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  3. Monika Widzicka

Monika Widzicka

Monika Widzicka, PhD, is a historian and ethnologist, with a degree in cultural studies. She leads the Living Heritage Journeys project at the Museum of Krakow and works as a researcher at the Intangible Heritage Interpretation Centre of Krakow. Having worked in museums for twelve years, she has engaged in collection management, curating exhibitions, and the implementation of international cooperation projects. Her interests include urban heritage, sound studies, heritagisation, memory studies, and popular culture. She co-curated the permanent exhibition "The City. Technosensitivity" at the Museum of Engineering and Technology in Krakow. 

Monika gained experience in international projects funded by the EU, including Work with Sounds (2013-2015), Sounds of Changes (2017-2019), and Knowledge Lab: creating, sharing, protecting (2017-2020). She also participated in research projects focused on intangible heritage and memory cultures, including "HERILIGION: The Heritagization of Religion and Sacralization of Heritage" (under the HERA consortium). She has authored publications in heritage studies, sound studies, the history of popular culture, and historical anthropology. Currently, her work focuses on the Krakow’s ICH practices, particularly the role of soundscape. She is an enthusiast of using heritage interpretation methods.