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NoneBRUSSELS , Dec. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In an upcoming EU Reporter interview , M. Shigeo Katsu , Founding President of Nazarbayev University (NU) and a key architect of Kazakhstan's education reforms, will address the escalating scandal surrounding financial mismanagement at the country's flagship higher education institution. The crisis gained public attention following the announcement of the state audit results of Nazarbayev University. The revelations have sparked widespread concerns about transparency and oversight at one of Central Asia's most prestigious universities. Adding to the controversy are allegations of financial mismanagement involving the New Generation Foundation, the Jusan Group — entities originally established to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of NU and Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS). Questions have also been raised about the state of affairs at NU's Social Development Fund. Reports suggest that funds may have been misappropriated, triggering outrage from students, educators, and civil society. In response, a student initiative group from Nazarbayev University issued an open letter demanding the release of both the state audit and NU's internal audit of the Social Development Fund. The letter also calls for greater accountability, enhanced transparency, and the protection of students' rights. This appeal reflects mounting frustration with the university's leadership and a growing demand for immediate corrective action. Shigeo Katsu's interview will shed light on these unfolding developments. As a former leader of NU, Katsu is uniquely positioned to analyze the root causes of the crisis, critique the university's response, and discuss the broader implications for Kazakhstan's education sector. The full interview can be found here: The Battle for Nazarbayev University's Future: Shigeo Katsu on Financial Mismanagement and Accountability In light of recent controversies surrounding the financial governance of Nazarbayev University (NU) and Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS), an open letter from concerned students has surfaced, addressing the troubling mismanagement of funds and alleged conflicts of interest. The letter highlights a series of financial decisions that led to the unraveling of key institutions meant to ensure the long-term stability of NU and NIS. The students are particularly concerned about the fate of the Jusan Group and the Nazarbayev Fund (NGF), which were once positioned to secure the financial future of these two leading educational institutions. Instead, they allege that significant funds were misappropriated and whole organizations lost, leading to the collapse of what was once a promising financial structure. In response, Shigeo Katsu , the Founding President of Nazarbayev University, has also written an open letter , received by EU Reporter, addressing the ongoing crisis and providing his perspective on the unfolding situation. In his letter, Katsu outlines the rationale of engagement in the financial sector and the erosion of the initial vision for NU, highlighting the role of key financial institutions like Jusan Bank and the NGF in securing a stable future for the university and NIS. He draws attention to the series of decisions that led to the loss of the former and calls for urgent remedial actions to prevent further damage to the institutions' credibility and financial stability . In this exclusive interview with EU Reporter , Shigeo Katsu , the Founding President of Nazarbayev University, sheds light on these pressing issues. He discusses the audit findings, the role of Jusan Bank , and what must be done to restore trust and secure the future of NU and NIS. Bio: Mr. Shigeo Katsu is the Founding President of Nazarbayev University. He held the position of President from December 2010 until June 2023 . He was Chair of the Board of Trustees of an affiliated secondary school system, the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, and of the University's hospital system. Prior to the assignments in Kazakhstan , over the course of a 30-year career at the World Bank, Mr. Shigeo Katsu held various positions including leading financial sector reform support for China , Director for Cote d'Ivoire , and Vice President for Europe and Central Asia . After his retirement from the World Bank, he served for a few years on the US board of a youth-oriented international development NGO. Between 2011 and 2015 he was an Advisory Panel member of the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO). Questions: - We have exclusively published your open letter and anticipate that it will generate a significant response. What drove you to write it, particularly in light of the misuse of funds intended to ensure the long-term financial stability of Nazarbayev University (NU) and Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS)? The decision to write the open letter was not made lightly. It was driven by a profound sense of responsibility to the students, faculty, and broader community of Nazarbayev University (NU) and Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS). These institutions were established with a vision to create world-class educational hubs in Kazakhstan and establish a center of excellence for academic research. Ensuring their financial independence and long-term stability is a core requirement to achieve the two institutions' mission. However, recent