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보스턴, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 손해보험(P&C) 및 일반 보험의 미래를 주도해가는 지능형 솔루션 제공업체인 Duck Creek Technologies (이하 Duck Creek)가 회사 및 고객을 위한 혁신과 성장에 더욱 속도를 내기 위해 베테랑급 임원 3명을 글로벌 고위 경영진에 임명했다. 새로 선임된 임원들은 북미 영업 담당 수석 부사장인 William Magowan, 유럽•중동•아프리카 지역 (EMEA) 담당 매니징 디렉터인 Elodie Hilderal, 아시아태평양 지역 담당 매니징 디렉터인 Christian Erickson이다. 신규 임원들은 보다 큰 조직과 협력해 사업 확장과 매출 성장에 필요한 새로운 기회를 창출하는 한편 전 세계 Duck Creek 고객과 파트너를 대상으로 세계적 수준의 경험을 제공하는데 주력하게 된다. William과 Elodie, Christian은 Duck Creek을 비롯해 다양한 곳에서 풍부한 보험관련 기술 경력을 보유하고 있다: William Magowan 은 보험 기술 업계에서 20년 동안 영업 책임자로 활동한 경력을 바탕으로 북미 영업 담당 수석 부사장 을 맡으며 Duck Creek에 재합류했다. 그는 우수 실적을 보인 영업팀을 육성하고 이를 진두지휘하며 제품 혁신을 주도했으며, 검증된 고객 가치를 제공하는 데 있어 탁월한 성과를 보였다. Elodie Hilderal 은 Duck Creek 영업 부사장으로 성공적인 역할을 수행한 후 EMEA 지역 매니징 디렉터 로 임명되었다. Elodie 디렉터는 보험 및 재보험 엔터프라이즈 소프트웨어 업계에서 15년 동안 영업, 전문 서비스, 고객 성공 분야에서 리더십 역할을 수행해 온 탁월한 리더로, 보험 및 재보험 업계에서 탄탄한 경력을 구축한 인물이다. Christian Erickson 은 25년 이상 엔터프라이즈 소프트웨어, 클라우드, 사이버 보안, 전문 서비스 분야에서 쌓은 경험을 바탕으로 아태지역 매니징 디렉터 를 맡게 되었다. Duck Creek에 합류하기 전에는 Cognizant와 Accenture를 비롯한 여러 회사에서 금융 서비스 및 보험 부문의 총괄 매니저를 역임하며 성장, 고객 성공, 전문 서비스 부문을 담당했다. Duck Creek Technologies의 Mike Jackowski CEO는 “William과 Elodie, Christian 이렇게 신규 임명 세 명을 선임한 것은 Duck Creek에 있어 중요한 순간이다. 이들의 리더십 역량과 업계 전문성을 바탕으로 2025년에는 전례 없는 수준의 성장을 이루고 전 세계로 사업 영역을 확장할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다"라고 밝혔다. 그는 또 “Duck Creek은 보험 기술 분야를 선도하는 기업으로서, 고객들은 우리가 구축하는 솔루션부터 제공하는 고객 경험에 이르기까지 우수성의 표준을 정립하기를 기대하고 있다. 세 명의 임원 모두 보험사와 보험 계약자의 지속적인 이익을 위해 Duck Creek이 업계를 지속적으로 선도할 수 있도록 배경과 노하우, 입증된 성공 경험을 갖추고 있다”고 설명했다. Duck Creek Technologies 소개 Duck Creek Technologies는 재산 및 손해(P&C), 일반 보험 산업의 미래를 주도할 지능형 솔루션을 공급한다. 당사는 최신 보험 시스템 구축의 기반이 되는 플랫폼으로 업계가 클라우드를 활용해 민첩성을 가지고 지능형 방식으로 원활하게 사업을 운영할 수 있도록 지원한다. 진정성, 목적성, 투명성을 핵심 가치로 삼는 Duck Creek은 개인과 기업이 가장 필요로 하는 시기, 장소, 방법을 통해 보험을 이용할 수 있어야 한다고 믿는다. 시장을 선도하는 당사의 솔루션은 독립형 또는 전체 제품군 으로 제공되며, Duck Creek OnDemand 를 통해 이용할 수 있다. 자세한 정보는 회사 홈페이지 www.duckcreek.com 에서 확인하세요. 소셜 채널인 – LinkedIn 과 X 에서 Duck Creek을 팔로우해 최신 정보 확인도 가능합니다. 언론 연락처 정보: Marianne Dempsey/Tara Stred duckcreek@threeringsinc.com
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." Section 1.10.32 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", written by Cicero in 45 BC "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?" 1914 translation by H. Rackham "But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?" 1914 translation by H. Rackham "But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?" To keep reading, please log in to your account, create a free account, or simply fill out the form below.Liverpool beat holders Real Madrid with Aston Villa denied win against JuventusRunner's World: Top RBs take flight when Ravens entertain Eagles
Jurors will likely never decide whether the president-elect is criminally responsible for his attempts to cling to power after losing the 2020 campaign.
