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NoneKEARNEY – The University of Nebraska at Kearney hosted its winter commencement Friday, Dec. 20, at the Health and Sports Center on campus. Interim Chancellor Charlie Bicak conferred degrees for 391 graduate and undergraduate students during the ceremony and presented the annual Leland Holdt/Security Mutual Life Distinguished Faculty Award. University of Nebraska System President Dr. Jeffrey P. Gold delivered the keynote address. A first-generation college graduate, Gold became the ninth president of the NU System on July 1, 2024. He leads a university system that enrolls nearly 50,000 students and employs 16,000 faculty and staff on campuses in Lincoln, Omaha and Kearney, plus academic divisions and research and extension centers across the state. Student speaker was Emily Conrad, who graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a management emphasis. A Gretna native, Conrad was an active participant in the College of Business and Technology Living-Learning Community, serving as a mentor and leading community service events and business tours. She was also selected to help develop the College of Business and Technology Ambassadors program, representing UNK at a national conference and facilitating key events. Outside academics, she works for UNK Campus Recreation and is a member of the UNK Climbing Club. She serves on the leadership team for the Navigators campus ministry group. NU Board of Regents Vice Chair Paul Kenney also addressed the graduates. Students graduating with honors have the honors noted after their names. Honors, along with grade-point averages necessary to earn those honors, include: summa cum laude, 3.90-4.00; magna cum laude, 3.80-3.89; cum laude, 3.70-3.79; and honorable mention, 3.50-3.69. Area graduates include: ALBION: Ashley Gutierrez, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Early Childhood Inclusive, Honorable Mention AMHERST: Shelby Bramer, Master of Arts in Education, Curriculum and Instruction ANSELMO: Kaitlyn Jacquot, Bachelor of Science, Social Work Comprehensive, Summa Cum Laude ANSLEY: Brianna R. Ryan, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Special Education K-12 Field, Summa Cum Laude; Gillian Baum, Bachelor of Science, Agribusiness Comprehensive ARCHER: Catherine A. Blauhorn, Master of Arts in Education, School Principalship 7-12 AURORA: Joanna N. Rodriguez Silva, Bachelor of Arts, Modern Languages; Olivia D. Lawless, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Comp, Cum Laude; Emilie Otto, Master of Business Administration, Business Administration BRADSHAW: Josie McCormick, Bachelor of Science, Multimedia, , Magna Cum Laude BROKEN BOW: Noah Speer, Bachelor of Science, Psychobiology, Physician Assistant BURWELL: Coy Gideon, Bachelor of Arts in Education, History 7-12 Subject; Riley Sheets, Master of Arts in Education, Reading PK-12 CAIRO: Elizabeth S. Lindell, B achelor of Science, Social Work Comprehensive CALLAWAY: Wryleigh Doyle, Bachelor of Science, Biology Comprehensive, Medical; Delanie Pinkerton, Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Honorable Mention; Philip Rosfeld, Bachelor of Science in Education , Mathematics 6-12 Field, Cum Laude CENTRAL CITY: Hannah Galusha , Master of Arts, English CHAPMAN: Justine Shively, Bachelor of General Studies, General Studies, Summa Cum Laude DONIPHAN: Tate Mazour, Master of Science in Education, Clinical Mental Health Counsel, FULLERTON: Katlyn Bowman, Master of Science in Education, School Counseling Elem PK-8, GIBBON: Nathan Holcomb, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Health and PE PK-12 Field; Kelly Tovar-Hernandez, Bachelor of Science, Psychology; Avigail Corona, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Comp; Courtney Zwink, Master of Arts in Education, Kinesiology and Sport Sciences G RAND ISLAND 1: Jaden Cameron, Bachelor of Arts, Multimedia; Wade Brandenburg, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Middle Level 5-9 Subject; Chandler Hehnke, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education Field K-6, Special Education K-12 Field, Summa Cum Laude; Dillon McKinney, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Health and PE PK-12 Field, Interscholastic Coaching 7-12, Summa Cum Laude; Natalie Morgan, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education Field K-6; Johanna Mendoza, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Early Childhood Inclusive, Summa Cum Laude; McKenna