developments revealed through state and internal audits have exposed serious breaches of trust. The misuse of funds from entities like the University's Social Development Fund, New Generation Foundation, and Jusan Group directly threatens the sustainability of NU and NIS. These funds were meant to build up and guarantee the financial security of the institutions. Instead, we now see signs of embezzlement, mismanagement, and a concerning lack of accountability. The role played by key figures like the directors and executives of NGF, of Aslan Sarinzhipov (Executive Vice President of NU, a former Minister of Education) and Kadisha Dairova (Vice President for Student Affairs and International Cooperation, Nazarbayev University) only adds to the gravity of the situation. By writing the letter, my goal was to bring transparency to the issue and to mobilize public attention and international scrutiny. NU and NIS were founded on principles of meritocracy, transparency, and academic freedom. If we allow these values to be compromised, we risk undoing more than a decade of progress. The letter serves as a call for accountability, reform, and most importantly, protection of the future of Kazakhstan's youth. - Many students and alumni of NU have expressed their concern over the lowering of admission standards and the shift away from international standards. How do you assess these changes, and do you see them as diverging from the original vision for NU? NU was conceived as a model of excellence , designed to meet international standards in research, teaching, and governance. One of its founding principles was merit-based admission , which ensured that students were selected solely based on their ability and potential. This meritocratic foundation was not only an academic principle but a reflection of NU's mission to transform Kazakhstan's education system. Students, alumni, faculty and staff have worked hard to build NU's name. Now students, alumni and parents are rightly concerned that the lowering of admission standards undermines this mission and risks eroding the university's reputation both domestically and internationally. Such changes create the perception that NU is moving away from its original vision of being a world-class institution. To restore confidence, NU must reaffirm its commitment to international standards, transparency, and academic rigor. Reverting to merit-based admissions and prioritizing excellence will send a clear message that the institution remains steadfast in its mission. In the Open Letter, I stated that in theory, a policy of opening the entry door wider, but then be resolutely strict in terms of progression and graduation based on academic integrity and merit could work. There are some cases globally. However, it can only work if there is a full commitment to integrity and merit, openness and transparency, and NU's original values are upheld. But unfortunately, what I have observed and heard about recent developments at NU does not make me optimistic. While administration is supposedly in a belt-tightening mode, new senior positions were created and filled with scant regard for a proper hiring process and qualification. Conflict of interest and restrictions on hiring family members have been discarded. These are just a few of the institutional changes that will inevitably bleed over into the academic fabric as well. Is this the example that senior management wants to present to our students? - Do you believe the current situation, where the financial foundations like the Social Development Fund and New Generation Foundation were mismanaged, reflects a broader crisis within Kazakhstan's governance and democracy? Absolutely, but to be fair, this corporate governance crisis is not just limited to Kazakhstan . The findings of the internal audit conducted by NU on the Social Development Fund (SDF) reveal a systemic absence of check and balances and accountability that extends beyond these institutions. Mismanagement and theft, such as those involving Aslan Sarinzhipov , have not only undermined NU and NIS but also shaken public trust in Kazakhstan's leadership. The financial institutions linked to NU and NIS—Nazarbayev Fund, New Generation Foundation, and Jusan Group — were designed to guarantee long-term financial stability for education in Kazakhstan , securing the futures of NU and NIS for decades. However, NGF and Jusan Group's systematic depletion and dismantling highlight the country's struggle with accountability and the need for deep structural reform. This mismanagement reflects broader governance failings—particularly a lack of oversight, transparency, and mechanisms to prevent conflicts of interest. I cannot pronounce myself on the current status of the NF, but I would not be surprised if one discovers similar shortcomings there as well. I had called for an audit for some time until my departure but was not successful. The impact extends beyond education, affecting the economic and social fabric of Kazakhstan . Addressing these issues requires not just reforms within these organizations but also a renewed commitment to governance, accountability, and emphasis on establishing the rule of law. - With the financial stability once promised by entities like the NGF now in jeopardy, how do you envision NU's future without those foundational guarantees? The original intent of the Nazarbayev Fund, New Generation Foundation, and Jusan Group was to provide NU and NIS with long-term financial stability. These entities were carefully designed to ensure that