How Labour's new green drive will cost you £32,000: JEFF PRESTRIDGE's guide to protect YOUR cash from the eco-zealots
Several social media users, most identifying as Make America Great Again (MAGA) supporters, have expressed discontent with President Joe Biden 's decision to grant clemency to a Chinese national who pleaded guilty to possession of thousands of child pornography images in 2022. Although the social media users appear to be reacting to the news now, Washington and Beijing engaged in a prisoner swap two weeks ago in which the individual, Jin Shanlin, was exchanged. According to the Justice Department's executive grant of clemency, it was granted by Biden to Jin on November 22. At least three Americans who had been detained in China were released and sent back home. "We are pleased to announce the release of Mark Swidan, Kai Li, and John Leung from detention in the People's Republic of China," a National Security Council spokesperson told several news outlets in a statement in late November. Jin was a doctoral student at Southern Methodist University when he was arrested in 2021 and later sentenced to 97 months (or just over eight years) in federal prison after pleading guilty to possession of child pornography before a U.S. magistrate judge in July 2022, according to court documents. His sentencing also required him to pay $30,500 in restitution and $100 in assessment. Newsweek reached out via email to the White House for comment on Thursday. Jin has family connections to China's Communist Party, according to reports. Biden's clemency grant for Jin says he must leave and "remain outside the limits of the United States." Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene reshared a post on X (formerly Twitter ) with information about Jin, along with a segment from a 60 Minutes interview Leslie Stahl did with her in April 2023. She captioned the post: " Democrats really are the party of pedophiles." In the video segment, Greene reiterated her claims, stating that Democrats "support grooming children" and "sexualizing children." She cited transgender surgeries as an example, arguing that "sexualizing children is what pedophiles do to children." Also on X, user @MJTruthUltra, who is followed by President-elect Donald Trump 's account that reshares his Truth Social posts, called the clemency "just sick," echoing rhetoric similar to Greene's, writing, "The party of pedophiles protecting pedophiles." X user Alexandria Brown questioned the president's reasoning for granting Jin clemency, writing, "I find it difficult to comprehend what grounds there are for clemency." Unrelated to the China-U.S. swap, Biden commuted on Thursday the sentences of 1,499 people who were released from prison to home confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic, marking the largest single-day clemency action in the country's modern history. Biden also pardoned 39 people convicted of nonviolent crimes in an effort to promote second chances and to address problems with the nation's criminal justice system. Though Biden had long promised not to use his clemency power, which is outlined in Article II Section 2 of the Constitution, for his family members, he recently reversed course with his son Hunter, arguing that the prosecution was politically motivated. President-elect Donald Trump is set to take office in a little over a month, on January 20. He said he will immediately pardon people convicted of participating in the January 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol.
