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Feeling betrayed by increased minority support for Trump, Black women say they’re stepping back.v Subscribe to continue reading this article. Already subscribed? To login in, click here.
— Oct. 1, 1924: James Earl Carter Jr. is born in Plains, Georgia, son of James Sr. and Lillian Gordy Carter. — June 1946: Carter graduates from the U.S. Naval Academy. — July 1946: Carter marries Rosalynn Smith, in Plains. They have four children, John William (“Jack”), born 1947; James Earl 3rd (“Chip”), 1950; Donnel Jeffrey (Jeff), 1952; and Amy Lynn, 1967. — 1946-1953: Carter serves in a Navy nuclear submarine program, attaining rank of lieutenant commander. — Summer 1953: Carter resigns from the Navy, returns to Plains after father’s death. — 1953-1971: Carter helps run the family peanut farm and warehouse business. — 1963-1966: Carter serves in the Georgia state Senate. — 1966: Carter tries unsuccessfully for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. — November 1970: Carter is elected governor of Georgia. Serves 1971-75. — Dec. 12, 1974: Carter announces a presidential bid. Atlanta newspaper answers with headline: “Jimmy Who?” — January 1976: Carter leads the Democratic field in Iowa, a huge campaign boost that also helps to establish Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucus. — July 1976: Carter accepts the Democratic nomination and announces Sen. Walter Mondale of Minnesota as running mate. — November 1976: Carter defeats President Gerald R. Ford, winning 51% of the vote and 297 electoral votes to Ford’s 240. — January 1977: Carter is sworn in as the 39th president of the United States. On his first full day in office, he pardons most Vietnam-era draft evaders. —September 1977: U.S. and Panama sign treaties to return the Panama Canal back to Panama in 1999. Senate narrowly ratifies them in 1978. — September 1978: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Carter sign Camp David accords, which lead to a peace deal between Egypt and Israel the following year. — June 15-18, 1979: Carter attends a summit with Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev in Vienna that leads to the signing of the SALT II treaty. — November 1979: Iranian militants storm the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking 52 hostages. All survive and are freed minutes after Carter leaves office in January 1981. — April 1980: The Mariel boatlift begins, sending tens of thousands of Cubans to the U.S. Many are criminals and psychiatric patients set free by Cuban leader Fidel Castro, creating a major foreign policy crisis. — April 1980: An attempt by the U.S. to free hostages fails when a helicopter crashes into a transport plane in Iran, killing eight servicemen. — Nov. 4, 1980: Carter is denied a second term by Ronald Reagan, who wins 51.6% of the popular vote to 41.7% for Carter and 6.7% to independent John Anderson. — 1982: Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter co-found The Carter Center in Atlanta, whose mission is to resolve conflicts, protect human rights and prevent disease around the world. — September 1984: The Carters spend a week building Habitat for Humanity houses, launching what becomes the annual Carter Work Project. — October 1986: A dedication is held for The Carter Presidential Center in Atlanta. The center includes the Carter Presidential Library and Museum and Carter Center offices. — 1989: Carter leads the Carter Center’s first election monitoring mission, declaring Panamanian Gen. Manuel Noriega’s election fraudulent. — May 1992: Carter meets with Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev at the Carter Center to discuss forming the Gorbachev Foundation. — June 1994: Carter plays a key role in North Korea nuclear disarmament talks. — September 1994: Carter leads a delegation to Haiti, arranging terms to avoid a U.S. invasion and return President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power. — December 1994: Carter negotiates tentative cease-fire in Bosnia. — March 1995: Carter mediates cease-fire in Sudan’s war with southern rebels. — September 1995: Carter travels to Africa to advance the peace process in more troubled areas. — December 1998: Carter receives U.N. Human Rights Prize on 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. — August 1999: President Bill Clinton awards Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter the Presidential Medal of Freedom. — September 2001: Carter joins former Presidents Ford, Bush and Clinton at a prayer service at the National Cathedral in Washington after Sept. 11 attacks. — April 2002: Carter’s book “An Hour Before Daylight: Memories of a Rural Boyhood” chosen as finalist for Pulitzer Prize in biography. — May 2002: Carter visits Cuba and addresses the communist nation on television. He is the highest-ranking American to visit in decades. — Dec. 10, 2002: Carter is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his “untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development.” — July 2007: Carter joins The Elders, a group of international leaders brought together by Nelson Mandela to focus on global issues. — Spring 2008: Carter remains officially neutral as Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton battle each other for the Democratic presidential nomination. — April 2008: Carter stirs controversy by meeting with the Islamic militant group Hamas. — August 2010: Carter travels to North Korea as the Carter Center negotiates the release of an imprisoned American teacher. — August 2013: Carter joins President Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton at the 50th anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech and the March on Washington. — Oct. 1, 2014: Carter celebrates his 90th birthday. — December 2014: Carter is nominated for a Grammy in the best spoken word album category, for his book “A Call To Action.” — May 2015: Carter returns early from an election observation visit in Guyana — the Carter Center’s 100th — after feeling unwell. — August 2015: Carter has a small cancerous mass removed from his liver. He plans to receive treatment at Emory Healthcare in Atlanta. — August 2015: Carter announces that his grandson Jason Carter will chair the Carter Center governing board. — March 6, 2016: Carter says an experimental drug has eliminated any sign of his cancer, and that he needs no further