Watson, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Early Childhood Inclusive; Kaitlyn Berggren, Bachelor of Science, Biology Comprehensive; Lauren Morrow, Bachelor of Science, Psychobiology, Physician Assistant, Honorable Mention; Gibrana Carbajal, Bachelor of Science, Health Sciences, Occupational Therapy; Cole Reher, Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice Comprehensive; Payton Sindelar, Bachelor of Science, Biology Comprehensive, Cardiovascular Perfusion, Honorable Mention GRAND ISLAND 2: Ahmed Ahmed, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Comp; Felix Alba, Bachelor of Science, Construction Management Comp; Jake Inthavongsa, Bachelor of Science, Computer Science Comprehensive, Magna Cum Laude; Waldemar Figueroa, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration; Oscar Richter, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration; Triston M. Timmons, Bachelor of Science, Industrial Distribution Comp; Madison Webster, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Honorable Mention; Kristina Antillon, Bachelor of Science, Family Science; Carlos Duran, Bachelor of Science in Education, Biology 7-12 Subject; Georgia Clerc, Bachelor of Science in Education, Middle Level 5-9 Subject; Sydney Hespe, Master of Arts in Education, School Principalship Pre-K-8; Nicholas A. Leiting , Master of Arts in Education, Curriculum and Instruction; Breanna Salinas, Master of Arts in Education, School Principalship Pre-K-8; Tonia Schmall, Master of Arts in Education, School Principalship Pre-K-8; Brooke Nelson, Master of Science in Education, Clinical Mental Health Counsel HASTINGS: Katelyn Cecrle, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Art PK-12 Field, Honorable Mention; Taylor Ground, Bachelor of Arts in Education, English 7-12 Subject; Isa bel Shafer, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Language Arts 7-12 Field, Honorable Mention; Elle Douglas, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education Field K-6, Summa Cum Laude; Vanessa Tran, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Early Childhood Inclusive; Gisell J. Torres, Bachelor of Science, Advertising — Public Relations; Chelsey Wiseman, Bachelor of Science, Health Sciences, Cum Laude; Kaley Brown, Bachelor of Science, Early Childhood Family Advocacy, Honorable Mention; Abigail S. Kryzsko, Master of Arts in Education, Special Education; Malena Goldenstein, Master of Science in Education, Clinical Mental Health Counsel JUNIATA: Katrina Johnsen , Master of Arts in Education, Special Education KEARNEY 1: Zachary G. J. Markussen, Bachelor of Arts, English Writing, Political Science, Magna Cum Laude; Faith Becker, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education Field K-6; Macy Crowley, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education Field K-6, Summa Cum Laude; Payton Fehringer, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education Field K-6, Magna Cum Laude; Krystal Hebb, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Early Childhood Inclusive, Summa Cum Laude; Karina Boatright, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Studio Art Comprehensive, Summa Cum Laude; Jacob Obrecht, Bachelor of Music, Music Ed PK-12 Field; Reyna Alvarado, Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice, Law; Shelby Bock, Bachelor of Science, Organizational Relational Com; Kimberleigh S. Cawley, Bachelor of Science, Biology Comprehensive, Veterinary Medicine; Mason Morhain, Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Magna Cum Laude; Meshya Moschenross, Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice; Christopher Roehrich, Bachelor of Science, Organizational Relational Com, Cum Laude; Jacob N. Sykes, Bachelor of Science, Organizational Relational Com KEARNEY 2: Carter Abels, Bachelor of Science, Construction Management Comp, Cum Laude; Megan Beck, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Recreation Management; Madeline Burton, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Comp; Dayethan Nelson, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration; Carson Schnacker, Bachelor of Science, Construction Management Comp, Honorable Mention; Sage Wilkinson, Bachelor of Science, Industrial Distribution Comp; Kiley Labs, Master of Arts in Education, Special Education; Courtney Shundoff, Master of Arts in Education, Special Education; Lindsie Thiems, Master of Arts in Education, Special Education; Donald Hjort, Master of Business Administration, Business Administration; Haley Oberbrockling, Master