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HANOI (AFP) – A multi-billion-dollar fraud scandal involving one of Vietnam’s most prominent tycoons exposed systemic weaknesses in the country’s banking sector, said analysts who warn other such cases could yet emerge. Judges on Tuesday upheld the death sentence of property developer Truong My Lan, who was convicted this year of embezzling vast sums from the Saigon Commercial Bank (SCB), which she controlled, having borrowed from tens of thousands of small investors. Corruption is extensive in Vietnam, which ranked 83rd out of 180 in Transparency International’s most recent Corruption Perception Index. But the monumental scale of Lan’s crime was unprecedented, with the USD27-billion in losses prosecutors said she caused equivalent to Bosnia’s entire annual gross domestic product. Banking experts fear other damaging allegations are lurking in hidden recesses of the financial sector of the fast-growing economy, which is seen as a favoured destination for foreign investors. “SCB is not a single problem, it is an illness of the whole economy,” banking expert Bui Kien Thanh told AFP . The Vietnamese financial system was “characterised by a lack of tight state management”, he said. “Similar issues are rampant in society, so (Vietnam) needs to study and fix the problem before others arise.” Experts said a key systemic weakness is in the regulation of the corporate bond market, where companies borrow money from investors. In most developed markets, bonds are issued through independently regulated brokers on the basis of a full prospectus, graded by ratings agencies, and traded on stock exchanges. But SCB, through its branches, misleadingly sold its bonds directly to retail customers, with staff trained for weeks on how to falsely reassure them their money was secure and the investment carried little risk. Tens of thousands of people invested their savings in the bonds and lost everything when the bank collapsed and had to be bailed out by authorities, some of them contemplating suicide. Most Vietnamese company debt is not rated for creditworthiness at all, with local ratings agency FiinRatings saying there were no corporate bonds with credit ratings in the country in the years before Lan’s arrest. That compared with an average of around 50 per cent across the 10-member ASEAN. According to state media, a judge at Lan’s original trial asked police to look into the role played by staff at three of the world’s biggest accounting firms that audited SCB’s books – Ernst and Young, Deloitte and KPMG. None of the three responded to requests for comment by AFP . At every level of the Vietnamese financial sector – from employees on the ground to regulatory authorities – there is a lack of training on financial markets, the risks involved and regulatory obligations, Thanh said. On paper, Lan owned just five per cent of shares in SCB, but at her trial, the court concluded that she effectively controlled more than 90 per cent through family, friends and staff who were asked to hold stocks on her behalf. She then used her position to direct SCB management staff to withdraw money from the bank, over time transporting the equivalent of USD4.4 billion in cash in trucks to her home and the offices of her Van Thinh Phat property firm. “They don’t question the paperwork... they just say, how are we going to do it? How fast can we do it?” said economist based in the United States Khuong Huu Loc. “The whole system is a game based on collusion,” he added. “The problem is, it gets so bad, (but) people let her continue on because you don’t want to open the can of worms.”The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will bring a new series to Netflix in December, revealing the “grit behind the glamour” in the high-stakes world of polo. The five-part series will debut globally on December 10, following elite global players on and off the field as they compete in the US Open Polo Championship in Wellington, Florida. A trailer for the series titled Polo, executive produced by Harry and Meghan, was released on Thursday, giving a behind-the-scenes look at the “fast-paced and glamorous world of polo”. In a statement, Harry said: “This series offers audiences an unprecedented, behind-the-scenes look into the passion and determination driving some of the world’s elite polo players, revealing the grit behind the glamour. “We’re proud to showcase the true depth and spirit of the sport — and the intensity of its high-stakes moments.” It has been produced by the Sussexes’ Archewell Productions, having previously released three documentaries with Netflix as part of a multimillion-pound deal with the streaming giant. Heart Of Invictus, which aired last August, followed a group of service members on their road to the Invictus Games, the Paralympic-style sporting competition set up by Harry in 2014 for injured and sick military personnel and veterans. Netflix also released the documentary series Live To Lead and the controversial six-part Harry & Meghan documentary in December 2022. Harry and Meghan moved to the US in 2020 after stepping down from royal duties.Huskies win in high-scoring affair against Eagles

Harris has ‘no knowledge’ anyone tried to get RTE to take down viral clipPostcards from Santa returns to Helena for second year