Kazakhstan's leading educational institutions could eventually operate in a manner less affected by state budget fluctuations. However, as the audits reveal, these institutions have been systematically mismanaged and looted, jeopardizing the financial future of NU and NIS. NU's survival and success now depend on a bold and transparent strategy. The first step is to rebuild trust with the public, students, and alumni by publishing the findings of both the state audit of NU and the internal audit of SDF. Then, those responsible are held accountable. Financially, NU must re-establish a diversified funding model. This includes rebuilding its endowments and enhancing additional revenue streams, such as a logical and sound tuition policy, executive education and collaboration with industry and business in the form of contract research. Transparency and governance reform will be key to attract donors and investors who believe in NU's mission and potential. - The Supreme Audit Chamber of Kazakhstan , in its state audit, reported the mismanagement of 73.5 billion tenge at Nazarbayev University , as well as allegations of half a billion tenge being used illegally. What is your opinion on this, and how should the university address governance and corruption issues? I have not had the opportunity to access the state audit report, thus it is difficult to comment. If the cited amount in mismanagement of 73.5 billion tenge over six years is true, it is scandalous. However, we do not know what the auditors' definition and criteria of mismanagement is. So, let's first find out what the report actually says. What is clear, however, is the outcome of a 2023 internal audit of NU's Social Development Fund (SDF) , and it is sobering. This SDF audit reveals a blatant disregard of corporate governance principles, where individuals entrusted with university resources prioritized personal gain over the mission of NU. The audit revealed that SDF management led by current NU Executive Vice President Aslan Sarinzhipov constructed an intricate web of subsidiary entities, including abroad, to systematically evade the oversight and control of the University. Funds ( over 14 billion tenge ) meant to assist students and faculty were used for personal gains of Aslan Sarinzhipov and questionable deals. Unfortunately, NU senior officials such as Vice President Kadisha Dairova participated in such schemes. When I voiced my concern earlier over the developments at NU, it is largely because of the track record of senior officials there. For NU to move forward, it must adopt zero-tolerance policies for corruption, demand accountability from those responsible, and reform its governance structures to ensure transparency. - Why do some claim there is a lack of funds for NU and NIS, despite the promises of financial stability from their endowment funds? The claim of a lack of funds is a direct consequence of the systematic looting of resources from the New Generation Foundation and Jusan Group. These entities were explicitly designed to contribute to NU and NIS' long-term financial sustainability against the backdrop of reduced state funding. However, as I described in my Open Letter, these innovative financial structures have been undermined by mismanagement, and outright theft. For instance: Rebuilding financial stability will require recovering stolen assets, reforming governance structures, and restoring public trust through full transparency and accountability. - Given the scale of financial mismanagement, what steps are necessary to ensure accountability for those involved, including senior officials? Accountability must begin with transparency. First, all findings from the audits should be made public, and independent investigations should be conducted to identify those responsible. No individual, regardless of rank or influence, should be above scrutiny. Second, legal consequences must follow where wrongdoing is found. Kazakhstan's legal system must demonstrate its independence and commitment to justice by prosecuting those who exploited these funds. Finally, governance reforms are essential. NU and its associated entities must implement stricter checks and balances, including external audits, whistleblower protections, and oversight committees with independent members. These steps are not just about rectifying past mistakes—they're about ensuring a future where such mismanagement cannot happen again. - The audit findings were just the beginning of uncovering deeper issues. Is there more information you can share about how these financial foundations were exploited and what this means for the future of NU and NIS? The patterns that have emerged—opaque transactions, conflicts of interest, and questionable settlements—are deeply troubling. For instance, the transfer of assets to private hands under unclear terms raises red flags about the intentions behind such decisions. This exploitation puts the futures of NU and NIS at risk. These institutions were designed to be financially independent, insulated from political and economic volatility. The weakening of their financial foundations erodes their ability to deliver on their missions and betrays the trust of the Kazakhstani people, who have invested in these institutions through their taxes. The way forward requires not just recovering lost assets but rebuilding the governance systems that allowed this exploitation to occur. - Nazarbayev University was founded with a mission to serve as a model for higher education in Kazakhstan , supported by funds like