treatment. — May 25, 2016: Carter steps back from a “front-line” role with The Elders to become an emeritus member. — July 2016: Carter is treated for dehydration during a Habitat for Humanity build in Canada. — Spring 2018: Carter publishes “Faith: A Journey for All,” the last of 32 books. — March 22, 2019: Carter becomes the longest-lived U.S. president, surpassing President George H.W. Bush, who died in 2018. — September 18, 2019: Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter deliver their final in-person annual report at the Carter Center. — October 2019: At 95, still recovering from a fall, Carter joins the Work Project with Habitat for Humanity in Nashville, Tennessee. It’s the last time he works personally on the annual project. — Fall 2019-early 2020: Democratic presidential hopefuls visit, publicly embracing Carter as a party elder, a first for his post-presidency. — November 2020:The Carter Center monitors an audit of presidential election results in the state of Georgia, marking a new era of democracy advocacy within the U.S. — Jan. 20, 2021: The Carters miss President Joe Biden’s swearing-in, the first presidential inauguration they don’t attend since Carter’s own ceremony in 1977. The Bidens later visit the Carters in Plains on April 29. — Feb. 19, 2023: Carter enters home hospice care after a series of short hospital stays. — July 7, 2023: The Carters celebrate their 77th and final wedding anniversary. — Nov. 19, 2023: Rosalynn Carter dies at home, two days after the family announced that she had joined the former president in receiving hospice care. — Oct. 1, 2024 — Carter becomes the first former U.S. president to reach 100 years of age, celebrating at home with extended family and close friends. — Oct. 16, 2024 — Carter casts a Georgia mail ballot for Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, having told his family he wanted to live long enough to vote for her. It marks his 21st presidential election as a voter. — Dec. 29, 2024: Carter dies at home. We have a tendency to exalt ourselves and to dwell on the weaknesses and mistakes of others. I have come to realize that in every person there is something fine and pure and noble, along with a desire for self-fulfillment. Political and religious leaders must attempt to provide a society within which these human attributes can be nurtured and enhanced. — from 1975 book “Why Not the Best?” ___ Our government can express the highest common ideals of human beings — if we demand of government true standards of excellence. At this Bicentennial time of introspection and concern, we must demand such standards. — “Why Not the Best?” ___ I am a Southerner and an American, I am a farmer, an engineer, a father and husband, a Christian, a politician and former governor, a planner, a businessman, a nuclear physicist, a naval officer, a canoeist, and among other things a lover of Bob Dylan’s songs and Dylan Thomas’s poetry. — “Why Not the Best?” ___ Christ said, “I tell you that anyone who looks on a woman with lust has in his heart already committed adultery.” I’ve looked on a lot of women with lust. I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times. This is something that God recognizes I will do — and I have done it — and God forgives me for it. But that doesn’t mean that I condemn someone who not only looks on a woman with lust but who leaves his wife and shacks up with somebody out of wedlock. — Interview, November 1976 Playboy. ___ This inauguration ceremony marks a new beginning, a new dedication within our Government, and a new spirit among us all. A President may sense and proclaim that new spirit, but only a people can provide it. — Inaugural address, January 1977. ___ It’s clear that the true problems of our nation are much deeper — deeper than gasoline lines or energy shortages, deeper even than inflation and recession. ... All the legislation in the world can’t fix what’s wrong with America. ... It is a crisis of confidence. — So-called “malaise” speech, July 1979. ___ But we know that democracy is always an unfinished creation. Each generation must renew its foundations. Each generation must rediscover the meaning of this hallowed vision in the light of its own modern challenges. For this generation, ours, life is nuclear survival; liberty is human rights; the pursuit of happiness is a planet whose resources are devoted to the physical and spiritual nourishment of its inhabitants. — Farewell Address, January 1981. ___ We appreciate the past. We are grateful for the present and we’re looking forward to the future with great anticipation and commitment. — October 1986, at the dedication of the Carter Presidential Library and Museum. ___ War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn to live together in peace by killing each other’s children. — December 2002, Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech. ___ Fundamentalists have become increasingly influential in both religion and government, and have managed to change the nuances and subtleties of historic debate into black-and-white rigidities and the personal derogation of those who dare to disagree. ... The influence of these various trends poses a threat to many of our nation’s historic customs and moral commitments, both in government and in houses of worship. — From 2005 book “Our Endangered Values.” ___ I think that this breakthrough by Barack Obama has been remarkable. When he made his speech (on race) a few months ago in Philadelphia, I wept. I sat in front of the television and cried, because I saw that as the most enlightening and transforming analysis of racism and a potential end of it that I ever saw in my life. — August 2008, commenting on then-Sen. Barack Obama’s candidacy. ___ I think it’s based on racism. There is an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president. ... No matter who he is or how much we disagree with his policies, the president should be treated with respect. — September 2009, reacting to Rep. Joe Wilson’s shout of “You lie!” during a speech to Congress by President Barack Obama. ___ I’m still determined to outlive the last guinea worm. — 2010, on The Carter Center’s work to eradicate guinea worm disease. ___ You know how much I raised to run against Gerald Ford? Zero. You know how much I raised to run against Ronald Reagan? Zero. You know how much will be raised this year by all presidential, Senate and House campaigns? $6 