of Business Administration, Business Administration; Timothy Smith, Master of Business Administration, Business Administration; Staci Cahis-Sanchez, Master of Science in Education, STEM Education KENESAW: Wyatt Hansen, Bachelor of Science, Agribusiness Comprehensive LOUP CITY: Nadia VanSlyke, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education Field K-6, Summa Cum Laude MINDEN: Taylor R. Pearson, Bachelor of Science, Social Work Comprehensive; Matthew Stubbs, Master of Science in Education, Learning, Design & Technology ORD: Brett Hinrichs , Master of Business Administration, Business Administration OSCEOLA: Jadyn Johnson, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Comp, Honorable Mention; Grace K. Jakub, Bachelor of Science, Early Childhood Family Advocacy PALMER: Kennedy Doyle, Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice, Cum Laude; Jordan Earnest, Master of Arts in Education, Curriculum and Instruction PETERSBURG: Jennifer Bullard, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Early Childhood Inclusive POLK: Tanner Wood, Bachelor of Arts in Education, History 7-12 Subject, Honorable Mention RIVERDALE: Morgan Boldt, Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice, Magna Cum Laude SHELBY: Jarod Nekl, Master of Business Administration, Business Administration SHELTON: Nicholas Rhamy, Master of Science in Education, Clinical Mental Health Counsel SPALDING: Jeffrey Schmeits, Bachelor of Science, Construction Management Comp, Cum Laude; Molly Berger, Master of Arts in Education, Special Education TRUMBULL: Jessica Kleier, Master of Arts in Education, Curriculum and Instruction WOOD RIVER: Luis Trejo, Bachelor of Science Construction Management Comp; Jason Morgan, Bachelor of Science, Rec and Park Management Comp Get our local education coverage delivered directly to your inbox.
“Cassoulet, that best of bean feasts, is everyday fare for a peasant but ambrosia for a gastronome.” ~ Julia Child When winter heads our way, bringing chilly temperatures and close, dark nights, my thoughts turn to Cassoulet, the iconic comfort food from southwestern France. It has it all – juicy beans, duck leg confit, sausages and sometimes pork or lamb, slowly simmered in well-seasoned broth, then baked in a wide-mouthed, glazed terra-cotta dish called a cassole . Like any truly traditional dish, there are multiple versions, all claiming to be the “authentic one.” Cassoulet originated in southwestern France. Toulouse claims it — and so does Castelnaudary and Carcassonne — and the recipes vary. Toulouse adherents eschew adding cubed pork. Castelnaudary purists add a bit of lamb, while Carcassonne’s adds partridge. In most restaurants, cassoulets are served in an individual cassole , bubbling with hot juices,and with a bit of duck leg peeking through the top. But at Hostellerie Etienne , a vast indoor- outdoor restaurant on the edge of a forest near Castelnaudary, the cassoulets come to the table in family-size cassoles , big enough to serve two, four, six or even 10 people, so you can share the dish with your dining companions. I don’t know if Etienne’s even has a single-serving bowl size. I didn’t see one, when I was there as the guest of a bean trader from Castelnaudary. According to him, Etiennne’s has the best cassoulet anywhere, and they use the Lauragais lingot beans known as the Castelnaudary bean. Copious doesn’t begin to describe the cassoulet scene there, with stacks of cassoles lined up in Etienne’s kitchen, next to caldrons of simmering beans, ready to be filled and popped into the vast ovens. Here in the Bay Area, we have our own go-to restaurants for cassoulets. Some, like the Left Bank Brasseries in San Jose, Menlo Park, Oakland and Larkspur, and Reve Bistro in Lafayette, only serve it during the winter months as a special. (Reve will be serving cassoulet Dec. 10-14, for example, and Jan. 7-11; reserve it when you reserve your table.) Others, such as Bistro Jeanty in Yountville and Le Central in San Francisco, always have it on the menu. Both Reve Bistro and Bistro Jeanty use cassoles made by potter Kathy Kernes at her Crockett Pottery in Crockett, and they are every bit as beautiful and as practical as those you’ll find in southwestern France. Kernes’ makes cassoles in six sizes ($38-$210), ranging from individual to “extra large plus,” which is very large indeed. (Browse the possibilities at www.crockettpottery.com.) Reve Bistro offers take-out cassoulets if you pre-order the week the dish is on the menu. Pick it up — in a