intra-elite struggle beneath the surface of Uzbekistan’s decidedly opaque political waters. According to the Uzbek Prosecutor General’s Office seven people have been identified as involved in the attempted assassination of Allamjonov on October 26, five of whom were detained soon after the attack. Two others – “K.S.” and Javlon Yunusov – were placed on wanted lists. In a November 25 Telegram statement, the Prosecutor General’s Office said K.S. was located in Kazakhstan and “investigative actions were carried out with his participation.” Yunusov, only suspect whose full name has been published by the authorities, was detained in South Korea earlier in November . In its November 25 statement, the Prosecutor General’s Office reported that he had been extradited back to Uzbekistan. The day after the attack on Allamjonov, a pair of men appeared in a video that circulated through Uzbek social media claiming to be the triggermen. To make matters even more strange, they claimed that it was all a set up – feeding a rumor that had begun circulating that the assassination attempt had, bizarrely, been orchestrated by Allamjonov himself, or as the men said “in the best interest of [Allamjonov].” A well-placed source told The Diplomat that Allamjonov has been subject to a virulent smear campaign for months, adding the rumor that the assassination attempt was a “PR stunt” to others already in the ether as evidence of the involvement of a higher authority – what the source deemed “the office” and which other media have characterized as an alleged “deep state.” RFE/RL’s Uzbek Service, Ozodlik, reported the identities of the men in the video as Shokhrukh Ahmedov and Ismoil Jahongirov . Both names had been provided to The Diplomat in late October by a source that linked them, as Ozodlik did, to an assassination attempt on critics of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov in Turkiye in 2021. Ozodlik reported that Ahmedov was a “bodyguard and driver” for Yunusov, who has a colorful criminal history of his own including fraud and assault and is listed as the founder of 18 companies in Tashkent, some of which involve pharmaceuticals. The two triggermen reportedly drove from Tashkent to Fergana and ditched their car outside a cafe named Seoul. The cafe is reportedly owned by the family of Natalya Fen, the daughter of the late Vitaly Fen, a former ambassador of Uzbekistan to South Korea and, allegedly, Yunusov’s common-law wife. Some media reports stated that Fen has also been arrested; others said that she was questioned and released. The Prosecutor General’s Office has not provided a complete list of those detained in connection with the assassination attempt (though it has lectured the media on reporting anything other than official statements on the case). Most critically, Ozodlik’s sources claimed that Yunusov “is the Fergana Valley ‘right-hand man’ of Otabek Umarov.” Otabek Umarov is, among other things, the deputy head of the Uzbek presidential security service and President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s son-in-law (he’s married to Mirziyoyev’s youngest daughter Shakhnoza). Ozodlik’s sources say that Umarov is connected to “the office.” The Diplomat’s sources allege he is at its center. As the investigation progressed, a number of high-level security officials in Tashkent have lost or left their jobs. These include the head of the State Security Service, Abdusalom Azizov ; the head of the State Security Service’s Internal Security Directorate, Alijon Ashurov, and his brother, Sarvar, an aide to Uzbekistan’s prime minister; the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ criminal investigation service, Akhrorjon Adkhamov; First Deputy Chief of the Tashkent Main Department of Internal Affairs Doniyor Tashkhojayev; and Timur Sobirov, the head of the Organized Crime Department in Tashkent. In a November 26 report, Ozodlik stated that “on the evening of November 25, it became known that Otabek Umarov had been dismissed from the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Security Service. This happened on the day of Javlon Yunusov’s extradition from South Korea.” That has not yet been reported elsewhere. What was being reported on November 25 in various Uzbek media was that President Mirziyoyev had been elected chairman of Uzbekistan’s National Olympic Committee and that Umarov – already vice president of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) for the Central Asian region – had been elected as the first deputy chairman. Uzbekistan’s National Olympic Committee shared a picture of Umarov attending the committee’s assembly. There are more questions than answers at this juncture and more than a few missing pieces. Critically, what hasn’t been stated by officials is a motive for the assassination attempt. Allamajonov had recently stepped down from his government job at the time. Much of his career trajectory since 2016 was in lock-step with that of Mirziyoyev’s eldest daughter, Saida Mirziyoyeva, until August 2023 when she was