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  3. Diego Rinallo

Diego Rinallo

Portrait of Diego Rinallo
Think tank
EMLYON business school, Lyon, France

Diego Rinallo is director of the lifestyle research center and associate professor of marketing at emlyon business school. Previously, he was assistant professor at Bocconi University, which granted his Ph.D. in Business Administration & Management. His research investigates critically the social construction of markets and consumption practices and issues of social and environmental justice. Since 2016, Rinallo has been working on the contribution of intangible cultural heritage to sustainable development, thanks to applied projects in the context of food, textile and traditional performing arts, in geographical contexts as varied as the Alps and rural India. He has written various articles, book chapters and toolkits dealing with empowering bearer communities through heritage-sensitive intellectual property and marketing strategies. 

He is a member of the scientific committee supporting the inscription of the Alpine food heritage knowledge and skills in the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices established in the context of the UNESCO 2003 Convention on Living Heritage and, with other experts, he contributed to the development of the Draft Guidance Note on Economic Dimensions of Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding (2023) exploring ways to maximize the positive effects of economic activities on living heritage safeguarding and sustainable development on communities, groups and individuals, while mitigating their negative impacts.