takeout container, not a cassole! — then heat it at home. Just note that chef-owner Paul Magu-Lecugy only makes a limited number of portions. “It’s time consuming,” he says, noting for him, it is a two-day process. Le Central’s cassoulet is one of the more elaborate around, with lamb, pork shoulder and boudin blanc, as well as the all-important duck leg confit and slightly garlicky Toulouse sausage. Left Bank uses chef-owner Roland Passot’s recipe (see below) and keeps it simple, limiting the meats to duck leg confit and Toulouse sausages. (Don’t panic. If you’re making this at home, some specialty markets sell duck confit.) The beans are key to cassoulet. Once cooked, they should not be mushy, but hold their shape after the long cooking. In France, tradition calls for either Tarbais beans, a plump, white bean, or lingot beans — a strain of cannellini beans — in making cassoulet. As Passot suggests in his recipe below, you can substitute cannellini beans or Great Northern beans. Rancho Gordo produces a variety called cassoulet , a West Coast-grown bean from the Tarbais strain. Cassoulet isn’t difficult to make. It just requires time and patience. You can make it a couple of days ahead, refrigerate it and then slowly reheat it. That way, there’s nothing to do on the day of but sip a glass of wine while the beans and meats slowly heat to bubbling. Add a green salad and some crusty bread, and you’ll have the perfect winter meal. Or put your coat on and head to one of our local restaurants, where the cooking is done for you. All you need is a reservation. Serves 6 to 8 Beans: 4 cups dried lingot beans (white kidney, cannellini or Great Northern, will all work) 1 small carrot, peeled and chopped 1 small onion, diced (about 3⁄4 cup) 1 clove garlic, chopped 1 pound slab bacon or extra thick-cut bacon, cut into 1-inch cubes 2 sprigs of thyme 1 bay leaf Cassoulet: 1⁄4 cup duck fat (lard will do in a pinch) 2 pounds pork butt cut in 2-inch cubes 1 cup onions, diced small 4 cloves garlic, chopped 1⁄4 cup tomato paste 1 small can diced tomatoes 11⁄2-2 cups reserved bean water 6 Toulouse sausages 1 small garlic sausage 4 confit duck legs, purchased or homemade (see note below) 1 cup panko bread crumbs 1 teaspoon garlic, chopped 1 tablespoon parsley, chopped 1⁄4 teaspoon fresh thyme, chopped 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil Note: If you are making your own duck confit, start the night before by rubbing the duck legs with a “green salt” mixture — kosher salt, parsley, a couple of bay leaves and thyme ground together. The next day, rinse the duck legs well, pat dry and place in an oven-safe cooking vessel with enough duck fat to cover the legs. Roast in a 225-degree oven for 21⁄2 to 3 hrs. The night before, place the beans in a deep pot and add enough water to cover by 2 inches. Let beans soak overnight. The next day, rinse the beans well. Add the rinsed beans, carrots, onions, garlic, bacon, thyme and bay leaf to cold water and cook, over low heat, until the beans are tender. Strain the beans, saving the water, and set aside the beans. In a large braising pan, melt the duck fat over medium high heat. Once the pan is hot, brown the pork butt pieces without stirring. When beginning to brown, start stirring, making sure you scrape the bottom if it starts to caramelize. The pork doesn’t need much color, but it does need to cook in the duck fat for a while. Add lots of salt and pepper. This is not a shy dish. When the pork is nice and brown on all sides, add the 1 cup onions and garlic, and sauté until the onions are soft and cooked through. Add the tomato paste, diced tomatoes and reserved liquid from the beans. Stir, using a rubber spatula to clean the side of the pot. Preheat your oven to 250 degrees. Bring the heat under the braising pan up to high. Once at a rolling boil, turn down to low heat and add all the sausages. When they are cooked through, remove and set aside. Slice the garlic sausage in half and cut into 1-inch pieces. Return the whole and sliced sausages back to the pot along with the cooked beans. Continue to cook on low heat until the pork is cooked through. Taste for seasoning; add more salt and pepper if needed. Transfer the beans and pork to a heavy, wide mouth, earthenware, clay or cast iron baking dish that can hold 5 to 6 quarts. Bake at 250 degrees for about 11⁄2 hours, checking at least every 30 minutes. It may require a bit more time. If the dish is starting to look too dry, add a small amount of reserved bean broth or chicken stock. Add warmed duck legs to the cassoulet and make a breadcrumb topping by combining the panko, garlic, parsley, thyme and extra virgin olive oil. Return the dish to the oven and continue baking until the crumbs brown on the top. — Courtesy Roland Passot, Propriétaire, Chef Culinary Officer, Vine HospitalityEquity positioning remains above average, with US stocks in lead: Deutsche Bank