billion. That’s 6,000 millions. — September 2012, reacting to the 2010 “Citizens United” U.S. Supreme Court decision permitting unlimited third-party political spending. ___ I have become convinced that the most serious and unaddressed worldwide challenge is the deprivation and abuse of women and girls, largely caused by a false interpretation of carefully selected religious texts and a growing tolerance of violence and warfare, unfortunately following the example set during my lifetime by the United States. — From 2014 book “A Call to Action.” ___ I don’t think there’s any doubt now that the NSA or other agencies monitor or record almost every telephone call made in the United States, including cellphones, and I presume email as well. We’ve gone a long way down the road of violating Americans’ basic civil rights, as far as privacy is concerned. — March 2014, commenting on U.S. intelligence monitoring after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks ___ We accept self-congratulations about the wonderful 50th anniversary – which is wonderful – but we feel like Lyndon Johnson did it and we don’t have to do anything anymore. — April 2014, commenting on racial inequality during a celebration of the Civil Rights Act’s 40th anniversary. ___ I had a very challenging question at Emory (University) the other night: “How would you describe the United States of America today in one word?” And I didn’t know what to say for a few moments, but I finally said, “Searching.” I think the country in which we live is still searching for what it ought to be, and what it can be, and I’m not sure we’re making much progress right at this moment. — October 2014 during a celebration of his 90th birthday. ___ The life we have now is the best of all. We have an expanding and harmonious family, a rich life in our church and the Plains community, and a diversity of projects at The Carter Center that is adventurous and exciting. Rosalynn and I have visited more than 145 countries, and both of us are as active as we have ever been. We are blessed with good health and look to the future with eagerness and confidence, but are prepared for inevitable adversity when it comes. — From 2015 book, “A Full Life.”Your Guide to the Top Crypto Presales For 2025: Web3Bay, Wall Street Pepe, Solaxy, & Flockers
Prices in British shops fell less sharply this month, according to a survey from the British Retail Consortium on Tuesday that suggested consumers could face renewed pressure on their spending power. Annual shop price deflation of 0.6% in the 12 months to November followed a 0.8% drop in the 12 months to October, the BRC said. Its measure of shop price inflation dropped between May 2023 and July this year after which it fell further into deflation, until now. “With significant price pressures on the horizon, November’s figures may signal the end of falling inflation,” Helen Dickinson, BRC’s chief executive, said. Official figures last week showed consumer price inflation rose to 2.3% in October, largely reflecting a surge in household energy prices. The Bank of England this month cut interest rates to 4.75% from 5% but said it was likely to move only gradually with further cuts. On Monday, BoE Deputy Governor Clare Lombardelli expressed concern about the risk of stronger price growth than forecast. The BRC’s Dickinson said prices would increase as stores pass on higher staffing costs including in finance minister Rachel Reeves’ budget last month. Reeves on Oct.30 announced a 25 billion-pound ($31.53 billion) rise in social security contributions by employers alongside a 6.7% uplift in the minimum wage. The BRC survey showed food inflation fell to 1.8% from 1.9% in October. Prices of non-food items fell by 1.8%, a less severe drop than October’s 2.1% decrease. A separate survey from British supermarket Asda on Monday said a drop in households’ disposable income and rising inflation could subdue Christmas spending. Source: Reuters (Reporting by Suban Abdulla, Editing by William Schomberg)Clement believes Rangers can pile more pressure on Postecoglou in Europa League Battle of Britain
Essex Financial Services Inc. Sells 7,818 Shares of NVIDIA Co. (NASDAQ:NVDA)WASHINGTON (AP) — withdrew Thursday as pick for attorney general amid continued fallout over a that cast doubt on his ability to be confirmed as the nation's chief federal law enforcement officer. The announcement caps a turbulent eight-day period in which Trump sought to capitalize on his decisive election win to force Senate Republicans to accept provocative selections like Gaetz, who had been investigated by the Justice Department before being tapped last week to lead it. The decision could heighten scrutiny on other controversial Trump nominees, including , who faces sexual assault allegations that he denies. “While the momentum was strong, it is clear that my confirmation was unfairly becoming a distraction to the critical work of the Trump/Vance Transition,” Gaetz, a Florida Republican who one day earlier met with senators in an effort to win their support, said in a statement. “There is no time to waste on a needlessly protracted Washington scuffle, thus I’ll be withdrawing my name from consideration to serve as Attorney General. Trump’s DOJ must be in place and ready on Day 1," he added. Trump, in a social media post, said: “I greatly appreciate the recent efforts of Matt Gaetz in seeking approval to be Attorney General. He was doing very well but, at the same time, did not want to be a distraction for the Administration, for which he has much respect. Matt has a wonderful future, and I look forward to watching all of the great things he will do!” He did not immediately announce a new selection. Last week, Todd Blanche, Emil Bove and D. John Sauer to senior roles in the department. Another possible contender, Matthew Whitaker, The withdrawal, just a week after the pick was announced, averts what was shaping up to be a pitched confirmation fight that would have tested how far Senate Republicans were willing to go to support Trump’s Cabinet picks. The selection of the fierce Trump ally over well-regarded veteran lawyers whose names had circulated as possible contenders stirred concern for the Justice Department's independence at a time when Trump has openly threatened to seek retribution against political adversaries. It underscored the premium Trump to have a disruptor lead a Justice Department that for