those from the Nazarbayev Fund and New Generation Foundation. What was your original vision for the university, and how did these funds play a critical role in realizing that vision? The vision for NU was bold: to create an institution that could compete with the best universities in the world while serving as a model for higher education reform in Kazakhstan . From day one, we envisioned NU as a hub for innovation, research, and leadership development—a place where the brightest minds could come together to solve the challenges of tomorrow. However, one should not forget that universities, in particular research universities, are a long-term endeavor. They are meant to educate and develop generations upon generations of leaders and professionals in a broad range of sectors, and thus contribute to the scientific, economic, and societal wealth of countries. Building a strong institution that can meet the test of time requires long-term and unwavering commitments to foundational values such as integrity, meritocracy, excellence, openness and transparency. But of course, strong financial support from government and other stakeholders is needed, especially in the first decades. Thus, it was understood that NU would be dependent on state funding (through education grants and capital investments) for the initial decades of its existence, while in the meantime it would develop other sources of financing such as through endowment funds, tuition, and contract research. The Nazarbayev Fund, NGF and the Jusan Group were integral parts of this vision. This overall construct allowed us to recruit world-class faculty, develop state-of-the-art facilities, and provide scholarships to talented students, many from underprivileged backgrounds. These resources weren't just financial—they were a vote of confidence in NU's mission and a recognition of the transformative power of education. The loss of these resources is a significant setback, but I do hope that NU can recover. The university must focus on rebuilding trust with its stakeholders—students, faculty, alumni, and the public. This starts with transparency in financial management and governance. Diversifying funding sources will be crucial. This includes rebuilding its endowments, engaging with the philanthropic community, and developing innovative revenue streams. But most importantly, NU must stay true to its mission and values. Financial stability is important, but it must never come at the cost of compromising the university's integrity or academic excellence. Restoring NU's credibility begins with transparency. For instance, the university must share the audit report with stakeholders, and openly address any major shortcomings highlighted in the audit, including financial mismanagement and governance failures. An independent investigation, followed by public disclosure of findings, will demonstrate a commitment to accountability. Next, an affirmation of NU's commitment to its foundational values and principles is needed. Next, institutional reforms are essential. This includes introducing stronger oversight mechanisms for financial and administrative processes, ensuring that governance boards are staffed with individuals of the highest integrity and independence, and that management, faculty and staff are recruited on the basis of transparency and merit. Fourth, NU must recommit itself to its founding mission of academic excellence. This means maintaining rigorous admission standards, prioritizing high-quality faculty recruitment, and fostering research that addresses national and global challenges. And finally, engaging the NU community—students, faculty, alumni, and parents—in shaping the university's path forward is critical. A transparent, inclusive process will rebuild trust and reaffirm NU's position as a leader in higher education. Educational reform is not just critical—it is foundational to Kazakhstan's economic recovery and long-term stability. The pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in education systems worldwide, but it also underscored the importance of adaptability, innovation, and resilience. For Kazakhstan , investing in education means investing in the future. A well-educated population is essential for diversifying the economy, attracting foreign investment, and fostering innovation. Institutions like NU and NIS must lead the way by setting benchmarks for quality and demonstrating the value of education in driving economic progress. Moreover, reform must focus on equity. Expanding access to high-quality education for students from socially vulnerable backgrounds will ensure that economic recovery benefits all segments of society, not just the privileged few. - How do you see the role of institutions like NU and NIS in not only providing quality education but also contributing to economic growth in Kazakhstan , especially when financial stability is threatened? NU and NIS are more than educational institutions—they are catalysts for economic growth and social development. By equipping students with critical thinking skills, technical expertise, and a global perspective, they prepare the workforce needed to diversify Kazakhstan's economy. Their impact extends beyond classrooms. NU's research contributes to solving national challenges in areas like energy, healthcare, and technology. Meanwhile, NIS fosters innovation and leadership at the secondary education level, creating a pipeline of talent that benefits universities and industries alike. To sustain this role, NU and NIS must secure their