WASHINGTON (AP) — FBI Director Christopher Wray told bureau workers Wednesday he plans to resign at the end of President Joe Biden's term in January, an announcement that came a week and a half after President-elect Donald Trump said he would nominate loyalist Kash Patel for the job. Wray said at a town hall meeting that he would be stepping down “after weeks of careful thought,” roughly three years short of the completion of a 10-year term during which he tried to keep the FBI out of politics even as the bureau found itself entangled in a string of explosive investigations, including two that led to separate indictments of Trump last year. Wray’s intended resignation was not unexpected considering that Trump had settled on Patel to be director and had repeatedly aired his ire at Wray, including in a television interview broadcast Sunday. But his departure is nonetheless a reflection of how Trump's norm-breaking style has reshaped Washington, with the president-elect yet again flouting tradition by moving to replace an FBI director before his term was up and Wray — by resigning before he could be fired — opting to avert a collision with the incoming Trump administration that he said would have plunged the FBI into political fighting. “My goal is to keep the focus on our mission — the indispensable work you’re doing on behalf of the American people every day,” Wray told agency employees. "In my view, this is the best way to avoid dragging the bureau deeper into the fray, while reinforcing the values and principles that are so important to how we do our work.” The resignation would clear the way for Patel's ascension, assuming he is confirmed by the Senate. A White House staffer during Trump's first term, Patel has insisted that the federal government should be rid of “conspirators” against Trump. The comments have stirred alarm that he could seek to use the FBI for retribution against perceived enemies despite longstanding guardrails meant to ensure investigations have a proper basis. It's extremely rare for FBI directors to be ousted from their jobs before the completion of their 10-year terms, a length meant to insulate the agency from the political influence of changing administrations. But Trump has done it twice, placing Wray in the job in 2017 after firing Director James Comey amid an investigation into ties between Russia and the Republican president’s campaign. Despite having appointed Wray, Trump had telegraphed his anger with the FBI director on multiple occasions. Trump said in the recent interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” that “I can’t say I’m thrilled with him. He invaded my home,” a reference to the FBI search of his Florida property , Mar-a-Lago, two years ago for classified documents from Trump’s first term as president. That search, and the recovery of boxes of sensitive government records, paved the way for one of two federal indictments against Trump. The case, and another one charging him with plotting to overturn the 2020 election, have both been dismissed. Trump applauded the resignation news on social media, calling it “a great day for America as it will end the Weaponization of what has become known as the United States Department of Injustice.” and complaining anew about the Mar-a-Lago search. Attorney General Merrick Garland, meanwhile, praised Wray for having “served our country honorably and with integrity for decades.” He said: “Under Director Wray’s principled leadership, the FBI has worked to fulfill the Justice Department’s mission to keep our country safe, protect civil rights, and uphold the rule of law.” Natalie Bara, the president of the FBI Agents Association. said in a statement Wray had led the FBI “through challenging times with a steady focus on doing the work that keeps our country safe. ” Throughout his seven years on the job, Wray brought a workmanlike approach to the job, repeatedly preaching a “keep calm and tackle hard” mantra to bureau personnel despite a steady drumbeat of attacks from Trump and his supporters. In fact, Wray was quick to distance himself and his leadership team from the FBI’s Russia investigation that was