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ALTOONA, Pa. (AP) — The suspect in the killing of UnitedHealthcare’s CEO struggled with deputies and shouted Tuesday while arriving for a court appearance in Pennsylvania, a day after he was arrested at a McDonald’s and charged with murder. Luigi Nicholas Mangione emerged from a patrol car, spun toward reporters and shouted something partly unintelligible referring to an “insult to the intelligence of the American people” while deputies pushed him inside. Prosecutors were beginning to take steps to bring Mangione back to New York to face a murder charge while new details emerged about his life and how he was captured. The 26-year-old Ivy League graduate from a prominent Maryland real estate family was charged with murder hours after he was arrested in the killing of Brian Thompson , who led the United States’ largest medical insurance company. Local defense lawyer Thomas Dickey, who is expected to represent Mangione, declined comment before Tuesday's hearing at the Blair County Courthouse in Hollidaysburg. Mangione likely was motivated by his anger with what he called “parasitic” health insurance companies and a disdain for corporate greed, a law enforcement bulletin obtained by The Associated Press said. He wrote that the U.S. has the most expensive health care system in the world and that profits of major corporations continue to rise while “our life expectancy” does not, according to the bulletin, based on a review of his hand-written notes and social media posts. Mangione called “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski a “political revolutionary” and may have found inspiration from the man who carried out a series of bombings while railing against modern society and technology, according to police bulletin. Mangione remained jailed in Pennsylvania, where he was initially charged with possession of an unlicensed firearm, forgery and providing false identification to police. Manhattan prosecutors have obtained an arrest warrant, a step that could help expedite his extradition from Pennsylvania. Mangione was arrested in Altoona, Pennsylvania — about 230 miles (about 370 kilometers) west of New York City — after a McDonald's customer recognized him and notified an employee, authorities said. Officers found him sitting at a back table, wearing a blue medical mask and looking at a laptop, according to a Pennsylvania police criminal complaint. He initially gave them a fake ID, but when an officer asked Mangione whether he’d been to New York recently, he “became quiet and started to shake,” the complaint says. When he pulled his mask down at officers' request, “we knew that was our guy,” rookie Officer Tyler Frye said. Images of Mangione released Tuesday by Pennsylvania State Police showed him pulling down his mask in the corner of the McDonald's while holding what appeared to be hash browns and wearing a winter jacket and beanie. In another photo from a holding cell, he stood unsmiling with rumpled hair. New York Police Commissioner Jessica Tisch said Mangione was carrying a gun like the one used to kill Thompson and the same fake ID the shooter had used to check into a New York hostel, along with a passport and other fraudulent IDs. NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny said Mangione also had a three-page, handwritten document that shows “some ill will toward corporate America." A law enforcement official who wasn’t authorized to discuss the investigation publicly and spoke with The Associated Press on condition of anonymity said the document included a line in which Mangione claimed to have acted alone. “To the Feds, I’ll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn’t working with anyone,” the document said, according to the official. It also had a line that said, “I do apologize for any strife or traumas but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming.” Pennsylvania prosecutor Peter Weeks said in court that Mangione was found with a passport and $10,000 in cash, $2,000 of it in foreign currency. Mangione disputed the amount. Thompson, 50, was killed Wednesday as he walked alone to a Manhattan hotel for an investor conference. Police quickly came to see the shooting as a targeted attack by a gunman who appeared to wait for Thompson, came up behind him and fired a 9 mm pistol. Investigators have said “delay,” “deny” and “depose” were written on ammunition found near Thompson's body. The words mimic “delay, deny, defend,” a phrase used to criticize the insurance industry . From surveillance video, New York investigators determined the shooter quickly fled fled the city, likely by bus. A grandson of a wealthy, self-made real estate developer and philanthropist, Mangione is a cousin of a current Maryland state legislator. Valedictorian at his elite Baltimore prep school, he went on to earn undergraduate and graduate degrees in computer science in 2020 from the University of Pennsylvania, a spokesperson said. “Our family is shocked and devastated by Luigi’s arrest,” Mangione’s family said in a statement posted on social media late Monday by his cousin, Maryland Del. Nino Mangione. “We offer our prayers to the family of Brian Thompson and we ask people to pray for all involved.” From January to June 2022, Luigi Mangione lived at Surfbreak, a “co-living” space at the edge of touristy Waikiki in Honolulu. Like other residents of the shared penthouse catering to remote workers, Mangione underwent a background check, said Josiah Ryan, a spokesperson for owner and founder R.J. Martin. “Luigi was just widely considered to be a great guy. There were no complaints,” Ryan said. "There was no sign that might point to these alleged crimes they’re saying he committed.” At Surfbreak, Martin learned Mangione had severe back pain from childhood that interfered with many aspects of his life, from surfing to romance, Ryan said. “He went surfing with R.J. once but it didn’t work out because of his back," Ryan said, but noted that Mangione and Martin often went together to a rock-climbing gym. Mangione left Surfbreak to get surgery on the mainland, Ryan said, then later returned to Honolulu and rented an apartment. Martin stopped hearing from Mangione six months to a year ago. ___ Scolforo reported from Altoona and Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania. Contributing were Associated Press writers Cedar Attanasio and Jennifer Peltz in New York; Michael Rubinkam and Maryclaire Dale in Pennsylvania; Lea Skene in Baltimore; and Jennifer Sinco Kelleher in Honolulu.AP News Summary at 4:42 p.m. EST