financial stability. This includes strengthening governance, diversifying funding sources, and forging partnerships with the private sector and international organizations. These institutions are vital to Kazakhstan's future, and their success is intertwined with the country's broader economic ambitions. - Could the model used by NU and supported by the Nazarbayev Fund be applied in other countries, or does it require a uniquely Kazakh approach to work effectively? The NU model is innovative, but its core principles—integrity, meritocracy, autonomy, and a focus on global best practices—are universally applicable. Many countries could benefit from establishing institutions that prioritize excellence and align with international standards. That said, successful implementation depends on adapting the model to local contexts. Kazakhstan's approach benefited from strong initial financial and political backing, and a vision that emphasized independence from political and state bureaucratic interference. Replicating this requires careful consideration of governance structures, funding mechanisms, autonomy and other values, and cultural factors. In countries where philanthropic traditions or financial resources are limited, the model may need to rely more on public-private partnerships or international collaborations. Ultimately, the NU experience demonstrates that ambitious goals in education are achievable with the right vision, leadership, and long-term commitment support. - What lessons do you hope others will learn from the experience of the NGF, Jusan Bank , and the financial turmoil at NU? The story of NU and its financial affiliates offers a critical lesson: no institution, no matter how noble its mission, is immune to mismanagement and corruption without strong governance. NU and NIS' financial pillars, namely the Nazarbayev Fund, NGF, Jusan Group, but also the SDF and NIS' Corporate Development Fund were designed to guarantee long-term financial sustainability, yet their exploitation demonstrates how quickly trust can be eroded when transparency and accountability are neglected. For any endowment fund or financial institution, the following lessons are clear: NU's experience is a cautionary tale but also an opportunity. By addressing these failures head-on, NU can emerge as a model for how institutions can learn from adversity and rebuild stronger than before. View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE EU Reporter
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Luigi Nicholas Mangione, 26, emerged from a patrol car, spun toward reporters and shouted something partly unintelligible, yelling “insult to the intelligence of the American people” while deputies pushed him inside. Mangione is contesting his extradition back to New York. He was denied bail at the brief hearing. He has 14 days to challenge the bail decision. Prosecutors, meanwhile, have a month to seek a governor’s warrant out of New York. Mangione, wearing an orange jumpsuit, mostly stared straight ahead during the hearing, occasionally consulting papers, rocking in his chair, or looking back at the gallery. At one point, he began to speak to respond to the court discussion, but was told to be quiet by his lawyer. Thomas Dickey, his defence lawyer, questioned whether the second-degree murder charge filed in New York might be eligible for bail under Pennsylvania law, but prosecutors raised concerns about both public safety and Mangione being a potential flight risk, and the judge denied it. Prosecutors on Tuesday were beginning to take steps to take Mangione back to New York to face a murder charge while new details emerged about his life and how he was captured. The Ivy League graduate from a prominent Maryland family was charged with murder hours after he was arrested in the killing of Brian Thompson, 50, who led the United States’ largest medical insurance company. Mr Dickey had declined to comment before the hearing at the Blair County Courthouse in Hollidaysburg. Mangione is being held without bail in Pennsylvania on charges of possession of an unlicensed firearm, forgery and providing false identification to police. Manhattan prosecutors have charged him with five counts, including murder, criminal possession of a weapon and criminal possession of a forged instrument. Mangione was likely motivated by his anger with what he called “parasitic” health insurance companies and a disdain for corporate greed, a law enforcement bulletin obtained by The Associated Press said. He wrote that the US has the most expensive health care system in the world and that profits of major corporations continue to rise while “our life expectancy” does not, according to the bulletin, based on a review of his hand-written notes and social media posts. Mangione called “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski a “political revolutionary” and may have found inspiration from the man who carried out a series of bombings while railing against modern society and technology, according to the police bulletin. Mangione was arrested in Altoona, Pennsylvania — about 230 miles (370km) west of New York City — after a McDonald’s customer recognised him and notified an employee, authorities said. Officers found him sitting at a back table, wearing a blue medical mask and looking at a laptop, according to a Pennsylvania police criminal complaint. He initially gave them a fake ID, but when an officer asked Mangione whether he had been to New York recently, he “became quiet and started to shake”, the complaint