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  3. Leandro Peredo

Leandro Peredo

Portrait of Leandro Peredo
Think tank
UNESCO Secretariat for the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 

Leandro Peredo has formal training in architecture and social sciences. His personal and professional interests have led him to work with heritage from different fields and standpoints (architecture, anthropology, landscape management, social movement, international organisations, etc.). He is a member of the UNESCO Secretariat for the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, where he serves as Regional officer for the Latin America and the Caribbean region and assumes other thematic responsibilities, including the economic dimensions of  intangible cultural heritage safeguarding. Leandro is also a PhD candidate in anthropology at the University of Paris Nanterre (France). In his research, he studies land titling conflicts in protected areas.