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  2. Team
  3. Valentina Lapiccirella Zingari

Valentina Lapiccirella Zingari

Valentina Lapiccirella Zingari, PhD, is a cultural anthropologist in charge  of the scientific management of the Tocatì multinational programme with the Associazione Giochi Antichi (AGA). 

Since 1990, she’s been developing participatory approaches to heritage management, in a wide range of local, national and international projects and long-term processes. Since 2009, she has been following the processes related to the implementation of the UNESCO ICH Convention 2003, working with the ICH NGO Forum. She’s a trained Facilitator for the Global Capacity Building Strategy of the ICH Convention since 2017.

Within this international UNESCO framework, as a member of the ICH NGO Forum’s Research Working Group, she participate in the creation of the ICH and Sustainable Tourism web dossier, which mentions the Tocatì programme as an “experience on the ground”. The Living Heritage Journeys European programme will make concrete and impactful the willingness to improve innovative experiences of ICH based sustainable tourism.