says. When he pulled his mask down at officers’ request, “we knew that was our guy,” Officer Tyler Frye said. Images of Mangione released on Tuesday by Pennsylvania State Police showed him pulling down his mask in the corner of the McDonald’s while holding what appeared to be hash browns and wearing a winter jacket and beanie. In another photo from a holding cell, he stood unsmiling with rumpled hair. New York Police Commissioner Jessica Tisch said Mangione was carrying a gun like the one used to kill Mr Thompson and the same fake ID the gunman had used to check into a New York hostel, along with a passport and other fraudulent IDs. NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny said Mangione also had a three-page, handwritten document that shows “some ill will toward corporate America”. A law enforcement official who was not authorised to discuss the investigation publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity said the document included a line in which Mangione claimed to have acted alone. “To the Feds, I’ll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn’t working with anyone,” the document said, according to the official. It also had a line that said: “I do apologise for any strife or traumas but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming.” Pennsylvania prosecutor Peter Weeks said in court that Mangione was found with a passport and 10,000 dollars (£7,839) in cash, 2,000 dollars of it in foreign currency. Mangione disputed the amount. Mr Thompson was killed on Wednesday as he walked alone to a Manhattan hotel for an investor conference. Police quickly came to see the shooting as a targeted attack by a gunman who appeared to wait for Mr Thompson, came up behind him and fired a 9mm pistol. Investigators have said “delay,” “deny” and “depose” were written on ammunition found near Mr Thompson’s body. The words mimic “delay, deny, defend,” a phrase used to criticise the insurance industry. From surveillance video, New York investigators determined the gunman quickly fled fled the city, likely by bus. A grandson of a wealthy, self-made real estate developer and philanthropist, Mangione is a cousin of a current Maryland state legislator. After his elite Baltimore prep school, he went on to earn undergraduate and graduate degrees in computer science in 2020 from the University of Pennsylvania, a spokesperson said. “Our family is shocked and devastated by Luigi’s arrest,” Mangione’s family said in a statement posted on social media late Monday by his cousin, Nino Mangione. “We offer our prayers to the family of Brian Thompson and we ask people to pray for all involved.” From January to June 2022, Luigi Mangione lived at Surfbreak, a “co-living” space at the edge of Waikiki in Honolulu. Like other residents of the shared penthouse catering to remote workers, Mangione underwent a background check, said Josiah Ryan, a spokesperson for owner and founder RJ Martin. “Luigi was just widely considered to be a great guy. There were no complaints,” Mr Ryan said. “There was no sign that might point to these alleged crimes they’re saying he committed.” At Surfbreak, Mr Martin learned Mangione had severe back pain from childhood that interfered with many aspects of his life, from surfing to romance, Ryan said. “He went surfing with RJ once but it didn’t work out because of his back,” Mr Ryan said, but noted that Mangione and Mr Martin often went together to a rock-climbing gym. Mangione left Surfbreak to get surgery on the mainland, Mr Ryan said, then later returned to Honolulu and rented an apartment. Mr Martin stopped hearing from Mangione six months to a year ago.Mechanized AI Announces Expansion of Executive Team With Appointment of Amy Green as COOPreview: Mainz 05 vs. Bayern Munich - prediction, team news, lineups
Actor Tommy Flanagan has disclosed his intentions to move back to Scotland after 25 years in the US in the wake of Donald Trump' s massive election win. The star, known for his roles in hit shows and films like Gladiator, Peaky Blinders , and Sons of Anarchy, joins a host of Hollywood celebrities who have expressed their dismay at the political shift to the right in America. The 59-year-old said: "It's time to come home. I want to come back here. I've been away too long. I think it's time to move back to Scotland. I've been in the US for over 25 years and it's time to come home, especially after Trump getting back into the White House." Married to Dina and father to 12-year-old daughter Aunjanue, Tommy is eager to return to live and work in Scotland after spending more than two decades in the US film and television industry. Speaking to The Daily Record , he shared: "I'm based over there and my home is over there. It's time to get away from that Trump. I don't want to say I want to leave America because of him but it's not made me want to stay, put it that way. It's disgusting so we'll see. If I start talking about it I'll go f***ing mental. But it's not good." He also reflected on his connection to his homeland, stating: "I don't feel I've been gone that long to be honest with you, I really don't." Despite currently calling California home for the past quarter-century, he added: "I was on my way back years ago and then my daughter came along and she was born over there though she is Scottish. I want to bring her over here." Tommy, originally from Easterhouse, bears distinctive facial scars from a knife attack outside a nightclub where he was DJing. After being assaulted by a gang attempting to rob him, he was persuaded to try acting