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The Massachusetts Senate proposed an amendment on Monday December 2, 2024, that would delay implementation and enforcement of the 2021 Patients First Act addressing health care cost transparency. Section 31 of the amendment would replace the current implementation date of January 1, 2025, with January 1, 2027, providing an additional two years for providers to prepare for the additional notice requirements accompanying the law. Governor Charles Baker signed into law An Act Promoting a Resilient Health Care System that Puts Patients First (Patients First Act) on January 1, 2021, to address perceived concerns regarding out-of-network (OON) billing. Under the Patients First Act, health care providers will be required to notify patients if the provider is in or out of the patient’s health plan. The Patients First Act has been the Massachusetts legislative attempt to address the challenges in private insurance and health care coverage market — a compliment to the Federal No Surprises Act, discussed in prior blog posts here and here . Recognizing the challenges of implementing this law, the Commonwealth had already extended and re-extended the implementation and enforcement date for the Patients First Act. With the most recent extension, implementation and enforcement will now begin January 1, 2027, and health care providers will be required to notify patients about charges and payments for proposed admissions, procedures, services, and referrals that are specific to the patient’s health insurance carrier. Failing to comply with these requirements may lead to penalties of up to US$2,500 for each instance of noncompliance issued by the Department of Public Health (DPH). Impacted Health Care Providers The requirements of the Patients First Act apply to health care providers, defined to include doctors, dentists, registered nurses, social workers, pharmacists, chiropractors, psychologists, hospitals, clinics — including community health centers — and nursing homes. Notice Requirements The Patients First Act requires health care providers to notify patients or potential patients, verbally or in writing, of whether the provider participates in the patient’s health plan. This notice must be given upon scheduling an admission, procedure, or service that is related to a non-emergency medical condition or upon request by the patient. Once the initial notice is given, patients can waive this requirement for subsequent admissions, procedures, or services that are part of a continued course of treatment. The notification also varies based on whether a provider is in-network, meaning the provider does participate in the patient’s health plan, or out-of-network, in which case the provider does not participate in a patient’s health plan. If a provider is in-network, at the time of scheduling an admission, procedure or service that is not for an emergency medical condition, the health care provider must provide notice that the provider participates in the patient’s health insurance plan. The patient may request the following information from their provider: The allowed amount and any facility fees for the admission, procedure, or service, to be disclosed by the health care provider within two days of the patient’s request; and If a provider is unable to quote a specific amount due to the inability to predict specific treatment or diagnostic codes, the provider must disclose the estimated maximum amount and any facility fees. Patients may also obtain additional information in real time about applicable out-of-pocket costs from their insurance carrier’s toll-free number or website. If a provider is OON, and if the appointment was scheduled more than seven days in advance of the admission, procedure, or service: the health care provider must inform the patient that the health care provider does not participate in the patient’s health plan verbally and in writing at the time of scheduling (no less than seven days before the appointment). Providers who fail to provide this notice are prohibited from billing the insured beyond any applicable copayment, coinsurance, or deductible that would be payable if the insured received the service from a provider who participates in the patient’s health plan. If a provider is OON, and if the appointment was scheduled less than seven days in advance of the admission, procedure, or service: the health care provider must verbally inform the patient that the health care provider does not participate in the patient’s health plan, at the time of scheduling (no less than two days or as soon as practicable before the appointment). The provider must also give written notice upon the patient’s arrival for the appointment. Providers who fail to provide such notice are similarly prohibited from billing the insured beyond any applicable copayment, coinsurance, or deductible that would be payable if the insured received the service