years investigated and ultimately indicted him. In the Senate, deeply skeptical lawmakers sought more information about Justice Department and congressional investigations into sex trafficking allegations involving underage girls, which Gaetz has denied. Meanwhile, with limited legal experience who has echoed Trump's claims of a weaponized criminal justice system. As Gaetz sought to lock down Senate support, concern over the sex trafficking allegations showed no signs of abating. In recent days, said his clients told House Ethics Committee investigators that Gaetz paid them for sex on multiple occasions beginning in 2017, when Gaetz was a Florida congressman. One of the women testified she saw Gaetz having sex with a 17-year-old at a party in Florida in 2017, according to the attorney, Joel Leppard. Leppard has said that his client testified she didn’t think Gaetz knew the girl was underage, stopped their relationship when he found out and did not resume it until after she turned 18. The age of consent in Florida is 18. "They’re grateful for the opportunity to move forward with their lives,” Leppard said Thursday of his clients. “They’re hoping that this brings final closure for all the parties involved.” Gaetz has vehemently denied any wrongdoing. The Justice Department’s investigation ended last year with no charges against him. Gaetz’s political future is uncertain. He had abruptly resigned his congressional seat upon being selected as attorney general, a move seen as a way to shut down the ethics investigation into sexual misconduct allegations. He did win reelection in November for the new Congress, which convenes Jan. 3, 2025, but he said in his resignation letter last week that he did not intend to take the oath of office. There are plans for a special election in Florida for his seat. Republicans on the House Ethics Committee declined this week to release the panel's findings, over objections from Democrats in a split vote. But the committee did agree to finish its work and is scheduled to meet again Dec. 5 to discuss the matter. As word of Gaetz's decision spread across the Capitol, Republican senators seemed divided. Oklahoma Sen. Markwayne Mullin, who served with Gaetz in the House, called it a “positive move." Maine Sen. Susan Collins said Gaetz “put country first and I am pleased with his decision.” Others said they had hoped Gaetz could have overhauled the department. Florida Sen. Rick Scott, a close ally of Trump, said he was “disappointed. I like Matt and I think he would have changed the way DOJ is run.” Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said he hopes Trump will pick someone “equally as tenacious and equally as committed to rooting out and eliminating bias and politicization at the DOJ.” Gaetz is not the only Trump pick facing congressional scrutiny over past allegations. A detailed investigative police report made public Wednesday shows that a woman told police that she was sexually assaulted in 2017 by Hegseth, the former Fox News host now tapped to lead the Pentagon, after he took her phone, blocked the door to a California hotel room and refused to let her leave. “The matter was fully investigated and I was completely cleared,” Hegseth told reporters Thursday at the Capitol, where he was meeting with senators to build support for his nomination. _____ Associated Press writers Michelle L. Price, Lisa Mascaro, Mary Clare Jalonick and Adriana Gomez Licon contributed to this report. Eric Tucker And Alanna Durkin Richer, The Associated Press
'September 5' brings the chaos of live news reporting to lifeMuscat : The Shura Council today held its 3rd regular session of the 10th Term’s 2nd annual convening, during which it discussed the topic of "temporary employment initiatives" with Dr. Mahad Said Ba'owain, Minister of Labour. Khalid Hilal Al Maawali, Chairman of the Shura Council, said in a speech that “visions and proposals presented about temporary employment initiatives are in line with the national goals” and that these visions seek to unify the efforts made to achieve the public interest. For his part, the Minister of Labour said in a statement that the session saw in-depth discussions about vital aspects that pertain to the national development and to the Omani citizens’ aspirations. The minister pointed out that the session focused on three main topics: The “Employment Contracts Initiative”, the “One Million Hours Initiative” and the “Sahim Programme”. Dr. Mahad pointed out that the initiatives “constitute strategic programmes to enhance the efficiency of the national workforce, contribute to the empowerment of Omani youth and enhance their chances to enter the labour market with greater competitiveness”. He added that the meeting offered an opportunity to underline shared visions and deep understanding about the requirements of the labour sector. The minister explained that the session highlighted the participants’ awareness about the national priorities and their keenness to formulate approaches that contribute to sustainable growth, economic development and social stability. The session was held in accordance with Article 68 of the Council of Oman Law, and Article 56 of the Shura Council Law, which stipulates that the Shura Council may exercise its jurisdiction to follow up public issues and use its mandates to host officials for elaboration on matters of public interest. As part of discussions on the “Temporary Employment Initiatives”, the session dealt with the outcome of implementation of all types of temporary employment contracts (in the government sector) and the Ministry’s plans to develop them. The session also discussed the outcome of implementation of employment contracts in the private sector, the challenges posed to the Ministry, the future of existing and temporary employment contracts and the Labour Ministry’s plan to deal with them within the stipulations of the current Labour Law. The session studied the ministry’s vision about the legal and administrative frameworks of temporary employment contracts in view of the fluctuating labour market economics. The session also discussed the requirements of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) and the Ministry’s follow-up of the positive and negative impact of implementation of temporary employment initiatives, notably the impacts on the work environment and on the national workforce (in the public and private sectors).