by his friend Robert Carlyle while recovering in hospital. He gained fame in Mel Gibson's 1995 film Braveheart and Lynne Ramsay's Ratcatcher, and played Cicero alongside Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix in Ridley Scott's 2000 film Gladiator. His other roles include Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2, Alien vs Predator, The Game and Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle. He is perhaps best known for his role as outlaw biker Flip 'Chips' Telford in the crime drama TV series Sons of Anarchy from 2008 - 2014. Having arrived in Glasgow at the weekend to present his friend, casting director Des Hamilton, with an Outstanding Contribution to Craft award at a star-studded BAFTA Scotland awards, Flanagan also revealed he has signed up to begin filming Guy Ritchie's latest project. Lock, Stock and Two Barrels and The Gentleman director Ritchie has enlisted him to join a star-studded cast that includes Helen Mirren, Pierce Brosnan and Tom Hardy for The Associate, a London-based gangster series The Associate which will air on Paramount+. Tommy said: "I just got back to present an award to my best pal Des Hamilton for Outstanding Contribution to Casting. He's a phenomenal guy. He's been a friend of mine the past 40 years. It's a pleasure to be that and to be in my hometown. "I'm about to start something with Guy Ritchie and Tom Hardy. I start that in December and I've a few things next year. "They haven't put any press out yet so I won't talk about it. Big Des is casting it, of course he is. He gets all the good stuff." The actor, eager to return to UK filming for The Associates next month, added: "I'm here to give the award to my pal Des and I'm back to work here and what I want to do and bring my daughter over here as soon as possible. She is a big Celtic fan like her father and she's proud to be Scottish." "She doesn't know what she wants to do yet. She's a wee fashionista at the moment with baggy sweaters and big jeans and all that. She thinks she knows everything. She's great. "I will be in Scotland. I think I've been gone long enough."Unions attack 2.8% Government pay rise proposal for NHS workers and teachers
Image via John Angelillo/UPI/Shutterstock The last few weeks have been very tough for the college football star Travis Hunter who had to delete his Instagram because of the hate and trolling he has received along with his fiancee Leanna Lenee. Now his coach, Deion Sanders, has provided an update on the mental health of Travis Hunter and how he is doing. Deion revealed Travis is doing well, especially after receiving the Heisman Trophy. Deion Sanders Talks About Travis Hunter’s Mental Condition Amidst All The Hate And Trolling Deion also addressed the hate and trolling that Travis and his would-be wife Leanna have faced in the last couple of weeks and spoke about focusing on the positivity. He said, “I don’t know where the bulljunk comes in at. It’s so easy to see the negative when the positive is right in front of you.” Deion was at the Colorado’s Alamo Bowl appearance and was speaking to the reporters when he spoke about Travis and the trolling he has received. Deion also spoke about Travis and his commitment to the game of football. He also spoke about the love he has for Travis and despite his situation, he has continued to excel in all fields. Deion said, “I love this young man, I love what he stands for. I love him like he's a son. He’s exceeded everything we’ve asked of him academically as well as athletically." Deion Sanders has always been extremely supportive of Travis but this is not an easy time for Travis. In the last couple of days, his would-be wife received so much hate that she was forced to issue a video statement on TikTok where she tried to defend herself against the allegations and speculations that people levied on her. Appearing teary eyed in the video, she explained her situation and reiterated that she is with Travis solely because of the heart he has and not because of any other external factors such as his wealth or fame. But the haters were resilient and this has forced Leanna to make her social media accounts private. Travis Hunter Has Deleted His Instagram Travis also has managed to defend his would-be wife Leanna Lenee a couple of times. He has asked fans to stay out of his relationship and spoke about how fans are “too invested” in his personal relationship. But this has not stopped the haters. Recently, a video from three years ago resurfaced which shows Leanna dancing inappropriately with another man. This has brought in a new wave of hate which ultimately forced Travis to stay away from the toxicity and delete his Instagram. Also Read: “You don’t have to be like a jerk about it”: Jason Kelce reveals how to handle awkward Christmas gift exchanges and bad presents Travis is said to be the top pick for the NFL Draft which is supposed to be held in April 2025. In May 2025, he is set to be married to Leanna Lenee.Stock market today: Wall Street hits records despite tariff talkInflation is predicted to average 2.5% this year and 2.6% next year, according to forecasts from the Office for Budget Responsibility. The British Medical Association said the Government showed a “poor grasp” of unresolved issues from two years of industrial action, and the Royal College of Nursing called the pay recommendation “deeply offensive”. The National Education Union’s chief said teachers were “putting the Government on notice” that the proposed increase “won’t do”. The pay recommendations came after