from a provider who participates in the patient’s health plan. Regardless of the timing of the appointment scheduling, if a provider is OON, the health care provider must give notice of the charge and amount of any facility fees for the admission, procedure, or service at the time of scheduling. The provider must also give the patient notice that the patient will be responsible for the charges not covered through the patient’s plan and notice that the patient may be able to obtain the admission, procedure or service at a lower cost from a health care provider who participates in the patient’s health plan. Referral Requests: In the case of referrals, requirements depend on whether a provider is referring the patient to another provider or whether the provider is directly scheduling, ordering, or otherwise arranging health care services for a patient with another provider. When a provider refers a patient to another provider, the referring provider must: Disclose if the referred provider is part of or represented by the same provider organization [1] as the referring provider; Inform the patient that the referred provider may not participate in the patient’s health plan, that there may be applicable out-of-network rates, and that the patient has an opportunity to verify whether the referred provider participates in their health plan prior to making an appointment or agreeing to use the provider’s services; and Provide the patient with sufficient information about the referred provider so that the patient may obtain additional information about whether the referred provider participates in their health plan and any applicable out-of-pocket costs should the patient use the referred provider’s services. If a provider is directly scheduling, ordering, or otherwise arranging health care services for a patient with another provider, before doing so, the referring provider must verify whether the referred provider is in-network and notify the patient if the referred provider is either OON or the referring provider cannot verify whether the referred provider is in-network. Penalties The law authorizes DPH to penalize health care providers who fail to comply with these requirements, with a penalty of up to US$2,500 in each instance. Effective January 1, 2027, the Department will accept and investigate complaints. The initial penalty amount will be US$0 to give providers time to come into compliance. Any patient who has not received the required notice may submit a complaint, in writing, to the health care provider’s professional licensing board, or in the case of a licensed facility, to the DPH Bureau of Health Care Safety and Quality. The board will notify the health care provider of the complaint and give the provider ten days to submit written documentation demonstrating compliance with the notice requirements. Moving Forward With increasing discourse about pricing transparency in health care costs nationwide, the Commonwealth’s choice to pass the Patients First Act supplements similar efforts made in the federal government. However, the recurring extensions of implementation and enforcement reflect the extraordinary complexities that come with proper application of this law to providers. Moving forward, these challenges may serve as a guide for other states — particularly in New England — for responding to conversations surrounding health care pricing and anticipating the difficulties that come with resolving such a complex matter. Providers and policymakers in other states should take the necessity of extending implementation of this new law by six years as evidence that even a well-intentioned transparency law such as this should be carefully considered and discussed with the provider community before being enacted. [1] G.L. c. 111, s. 228 specifically references G.L. c. 6D, s1, which defines “provider organization” as follows: “[A]ny corporation, partnership, business trust, association or organized group of persons, which is in the business of health care delivery or management, whether incorporated or not that represents 1 or more health care providers in contracting with carriers for the payments of heath care services; provided, that ”provider organization” shall include, but not be limited to, physician organizations, physician-hospital organizations, independent practice associations, provider networks, accountable care organizations and any other organization that contracts with carriers for payment for health care services.”The new Karl Lagerfeld has arrived at Chanel. Here’s what to expectTraffic alert: Heavy travel delays reported on northbound I-17
Alexis Mac Allister and substitute Cody Gakpo got the goals as Liverpool beat Champions League holders Real Madrid 2-0 at Anfield to make it five wins from as many games in the league phase for Arne Slot’s men. The Reds took the lead when Mac Allister played a one-two with Conor Bradley and slotted past Thibaut Courtois seven minutes into the second half. Real had the chance to equalise with a penalty just past the hour, but Kylian Mbappe saw his strike saved by Caoimhin Kelleher. 