Hyderabad: Three individuals have been arrested on Sunday, December 8 after the death of a woman due to asphyxiation as crowds ‘jostled’ at a film theatre during the premiere show of Allu’s Arjun latest film “Pushpa 2: The Rule”. The arrested individuals include the owner and manager of Sandhya Theatre, as well as the security manager, all charged with negligence in implementing proper security measures. The victim has been identified as 35-year-old Revathi. She was accompanied by her 13-year-old son Sreethej who also suffered suffocation and is being treated in a hospital in Hyderabad. After the incident, the police registered the case against Allu Arjun, his security team and the theatre management, under sections 105 (Whoever commits culpable homicide not amounting to murder) and 118(1)(punishment for intentionally causing hurt or grievous hurt) read with 3(5) of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) at the Chikkadpally police station based on the complaint by the deceased’s family. Tollywood film star Allu Arjun, on Friday, December 6, announced the donation of Rs 25 lakh as a goodwill gesture to the family of the woman who lost her life during the stampede that occurred during the premiere show of Pushpa 2: The Rule. The actor assured the grieving family that he would meet them personally and extend every possible assistance. Allu Arjun also promised to take care of medical expenses of the boy, whose condition remained critical.Israel approved a United States-brokered ceasefire agreement with Lebanon's Hezbollah on Tuesday that would end nearly 14 months of fighting linked to the war in the Gaza Strip. The ceasefire would mark the first major step toward ending the regionwide unrest triggered by Hamas’ attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. But it does not address the devastating war in Gaza, where Hamas is still holding dozens of hostages and the conflict is more intractable. Hours before the ceasefire with Hezbollah was to take effect, Israel carried out the most intense wave of strikes in Beirut and its southern suburbs since the start of the conflict and issued a record number of evacuation warnings. At least 24 people were killed in strikes across the country, according to local authorities, as Israel signaled it aims to pummel Hezbollah before the ceasefire takes hold at 4 a.m. local time on Wednesday. Another huge airstrike shook Beirut shortly after the ceasefire was announced. There appeared to be some lingering disagreement over whether Israel would have the right to strike Hezbollah if it believed the militants had violated the agreement, something Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted was part of the deal but which Lebanese and Hezbollah officials have rejected. Israel's security Cabinet approved the ceasefire agreement after it was presented by Netanyahu, his office said. U.S. President Joe Biden, speaking in Washington, called the agreement “good news” and said his administration would make a renewed push for a ceasefire in Gaza. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to bring peace to the Middle East without saying how. The Biden administration spent much of this year trying to broker a ceasefire and hostage release in Gaza but the talks repeatedly sputtered to a halt. Still, any halt to the fighting in Lebanon is expected to reduce the likelihood of war between Israel and Iran, which backs both Hezbollah and Hamas and exchanged direct fire with Israel on two occasions earlier this year. Israel says it will ‘attack with might’ if Hezbollah breaks truce Netanyahu presented the ceasefire proposal to Cabinet ministers after a televised address in which he listed a series of accomplishments against Israel’s enemies across the region. He said a ceasefire with Hezbollah would further isolate Hamas in Gaza and allow Israel to focus on its main enemy, Iran, which backs both groups. “If Hezbollah breaks the agreement and tries to rearm, we will attack,” he said. “For every violation, we will attack with might.” The ceasefire deal calls for a two-month initial halt in fighting and would require Hezbollah to end its armed presence in a broad swath of southern Lebanon, while Israeli troops would return to their side of the border. Thousands of additional Lebanese troopsand U.N. peacekeepers would deploy in the south, and an international panel headed by the United States would monitor all sides’ compliance. Biden said Israel reserved the right to quickly resume operations in Lebanon if Hezbollah breaks the terms of the truce, but that the deal "was designed to be a permanent cessation of hostilities.” Netanyahu’s office said Israel appreciated the U.S. efforts in securing the deal but “reserves the right to act against every threat to its security.” Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati welcomed the ceasefire and described it as a crucial step toward stability and the return of displaced people. Hezbollah has said it accepts the proposal, but a senior official with the group said Tuesday that it had not seen the agreement in its final form. “After reviewing the agreement signed by the enemy government, we will see if there is a match between what we stated and what was agreed upon by the Lebanese officials,” Mahmoud Qamati, deputy chair of Hezbollah’s political council, told the Al Jazeera news network. “We want an end to the aggression, of course, but not at the expense of the sovereignty of the state," he said, referring to Israel's demand for freedom of action. “Any violation of sovereignty is refused.” Warplanes bombard Beirut and its southern suburbs Even as ceasefire efforts gained momentum in recent days, Israel continued to strike what it says are Hezbollah targets across Lebanon as the militants fired rockets, missiles and drones across the border. An Israeli strike on Tuesday leveled a residential building in central Beirut — the second time in recent days warplanes have hit the crowded area near the city’s downtown. At least seven people were killed and 37 wounded, according to Lebanon's Health Ministry. Strikes on Beirut's southern suburbs killed at least one person and wounded 13, it said. Three people were killed in a separate strike in Beirut and three in a strike on a Palestinian refugee camp in southern Lebanon. Lebanese state media said another 10 people were killed in the eastern Baalbek province. Israel says it targets Hezbollah fighters and their infrastructure. Israel also struck a building in Beirut's bustling commercial district of Hamra for the first time, hitting a site that is around 400 meters (yards) from Lebanon’s Central Bank. There were no reports of casualties. The Israeli military said it struck targets in Beirut and other areas linked to Hezbollah's financial arm. The evacuation warnings covered many areas, including parts of Beirut that previously have not been targeted. The warnings, coupled with fear that Israel was ratcheting up attacks before a ceasefire, sent residents fleeing. Traffic was gridlocked, and some cars had mattresses tied to them. Dozens of people, some wearing their pajamas, gathered in a central square, huddling under blankets or standing around fires as Israeli drones buzzed loudly overhead. Israeli military spokesman Avichay Adraee issued evacuation warnings for 20 buildings in Beirut's southern suburbs, where Hezbollah has a major presence, as well as a warning for the southern town of Naqoura where the U.N. peacekeeping mission, UNIFIL, is headquartered. UNIFIL spokesperson Andrea Tenenti told The Associated Press that peacekeepers will not evacuate. Israeli forces reach Litani River in southern Lebanon The Israeli military also said its ground troops clashed with Hezbollah forces and destroyed rocket launchers in the Slouqi area on the eastern end of the Litani River, a few kilometers (miles) from the Israeli border. Under the ceasefire deal, Hezbollah would be required to move its forces north of the Litani, which in some places is about 30 kilometers (20 miles) north of the border. Hezbollah began firing into northern Israel on Oct. 8, 2023, saying it was showing support for the Palestinians, a day after Hamas carried out its attack on southern Israel, triggering the Gaza war. Israel returned fire on Hezbollah, and the two sides have been exchanging barrages ever since. Israel escalated its campaign of bombardment in mid-September and later sent troops into Lebanon, vowing to put an end to Hezbollah fire so tens of thousands of evacuated Israelis could return to their homes. More than 3,760 people have been killed by Israeli fire in Lebanon the past 13 months, many of them civilians, according to Lebanese health officials. The bombardment has driven 1.2 million people from their homes. Israel says it has killed more than 2,000 Hezbollah members. Hezbollah fire has forced some 50,000 Israelis to evacuate in the country’s north, and its rockets have reached as far south in Israel as Tel Aviv. At least 75 people have been killed, more than half of them civilians. More than 50 Israeli soldiers have died in the ground offensive in Lebanon. Associated Press reporters Lujain Jo and Sally Abou AlJoud in Beirut, and Aamer Madhani in Washington, contributed.