Chancellor Rachel Reeves called for every Government department to cut costs by 5%, as she started work on a sweeping multi-year spending review to be published in 2025. Independent pay review bodies will consider the proposals for pay rises for teachers, NHS workers and senior civil servants. The Department of Health said it viewed 2.8% as a “reasonable amount” to set aside, in its recommendations to the NHS Pay Review Body and the Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration Board remit groups. A 2.8% pay rise for teachers in 2025/26 would “maintain the competitiveness of teachers’ pay despite the challenging financial backdrop the Government is facing”, the Department for Education said. The Cabinet Office also suggested pay increases for senior civil servants should be kept to no more than 2.8%. Paul Johnson, director of the influential economics think tank the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), said it was “not a bad ballpark figure” and feels “just about affordable” given the Government’s public spending plans. The downside, he said, is that public sector workers have lost out since 2010 and unions will be upset that this is not making up the gap, he told Sky News’ Politics Hub with Sophy Ridge. “But given the constraints facing the Chancellor I think it’s pretty hard to argue for more for public sector pay when public sector services ... are under real strain,” he said. Unions expressed their disappointment in the recommendations, with some hinting they could be willing to launch industrial action. The Royal College of Nursing general secretary and chief executive called for “open direct talks now” to avoid “further escalation to disputes and ballots”. Professor Nicola Ranger said: “The Government has today told nursing staff they are worth as little as £2 extra a day, less than the price of a coffee. “Nursing is in crisis – there are fewer joining and too many experienced professionals leaving. This is deeply offensive to nursing staff, detrimental to their patients and contradictory to hopes of rebuilding the NHS. “The public understands the value of nursing and they know that meaningful reform of the NHS requires addressing the crisis in nursing. “We pulled out of the Pay Review Body process, alongside other unions, because it is not the route to address the current crisis. “That has been demonstrated today. “Fair pay must be matched by structural reform. Let’s open direct talks now and avoid further escalation to disputes and ballots – I have said that directly to government today.” Professor Philip Banfield, chairman of the British Medical Association’s council, urged the sector’s pay review body to “show it is now truly independent”. “For this Government to give evidence to the doctors’ and dentists’ pay review body (DDRB) believing a 2.8% pay rise is enough, indicates a poor grasp of the unresolved issues from two years of industrial action,” he said. He said the proposal is far below the current rate of inflation and that the Government was “under no illusion” when doctors accepted pay offers in the summer that there was a “very real risk of further industrial action” if “pay erosion” was not addressed in future pay rounds. “This sub-inflationary suggestion from the current Government serves as a test to the DDRB. “The BMA expects it to take this opportunity to show it is now truly independent, to take an objective view of the evidence it receives from all parties, not just the Government, and to make an offer that reflects the value of doctors’ skills and expertise in a global market, and that moves them visibly further along the path to full pay restoration.” The NEU’s general secretary, Daniel Kebede, said teachers’ pay had been cut by more than one-fifth in real terms since 2010. “Along with sky-high workload, the pay cuts have resulted in a devastating recruitment and retention crisis. Teacher shortages across the school system hit pupils and parents too. “A 2.8% increase is likely to be below inflation and behind wage increases in the wider economy. This will only deepen the crisis in education.” In a hint that there could be a return to industrial action he added: “NEU members fought to win the pay increases of 2023 and 2024. “We are putting the Government on notice. Our members care deeply about education and feel the depth of the crisis. This won’t do.” The offer for teachers is the “exact opposite of fixing the foundations” and will result in bigger class sizes and more cuts to the curriculum, Pepe Di’Iasio, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, said: “The inadequacy of the proposed pay award is compounded by the Government’s intention that schools should foot the bill out of their existing allocations. “Given that per-pupil funding will increase on average by less than 1% next year, and the Government’s proposal is for an unfunded 2.8% pay award, it is obvious that this is in fact an announcement of further school cuts.” Paul Whiteman, general secretary at school leaders’ union NAHT, said: This recommendation falls far short of what is needed to restore the competitiveness of the teaching profession, to enable it to retain experienced professionals and attract new talent. Unison head of health Helga Pile said: “The Government has inherited a financial mess from its predecessors, but this is not what NHS workers wanted to hear. “Staff are crucial in turning around the fortunes of the NHS. Improving performance is a key Government pledge, but the pay rise proposed is barely above the cost of living.”