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  3. Laura Casarsa

Laura Casarsa

Portrait of Laura Casarsa

Laura Casarsa is a Communication Consultant for the cultural field.

Her degree in Economics and Management of Cultural Heritage and Activities from the Ca' Foscari University of Venice immediately contributed to her interest in cultural communication, leading her to graduate in 2010 with a thesis on branding applied to cultural institutions. 

She moved to Berlin in 2014 where she held the position of Project Manager of the Young Illustrators Award, an international competition for young illustrators sponsored by the Direktorenhaus, Museum of Design and Crafts, and worked in Business Management for Ikono TV, a global multimedia platform that aggregates videos and films from the art, architecture and design community. The latter position led her to develop corporate partnership strategies and to deepen her skills in the digital sphere.

She returned to Italy in 2017 and currently holds the position of Communication and Marketing Consultant for several cultural institutions such as the Museum Gypsotheca Antonio Canova in Possagno (TV), the Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro in Milan and, since 2021, she has been collaborating with AGA/Tocatì.