well underway when he took office. On the same day of a harshly critical inspector general report on that inquiry, Wray announced more than 40 corrective actions to the FBI’s process for applying for warrants for secret national security surveillance. He said mistakes made during the Russia inquiry were unacceptable and he helped tighten controls for investigations into candidates for federal office. FBI officials actively trumpeted those changes to make clear that Wray’s leadership had ushered in a different era at the bureau. Even then, though, Wray’s criticism of the investigation was occasionally measured — he did not agree, for instance, with Trump’s characterization of it as a “witch hunt” — and there were other instances, particularly in response to specific questions, when he memorably broke with the White House. In 2020, he said that there was “no indication” that Ukraine had interfered in the 2016 election, countering a frequent talking point at the time from Trump. When the Trump White House blessed the declassification of materials related to the surveillance of a former Trump campaign aide, Wray made known his displeasure. Wray also angered Trump for saying that antifa was a movement and an ideology but not an organization. Trump had said he would like to designate the group as a terrorist organization. Then came the FBI's Mar-a-Lago search, which officials defended as necessary given the boxes of documents that were being concealed at the Palm Beach property and the evidence of obstruction that the Justice Department said had been gathered. Trump railed against the FBI over that action and has kept up his criticism ever since, including after Wray said at a congressional hearing last summer that there was “some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel” that struck Trump's ear during an assassination attempt in Pennsylvania in July. The FBI later stated unequivocally that it was indeed a bullet. Before being named FBI director, Wray worked at a prestigious law firm, King & Spalding, where he represented former Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J., during the “Bridgegate” affair. He also led the Justice Department’s criminal division for a period during President George W. Bush’s administration.International conference in Venezuela agrees to mobilise global movement against fascismBevan Goldswain Here's a list of key deals reported this week across sectors: Oneok ( OKE ) said Sunday it agreed to acquire all remaining publicly-held units it does not already own of EnLink Midstream ( NYSE: ENLC ) for $4.3B in common stock. Grifols ( NASDAQ: GRFS ) shares fell
When the New England Patriots released wide receiver K.J. Osborn, the Pittsburgh Steelers seemed like a potential fit. Coming off the heels of George Pickens' hamstring injury, Osborn was a big-bodied wide receiver who could play outside and potentially a void. However, the Washington Commanders put in a claim for Osborn and he will head to Washington instead. Pittsburgh is after Washington on the waiver wire, so it is unknown if they put in a waiver claim for Osborn. Osborn played in just seven games, posting seven receptions for 57 yards over those games, and after being inactive for the latter half of the season, the Patriots moved on so Osborn could latch on with a contender, which he did in Washington. The Commanders lost wide receiver Noah Brown to knee and rib injuries, and he should be out longer-term. That could even be for the rest of the season, so Osborn can help replace what Brown brought to the table. In 2023, Osborn was one of the more underrated wide receivers in football. He had 50 catches for 655 yards and seven touchdowns. Before this season, Osborn had three straight seasons with 500 or more receiving yards as a big-bodied player who would win over the middle of the field. BETTING: Check out our guide to the best PA sportsbooks , where our team of sports betting experts has reviewed the experience, payout speed, parlay options and quality of odds for multiple sportsbooks. More Pittsburgh Steelers News Pittsburgh Steelers defensive line could get another boost for Eagles game Pittsburgh Steelers Injury Report: Three players miss practice, including star wide receiver Steelers legend challenges Russell Wilson to win Pittsburgh’s 7th Super Bowl Nearly entire country will see Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Philadelphia Eagles Pittsburgh Steelers kicker on pace to make NFL history
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