Zimmer Biomet Receives FDA Approval for Oxford® Cementless Partial Knee, Only Cementless Partial Knee Replacement Implant in the U.S.Carralero Martin 1-4 0-0 3, Rouzan 5-10 0-0 10, Ward 3-8 3-3 9, Freeman 12-20 2-5 26, T.Thomas 4-12 5-6 17, Camara 3-6 2-2 9, Willoughby 1-3 0-0 3, Love 1-3 0-0 2. Totals 30-66 12-16 79. Woodson 2-10 0-0 5, Kuljuhovic 2-4 3-6 7, Eaglestaff 7-17 3-4 20, King 3-11 0-0 7, Panoam 7-13 4-6 19, Mathews 2-4 0-0 4, R.Thomas 2-5 0-0 5, Mara 0-1 0-0 0, Natsvishvili 0-1 0-0 0, Kraft 0-0 0-0 0, Mayar 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 25-67 10-16 67. Halftime_Bethune-Cookman 46-41. 3-Point Goals_Bethune-Cookman 7-18 (T.Thomas 4-5, Camara 1-2, Carralero Martin 1-3, Willoughby 1-3, Rouzan 0-1, Ward 0-1, Freeman 0-3), North Dakota 7-31 (Eaglestaff 3-10, Panoam 1-3, R.Thomas 1-3, King 1-5, Woodson 1-7, Kuljuhovic 0-1, Mara 0-1, Natsvishvili 0-1). Fouled Out_King. Rebounds_Bethune-Cookman 34 (Rouzan, T.Thomas, Camara 6), North Dakota 42 (Kuljuhovic, Mathews 8). Assists_Bethune-Cookman 6 (T.Thomas 2), North Dakota 9 (Woodson 4). Total Fouls_Bethune-Cookman 18, North Dakota 18. A_123 (1,000).
They were all exceptional – Mikel Arteta loved seeing Arsenal run riot in LisbonBy JESSICA DAMIANO Finding the perfect gift can be daunting. The only way to truly ensure you get it right would be to ask the recipient what they want, but that wouldn’t be much fun for either of you. Luckily, there’s another tactic to help you earn a “gift whisperer” reputation: seeking out unique, practical, game-changing gifts that will truly surprise and delight. But that’s about as easy as it sounds, which is to say it’s not easy at all. So, we’ve done the legwork for you. Start making your list with this compilation of some of the most innovative, functional and fun gifts of 2024. There’s something for every budget. Bear with me: The new FinaMill Ultimate Spice Grinder set elevates the pedestrian pepper and spice mill in both function and style. Available in three colors (Sangria Red, Midnight Black and Soft Cream), the rechargeable-battery unit grinds with a light touch rather than hand-tiring twists. That’s easier for everyone and especially helpful for those experiencing hand or wrist issues such as arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome or tendinitis. And it’s fun to use. The set includes a stackable storage tray and four pods that can be easily swapped as needed: The GT microplane grater for hard spices, nuts and chocolate; the MAX for large spices and dried herbs; the ProPlus for smaller and oily spices; and the Pepper Pod for, well, pepper. $110. Campers and backyard firepit lovers who have experienced the heartbreak of wet wood will appreciate having a three-pack of Pull Start Fire on hand. Made of 89% recycled materials, including sanding dust, wax and flint, the food-safe, eco-friendly, 3-by-2-by-1-inch fire starters will light a fire quickly without matches, lighters or kindling. Just loop the attached green string around a log, incorporate it into a wood stack, and pull the attached red string to ignite. Each windproof, rainproof block burns for 30 minutes. $29.99. The No Mess Utensil Set from Souper Cubes , a company known for its portioned, silicone freezer trays, lives up to its name. The utensils — a serving spoon and a ladle — have innovative, S-shaped handles designed to rest on the edge of a pot, keeping them upright so they won’t slip in. The design also eliminates the need for a spoon rest or, worse, placing dirty utensils on the kitchen counter or stovetop between stirs. A silicone coating in a choice of Aqua, Charcoal, Cranberry or Blueberry keeps handles cool to the touch. $24.99. The FeatherSnap Wi-Fi smart bird feeder could turn anyone into an avid birdwatcher. Equipped with an HD camera, the dual-chamber feeder enables up-close livestreaming of avian visitors, as well as species-logging via the free mobile app. An optional premium subscription ($59.99 annually or $6.99 monthly) includes unlimited photo and video storage, AI identification with species-specific details, and the opportunity to earn badges for logging new visitors. Turn on notifications to get alerts sent to your phone whenever there’s activity at the feeder. $179.99. Fujifilm’s Instax Mini Link 3 smartphone printer offers a touch of nostalgia without sacrificing technology. Just load the 4.9-by-3.5-by-1.3-inch printer with Instax Mini instant film and connect it to your Android or iOS device via Bluetooth to print wallet-size photos. If you want to get fancy, you can adjust brightness, contrast and saturation, or apply filters, including 3D augmented-reality effects, via the free Instax Mini Link app. It can also make collages of up to six images, or animate photos to share on social media. Available in Rose Pink, Clay White and Sage Green. $99.95. The appropriately named easyplant is one of the best gifts you can give your houseplant-loving friends, regardless of their experience level. Select a pot color, size and plant (or get recommendations based on sunlight requirements, pet friendliness and other attributes) and fill the self-watering container’s built-in reservoir roughly once a month. Moisture will permeate the soil from the bottom as needed, eliminating the often-fatal consequences of over- or under-watering. It’s also a literal lifesaver come vacation time. $49-$259. Related Articles Things To Do | US airports with worst weather delays during holiday season Things To Do | The right book can inspire the young readers in your life, from picture books to YA novels Things To Do | Holiday gift ideas for the movie lover, from bios and books to a status tote Things To Do | ‘Gladiator II’ review: Are you not moderately entertained? Things To Do | Beer pairings for your holiday feasts If you’ve got a no-dairy friend on your list, a plant-based milk maker could save them money while allowing them to avoid sugar, stabilizers, thickeners and preservatives. The Nama M1 appliance both blends and strains ingredients, converting nuts, seeds, grains or oats into velvety-smooth