appointed assistant to the president , the highest position in the presidential administration after the president. Sources, Ozodlik’s and The Diplomat’s alike, point to a battle between Allamjonov on one side and Umarov and “the office” on the other. The roots and exact contours, mired in the murk and muck of rumor, are difficult to discern, let alone verify. But there’s something stirring under the water.COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A fight broke out at midfield after Michigan stunned No. 2 Ohio State 13-10 on Saturday as Wolverines players attempted to plant their flag and were met by Buckeyes who confronted them. Police had to use pepper spray to break up the players, who threw punches and shoves in the melee that overshadowed the rivalry game. Ohio State police said in a statement “multiple officers representing Ohio and Michigan deployed pepper spray.” Ohio State police will investigate the fight, according to the statement. After the Ohio State players confronted their bitter rivals at midfield, defensive end Jack Sawyer grabbed the top of the Wolverines' flag and ripped it off the pole as the brawl moved toward the Michigan bench. Eventually, police officers rushed into the ugly scene. Ohio State coach Ryan Day said he understood the actions of his players. “There are some prideful guys on our team who weren't going to sit back and let that happen,” Day said. The two Ohio State players made available after the game brushed off questions about it. Michigan running back Kalel Mullings, who rushed for 116 yards and a touchdown, didn't like how the Buckeyes players involved themselves in the Wolverines' postgame celebration. He called it “classless.” “For such a great game, you hate to see stuff like that after the game," he said in an on-field interview with Fox Sports. “It’s just bad for the sport, bad for college football. But at the end of the day, you know some people got to — they got to learn how to lose, man. ... We had 60 minutes, we had four quarters, to do all that fighting.” Michigan coach Sherrone Moore said everybody needs to do better. “So much emotions on both sides," he said. "Rivalry games get heated, especially this one. It’s the biggest one in the country, so we got to handle that better.” Get poll alerts and updates on the AP Top 25 throughout the season. Sign up here . AP college football: and Cymru faces ‘day of reckoning’ on draft budget, says MS
The expanded Big Ten is poised to be a major player in this season's College Football Playoff. The 18-team conference had three of the top-four teams in the AP poll this week — No. 1 Oregon, No. 2 Ohio State and No. 4 Penn State. A one-loss Indiana team is ranked 10th but is still very much a contender to make the playoff, given how many Southeastern Conference teams have three defeats or more. Indiana's rise has been perhaps the Big Ten's biggest story this season. Much of the spotlight was on newcomers Oregon, Southern California, UCLA and Washington, but aside from the top-ranked Ducks, that foursome has struggled to impress. Meanwhile, the Hoosiers won their first 10 games under new coach Curt Cignetti before losing at Ohio State last weekend. Oregon beat Ohio State 32-31 back in October, and if the Buckeyes beat rival Michigan this weekend, they'll earn a rematch with the Ducks for the Big Ten title. And it's entirely possible another matchup between those two teams awaits in the CFP. Dillon Gabriel has quarterbacked Oregon to an unbeaten record, throwing for 3,066 yards and 22 touchdowns in 11 games. But don't overlook Iowa's Kaleb Johnson and his 21 rushing TDs, and quarterback Kurtis Rourke has been a big part of Indiana's improvement. Penn State's Abdul Carter has eight sacks and two forced fumbles and could be one of the top edge rushers drafted this year. Oregon (11-0, 8-0), Ohio State (10-1, 7-1), Penn State (10-1, 7-1), Indiana (10-1, 7-1), Illinois (8-3, 5-3), Iowa (7-4, 5-3), Michigan (6-5, 4-4), Minnesota (6-5, 4-4), Washington (6-5, 4-4), Southern California (6-5, 4-5), Nebraska (6-5, 3-5) and Rutgers (6-5, 3-5) have already reached the six-win mark for bowl eligibility. Michigan State (5-6, 3-5) and Wisconsin (5-6, 3-5) can join them. There may not be many firings in general at the top level of college football. The prospect of sharing revenue with athletes in the future might lead schools to be more judicious about shedding one coach and hiring a new one. Who should be most worried in the Big Ten? Well, Lincoln Riley is struggling to stay above .500 in his third season at USC. Purdue is 1-10, but coach Ryan Walters is only in his second season. Maryland's Mike Locksley has been there six years and his Terrapins are 4-7, but this was his first real step backward after guiding the team to three straight bowl wins. Cignetti has shown it is possible for a coaching change to push a previously moribund program to some impressive heights in a short amount of time — but the improvement has been more incremental at Michigan State following Jonathan Smith's arrival. Sherrone