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  3. Wendy Raaphorst

Wendy Raaphorst

Portrait of Wendy Raaphorst
Think tank
Inholland University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

After studying Tourism Management and working in the Netherlands and abroad in the tourism industry, Wendy Raaphorst started the research master in Cultural Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam (UvA)  She specialised in development studies and world heritage & intangible culture. After a ten-year career in development cooperation (including culture program), she started the master in Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage at the UvA. She did an internship at Museum Volkenkunde Leiden and researched local participation in the development of a UNESCO World Heritage site in Mali. This was published in the Sage Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research: Proud to be Dogon: An Exploration of the local perspective on cultural tourism and cultural heritage management in Dogon country Mali. Currently, she works as a senior lecturer and coordinator of the Cultural Tourism minor of the Tourism Management program at Inholland University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam. Together with students she conducted research for the Netherlands Intangible Heritage Knowledge Center within the research line tourism and intangible heritage. From this, a publication appeared in Volkskunde: Etnisch toerisme als kans voor duurzame ontwikkeling van immaterieel erfgoed in superdiverse wijken Een onderzoek naar de West-Kruiskade in Rotterdam en de Paul Krugerlaan in Den Haag.