milk in just one minute, with zero grit. And for zero waste, the pasty leftover pulp can be used in other recipes for added nutrients. The device also makes infused oils, flavored waters and soups. And, importantly, cleanup is easy. Available in white and black. $400. For friends who prefer stronger beverages, the QelviQ personal sommelier uses “smart” technology to ensure wine is served at its ideal temperature. Unlike traditional wine refrigerators, this device doesn’t take up any floor space. It also doesn’t chill wine to just one or two temperatures based on its color. Instead — paired with the free QelviQ app — the tabletop chiller relies on a database of more than 350,000 wines to bring a bottle to its specific recommended serving temperature in as little as 20 minutes. It also suggests food-wine and wine-food pairings. Plus, the appliance serves as a great icebreaker to inspire dinnertime conversation. Available in Exciting Red, Dashing Black and Dreamy White. $495. Grilling food after dark — and ascertaining its doneness — can prove challenging without outdoor lighting, and it’s nearly impossible to cook while holding a flashlight. But as is often the case, the simplest of solutions can make the biggest of impacts: Uncommon Good’s 2-piece LED Grilling Tool Set puts illumination into the handles of its stainless-steel spatula and tongs. After use, the lights can be removed and the utensils run through the dishwasher. $40.
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OMNI 360 Wealth Inc. raised its stake in shares of NVIDIA Co. ( NASDAQ:NVDA – Free Report ) by 125.1% during the third quarter, according to its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The institutional investor owned 16,170 shares of the computer hardware maker’s stock after purchasing an additional 8,988 shares during the quarter. NVIDIA comprises 1.3% of OMNI 360 Wealth Inc.’s holdings, making the stock its 20th biggest position. OMNI 360 Wealth Inc.’s holdings in NVIDIA were worth $1,964,000 as of its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. A number of other hedge funds have also bought and sold shares of NVDA. Legal & General Group Plc boosted its holdings in shares of NVIDIA by 884.0% in the 2nd quarter. Legal & General Group Plc now owns 213,127,959 shares of the computer hardware maker’s stock valued at $26,329,751,000 after acquiring an additional 191,469,114 shares during the last quarter. Bank of New York Mellon Corp boosted its holdings in shares of NVIDIA by 854.1% in the 2nd quarter. Bank of New York Mellon Corp now owns 182,622,629 shares of the computer hardware maker’s stock valued at $22,561,200,000 after acquiring an additional 163,482,580 shares during the last quarter. Ameriprise Financial Inc. boosted its holdings in shares of NVIDIA by 870.3% in the 2nd quarter. Ameriprise Financial Inc. now owns 102,422,225 shares of the computer hardware maker’s stock valued at $12,658,922,000 after acquiring an additional 91,867,031 shares during the last quarter. Dimensional Fund Advisors LP boosted its holdings in shares of NVIDIA by 1,123.2% in the 2nd quarter. Dimensional Fund Advisors LP now owns 92,039,713 shares of the computer hardware maker’s stock valued at $11,371,255,000 after acquiring an additional 84,515,429 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Massachusetts Financial Services Co. MA boosted its holdings in NVIDIA by 808.6% during the second quarter. Massachusetts Financial Services Co. MA now owns 82,689,605 shares of the computer hardware maker’s stock worth $10,215,474,000 after buying an additional 73,589,208 shares in the last quarter. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 65.27% of the company’s stock. NVIDIA Trading Down 1.8 % Shares of NVDA stock opened at $142.44 on Friday. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.13, a current ratio of 4.10 and a quick ratio of 3.64. The firm has a market cap of $3.49 trillion, a PE ratio of 56.06, a price-to-earnings-growth ratio of 2.62 and a beta of 1.63. The company has a 50-day moving average of $138.16 and a two-hundred day moving average of $125.58. NVIDIA Co. has a 1-year low of $45.60 and a 1-year high of $152.89. NVIDIA announced that its board has authorized a share repurchase program on Wednesday, August 28th that authorizes the company to buyback $50.00 billion in outstanding shares. This buyback authorization authorizes the computer hardware maker to buy up to 1.6% of its shares through open market purchases. Shares buyback programs are typically an indication that the company’s management believes its shares are undervalued. NVIDIA Dividend Announcement The business also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Friday, December 27th. Shareholders of record on Thursday, December 5th will be paid a dividend of $0.01 per share. This represents a $0.04 annualized dividend and a yield of 0.03%. The ex-dividend date is Thursday, December 5th. NVIDIA’s dividend payout ratio (DPR) is presently 1.57%. Insiders Place Their Bets In other news, CFO Colette Kress sold 66,670 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Friday, September 20th. The shares were sold at an average price of $116.59, for a total value of $7,773,055.30. Following the completion of the transaction, the chief financial officer now owns 4,954,214 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $577,611,810.26. This trade represents a 1.33 % decrease in their ownership of the stock. The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which can be accessed through the SEC website . Also, CEO Jen Hsun Huang sold 120,000 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, September 9th. The shares were sold at an average price of $105.33, for a total transaction of $12,639,600.