Moore wasn't a completely unknown commodity at Michigan after he won some massive games in place of a suspended Jim Harbaugh last year. But in his first season completely at the helm, the Wolverines have declined significantly following their national title a season ago. The Big Ten is home to one of the most dynamic freshmen in the country in Ohio State receiver Jeremiah Smith. He has 52 catches for 899 yards and nine touchdowns. Highly touted quarterback Dylan Raiola has teamed up with fellow freshman Jacory Barney (49 catches) to lead Nebraska to bowl eligibility. Ohio State is on track to land the Big Ten's top class, according to 247 Sports, but the big news recently was quarterback Bryce Underwood flipping from LSU to Michigan. If the Wolverines do in fact keep Underwood in his home state, that would be a big development for Moore. Get local news delivered to your inbox!None
Yankees slugger Aaron Judge easily wins second AL MVP AwardMichigan, Ohio State fight broken up with police pepper spray after Wolverines stun Buckeyes 13-10Two senior members of the federal cabinet were in Florida Friday pushing Canada’s new border plan with Donald Trump’s transition team, a day after Trudeau himself appeared to finally push back at the president-elect over his social media posts about turning Canada into the 51st state. Both Trudeau and former Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney, who Trudeau has been courting to become Canada’s next finance minister, shared posts on X Thursday, a day after Trump’s latest jab at Canada in his Christmas Day message. It isn’t clear if Finance Minister Dominic LeBlanc, who has repeatedly insisted Trump’s 51st state references are a joke, will raise the issue with Trump’s team when he and Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly meet with them in Palm Beach. The two are there to discuss Canada’s new $1.3 billion border plan with just under four weeks left before Trump is sworn in again as president. He has threatened to impose a new 25 per cent import tariff on Canada and Mexico the same day over concerns about a trade imbalance, as well as illegal drugs and migration issues at the borders. The broad strokes of Canada’s plan were made public Dec. 17, including a new aerial intelligence task force to provide round-the-clock surveillance of the border, and improved efforts using technology and canine teams to seek out drugs in shipments leaving Canada LeBlanc’s spokesman, Jean-Sébastien Comeau, said the ministers will also emphasize the negative impacts of Trump’s threatened tariffs on both Canada and the U.S. Comeau said the ministers will build on the discussions that took place last month when Trudeau and LeBlanc met Trump at Mar-a-Lago just days after Trump first made his tariff threat. It was at that dinner on Nov. 29 when Trump first raised the notion of Canada becoming the 51st state, a comment LeBlanc has repeatedly since insisted was just a joke. But Trump has continued the quip repeatedly in various social media posts, including in his Christmas Day message when he said Canadians would pay lower taxes and have better military protection if they became Americans. He has taken to calling Trudeau “governor” instead of prime minister. Trudeau had not directly responded to any of the jabs, but on Thursday posted a link to a six-minute long video on YouTube from 2010 in which American journalist Tom Brokaw “explains Canada to Americans.” The video, which originally aired during the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, explains similarities between the two countries, including their founding based on immigration, their trading relationship and the actions of the Canadian Army in World War 2 and other modern conflicts. “In the long history of sovereign neighbours there has never been a relationship as close, productive and peaceful as the U.S. and Canada,” Brokaw says in the video. Trudeau did not expand about why he posted a link to the video, posting it only with the words “some information about Canada for Americans.” Carney, who is at the centre of some of Trudeau’s recent domestic political troubles, also called out Trump’s antics on X Thursday, calling it “casual disrespect” and “carrying the ‘joke’ too far.” “Time to call it out, stand up for Canada, and build a true North American partnership,” said Carney, who Trudeau was courting to join his cabinet before Chrystia Freeland resigned as finance minister last week. Freeland’s sudden departure, three days after Trudeau informed her he would be firing her as finance minister in favour of Carney, left Trudeau’s leadership even more bruised than it already was. Despite the expectation Carney would assume the role, he did not and has not made any statements about it. LeBlanc was sworn in as finance minister instead the same day Freeland quit. More than two dozen Liberal MPs have publicly called on Trudeau to resign as leader, and Trudeau is said to be taking the holidays to think about his next steps. He is currently vacationing in British Columbia.