1. About
  2. Team


The Living Heritage Journeys project is co-created by five partner organisations from five EU countries. Together they make up the project team with 15 colleagues. 

Each project partner in the team takes care of specific tasks and work packages to realise the project. Each partner also collaborates on a pilot case about living heritage and tourism in the different countries.

In monthly team meetings, this group of colleagues leads the follow up of the ongoing project journey and its progress, and makes sure it runs smoothly.

Project team

The Living Heritage Journeys project is co-created by six partner organisations from five EU countries. Together they make up the project team with 15 colleagues.  Each project partner in the team takes care of specific tasks and work packages to realise the project. Each partner also collaborates on a pilot case about living heritage and tourism in the different countries.

In monthly team meetings, this group of colleagues leads the follow up of the ongoing project journey and its progress, and makes sure it runs smoothly. 

Think tank

A multidisciplinary Think Tank of experts in both sustainable tourism and living heritage themes will be following the ongoing process of the Living Heritage Journeys throughout the project duration (2024-2027). This group of ‘critical friends’ to the project commits to providing feedback and guidance on pivotal phases and milestones.