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the chief executive officer now directly owns 75,895,836 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $7,994,108,405.88. The trade was a 0.16 % decrease in their position. The disclosure for this sale can be found here . Insiders sold a total of 1,796,986 shares of company stock valued at $214,418,399 over the last 90 days. 4.23% of the stock is owned by company insiders. Wall Street Analyst Weigh In NVDA has been the topic of a number of recent analyst reports. Citigroup increased their price target on shares of NVIDIA from $170.00 to $175.00 and gave the stock a “buy” rating in a report on Thursday, November 21st. Oppenheimer reissued an “outperform” rating and set a $175.00 price target on shares of NVIDIA in a report on Thursday, November 21st. Westpark Capital increased their price objective on shares of NVIDIA from $127.50 to $165.00 and gave the company a “buy” rating in a report on Thursday, August 29th. DA Davidson increased their price objective on shares of NVIDIA from $90.00 to $135.00 and gave the company a “neutral” rating in a report on Friday, November 22nd. Finally, Craig Hallum increased their price objective on shares of NVIDIA from $125.00 to $165.00 and gave the company a “buy” rating in a report on Thursday, August 29th. Four research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating, thirty-nine have assigned a buy rating and one has issued a strong buy rating to the company. Based on data from, NVIDIA has an average rating of “Moderate Buy” and an average target price of $164.15. Get Our Latest Stock Analysis on NVIDIA About NVIDIA ( Free Report ) NVIDIA Corporation provides graphics and compute and networking solutions in the United States, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and internationally. The Graphics segment offers GeForce GPUs for gaming and PCs, the GeForce NOW game streaming service and related infrastructure, and solutions for gaming platforms; Quadro/NVIDIA RTX GPUs for enterprise workstation graphics; virtual GPU or vGPU software for cloud-based visual and virtual computing; automotive platforms for infotainment systems; and Omniverse software for building and operating metaverse and 3D internet applications. Featured Articles Five stocks we like better than NVIDIA TSX Venture Exchange (Formerly Canadian Venture Exchange) Fast-Growing Companies That Are Still Undervalued What Are Dividend Champions? How to Invest in the Champions Top Cybersecurity Stock Picks for 2025 Insider Trades May Not Tell You What You Think Archer or Joby: Which Aviation Company Might Rise Fastest? Receive News & Ratings for NVIDIA Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for NVIDIA and related companies with's FREE daily email newsletter .
The 'Ram Temple project' at the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Temple in has been awarded the prestigious 'Sword of Honour' by the British Safety Council, the Chairman of the Construction Committee, Nripendra Misra, announced on Sunday, according to news agency ANI. Misra stated that the award is one of the highest recognitions in safety management. The British Safety Council evaluates safety processes, practices, and on-site activities during audits, and only those receiving a five-star assessment are eligible for the 'Sword of Honour' award. "Shri Ram Mandir project in Ayodhya Dham has won the prestigious 'Sword of Honour' award given by British Safety Council. It is one of the prestigious accolades in safety management. The British Safety Council conducts the audit of the process, practices, and finally on-site activity assessments," a statement issued by Misra read. According to ANI, Larsen and Toubro, the company responsible for the temple's construction, also received a 'Golden Trophy' from the National Safety Council in the United States for its safety measures during the project. The temple's construction is being carried out under the close coordination of Larsen and Toubro and Tata Consulting Engineers, with supervision by the Construction Committee of the Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust. The statement also mentioned that the construction of the first and second floors, including the Shikhar (spire) of the temple, is in its final phase, with completion expected by June 2025, ANI reported. The temple is being built using Bansi Paharpur stone from , with approximately 15 lakh cubic feet of stone, along with significant marble cladding. Earlier this year, led the rituals during the Pran Pratishtha ceremony in the sanctum sanctorum of the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Temple of Ram Lalla. The Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Mandir is being constructed in the traditional Nagara style. Its length (east-west) is 380 feet, width 250 feet, and height 161 feet. It is supported by 392 pillars and 44 doors, with intricately sculpted depictions of Hindu deities, gods, and goddesses on the pillars and walls. In the main sanctum sanctorum on the ground floor, the childhood form of Lord Ram (the idol of Shri Ramlalla) has been placed. The main entrance of Shri Ram Mandir is situated on the eastern side, which can be accessed by ascending 32 stairs through the Singh Dwar. The Shri Ram Mandir complex has five Mandaps (halls): Nritya Mandap, Rang Mandap, Sabha Mandap, Prathana Mandap, and Kirtan Mandap. A historic well (Sita koop), dating back to ancient times, is located near Shri Ram Mandir. In the southwestern part of the Mandir complex, an ancient temple of has been restored, and a statue of Jatayu has been installed. The foundation of the temple has been constructed with a 14-metre-thick layer of roller-compacted concrete (RCC), giving it the appearance of artificial rock. No iron has been used in the temple's construction. To protect against ground moisture, a 21-foot-high plinth has been built using granite. The temple complex includes a sewage treatment plant, a water treatment plant, a water supply for fire safety, and an independent power station. The temple has been built using traditional and indigenous technology.Needle-free Mesotherapy Market Industry Dynamics and Contributions by Avora Skin Spa, Beautyworx Medispa, Shore Beauty Salon, MESO SKINLINE, DERMAVILLE, Sculpture Polyclinic, Celestetic
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