🛑🛑🛑 — Liverpool FC (@LFC) There was then an unsuccessful spot-kick from the hosts as Mohamed Salah missed from 12 yards, before Gakpo popped up with a 76th-minute header from Andy Robertson’s cross as the Merseysiders recorded a first win over Real in 15 years and gained some revenge for their defeats in the 2018 and 2022 finals. While Liverpool top the table, Carlo Ancelotti’s Real are down in 24th place – the final play-offs berth – with just six points from their five matches. Aston Villa are outside the top eight on goal difference after a 0-0 draw with Juventus in which Morgan Rogers had a stoppage-time finish for the hosts ruled out for a foul, with Villa goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez having earlier made a fantastic save to deny Francisco Conceicao. Celtic, lying 20th, drew 1-1 at home with Club Brugge thanks to a curling Daizen Maeda strike that cancelled out a remarkable own goal by Cameron Carter-Vickers, who passed back without looking to send the ball into the net. Borussia Dortmund moved into the top eight with 3-0 win at Dinamo Zagreb, where Jamie Gittens, Ramy Bensebaini and Serhou Guirassy got on the scoresheet. A point apiece on matchday five in the Champions League. || — Aston Villa (@AVFCOfficial) Monaco dropped to eighth after suffering their first loss of the league phase, 3-2 at home to Benfica. Despite having Wilfried Singo sent off just prior to the hour mark, the French side took the lead for a second time via Soungoutou Magassa in the 67th minute, only for late goals from Arthur Cabral and Zeki Amdouni to give Benfica all three points. Lille, in 12th, have the same amount of points as Monaco and Villa thanks to a 2-1 win at Bologna, with Ngal’Ayel Mukau notching a brace. PSV Eindhoven, now 18th, produced a dramatic late turnaround to beat 10-man Shakhtar Donetsk 3-2 at home. The visitors led 2-0 through Danylo Sikan and Oleksandr Zubkov before having Pedrinho sent off in the 69th minute, and PSV then hit back with three goals in the closing stages, Malik Tilman scoring in the 87th and 90th and Ricardo Pepi then notching the winner in the fifth minute of stoppage time. Red Star Belgrade registered their first win of the league phase by thrashing Stuttgart 5-1, as did Sturm Graz, beating Girona 1-0.Trump selects longtime adviser Keith Kellogg as special envoy for Ukraine and Russia
Runner's World: Top RBs take flight when Ravens entertain EaglesDespite struggles, 49ers coach Kyle Shanahan expresses confidence in kicker Jake MoodyBy LOLITA BALDOR and FATIMA HUSSEIN WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump said Wednesday that he has chosen Keith Kellogg, a highly decorated retired three-star general, to serve as his special envoy for Ukraine and Russia. Kellogg, who is one of the architects of a staunchly conservative policy book that lays out an “America First” national security agenda for the incoming administration, will come into the role as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine enters its third year in February. Trump made the announcement on his Truth Social account, and said “He was with me right from the beginning! Together, we will secure PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, and Make America, and the World, SAFE AGAIN!” Kellogg, an 80 year-old retired Army lieutenant general who has long been Trump’s top adviser on defense issues, served as national security adviser to Vice President Mike Pence , was chief of staff of the National Security Council and then stepped in as an acting security adviser for Trump after Michael Flynn resigned. As special envoy for Ukraine and Russia, Kellogg will have to navigate an increasingly untenable war between the two nations. The Biden administration has begun urging Ukraine to quickly increase the size of its military by drafting more troops and revamping its mobilization laws to allow for the conscription of troops as young as 18. The White House has pushed more than $56 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since the start of Russia’s February 2022 invasion and expects to send billions more to Kyiv before Biden leaves office in less than months. Trump has criticized the billions that the Biden administration has poured into Ukraine. Washington has recently stepped up weapons shipments and has forgiven billions in loans provided to Kyiv. The incoming Republican president has said he could end the war in 24 hours, comments that appear to suggest he would press Ukraine to surrender territory that Russia now occupies. As a co-chairman of the American First Policy Institute’s Center for American Security, Kellogg wrote several of the chapters in the group’s policy book. The book, like the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025,” is a move to lay out a Trump national security agenda and avoid the mistakes of 2016 when he entered the White House largely unprepared. Kellogg in April wrote that “bringing the Russia-Ukraine war to a close will require strong, America First leadership to deliver a peace deal and immediately end the hostilities between the two warring parties.” Trump’s proposed national security advisor U.S. Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.) tweeted Wednesday that “Keith has dedicated his life to defending our great country and is committed to bringing the war in Ukraine to a peaceful resolution.” Kellogg was a character in multiple Trump investigations dating to his first term. He was among the administration officials who listened in on the July 2019 call between Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskyy in which Trump prodded his Ukrainian counterpart to pursue investigations into the Bidens. The call, which Kellogg would later say did not raise any concerns on his end, was at the center of the first of two House impeachment cases against Trump, who was acquitted by the Senate both times. On Jan. 6, 2021, hours before pro-Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol, Kellogg, who was then Pence’s national security adviser, listened in on a heated call in which Trump told his vice president to object or delay the certification in Congress of President Joe Biden ’s victory. He later told House investigators that he recalled Trump saying to Pence words to the effect of: “You’re not tough enough to make the call.” Baldor reported from Washington. AP writer Eric Tucker in Washington contributed to this report.