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  3. Thomas More

Thomas More

Within Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, the Centre of Expertise for Sustainable Business and Digital Innovation operates as a dedicated research group within the university's dynamic ecosystem. It thrives within a vibrant community of over 2,000 employees and nearly 22,000 students, staff, and researchers. With a team comprising four tourism researchers, the Centre focuses on advancing innovative approaches to sustainable tourism. Their expertise lies mainly in cultural tourism, including intangible cultural heritage and inclusive tourism. In the realm of tourism, collaboration is critical. The centre's research involves businesses and organisations, residents and heritage communities, and the visitor or customer. The team on innovative and sustainable tourism conducts research with and for these stakeholders, employing qualitative and quantitative methods to provide practical tools, advice, and methodologies. In their research, they collaborate closely with colleagues of the Centre of Expertise, a broader research collective of 40 people, who are experts from the research lines of 'Digital Experiences’, ‘Creative Production’, ‘Circular Entrepreneurship’, ‘Effective Communication’, and 'Data-driven Business’. Together, they aim to pioneer sustainable tourism practices that enrich experiences and contribute positively to communities and the environment.