What went wrong on the onside kick that almost cost the Vikings?CHRISTMAS is full of joy and family fun, right? Until grandma is snoring on the sofa, your uncle is complaining of heartburn and your dad has had one too many tipples. While relatively normal during the festive season, these can all be signs of serious health conditions . It comes after the NHS yesterday told families to look out for dementia symptoms in relatives this Christmas , encouraging anyone with health concerns to come forward as soon as possible. Dr Jeremy Isaacs, NHS England National Clinical Director for Dementia said: “Dementia often develops slowly and might not be apparent during a brief interaction, but with family and friends gathering at Christmas perhaps for the first time in months, there is a chance to spot the signs of this condition.” Here, Vanessa Chalmers and Lucy Gornall reveal the red flags for dementia and five other big killers you can act on now for a healthier 2025. Read More on Health 1. DEMENTIA SIGNS IN YOUR LOVED ONE IT’S very common for family members to spot red flags of undiagnosed dementia before the person themselves. According to Katie Puckering, information services manager for Alzheimer’s Research UK, early signs of the condition “might be getting family members’ names mixed up or getting disorientated around someone else’s home, for example, not being able to find the main living room after using the bathroom.” Changes in the daily routine can also be confusing. Katie explains: “Sitting down for a big family meal at 3pm can be disorientating in the early stages of dementia.” Early dementia causes a person to repeat themselves or struggle to follow the conversation topic. Most read in Health It can also cause withdrawal and anxiety. There is also a way to pick up on changes in the Christmas cards you receive from family members. “You might notice their handwriting is shaky or the words are jumbled,” says Katie. “If anyone is concerned about someone, the best thing to do is to speak with them honestly and openly about what they’re noticing.” SIGNS IN YOURSELF MEMORY blips here and there are a normal part of ageing which might become more apparent from one year to the next. Fran Vandelli, a dementia expert at Bupa Care Services, says: “If you can remember what you are trying to recall but it just takes a little longer, it is not usually anything to worry about. “However, if you are struggling to remember recent events, conversations or where you have put things, you might be worried. “It is important to look out for other signs too, like getting lost in familiar places, struggling to follow conversations, having difficulties speaking and understanding and getting easily confused over everyday tasks like cooking, housework or driving the car.” 2. DIABETES SIGNS IN YOUR LOVED ONE DIABETES is when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin, or the insulin that is produced does not work properly, to regulate blood sugars. A change in levels of activity and indulging more may set blood sugar levels on a rollercoaster at Christmas. Natasha Marsland, a senior clinical advisor at Diabetes UK, says: “There are two main types of diabetes, type 1 and 2. There are four key symptoms for type 1 diabetes to look out for that we call the 4Ts – toilet, thirsty, tired, thinner.” Is your partner going to the toilet unusually frequently, waking you up at night to do so? Perhaps they have lost weight and are looking thinner than usual, despite the time of year, or napping during the day. Type 2 diabetes causes these symptoms, too, plus a fruity or sweet-smelling breath. But many of the symptoms may be more noticeable to yourself. SIGNS IN YOURSELF THERE are many high-salt foods at Christmas but, if you cannot shift your thirst and are peeing more often, it could also be a sign of undiagnosed diabetes. The last thing you need when cooped up for three days is genital itching. But this, alongside wounds that won’t heal and blurry vision, are warning signs of type 2. Natasha says: “Type 2 diabetes can be easier to miss than type 1 diabetes because the symptoms may not be so obvious. Ask your GP for a blood test because the longer type 2 diabetes remains undiagnosed, the greater the risk of long-term complications.” Skin changes can also happen if blood sugars have not been controlled for a long time. Dr Tony Fincham, a GP at Benenden Hospital, says: “In women, a skin breakout may be related to the menstrual cycle. However, if this is a new symptom, there is a chance it could be a sign of type 1 diabetes.” 3. PARKINSON’S DISEASE SIGNS IN YOUR LOVED ONE HAVE you noticed a change in your love life? Duncan Reid, of Pharmacy2U, says: “Parkinson’s disease can affect many aspects of a person’s life, including their sex life. “Reduced libido or sexual desire can be linked to changes in dopamine levels, involved in motor control and feelings of pleasure. “Men with Parkinson’s might face erectile dysfunction, while women can experience vaginal dryness, and both may have difficulty achieving orgasm. Other symptoms include muscle stiffness or reduced mobility, which may make intimacy physically challenging.” A change in mood, such as new anxiety or depression , may also be signs of Parkinson’s . But the most obvious sign is shaking, especially when using your hands. It is typical for older relatives to be a bit “doddery”, but have you noticed they are particularly off balance, or had a fall recently? This, along with drooling or excessive sweating, are signs of Parkinson’s. SIGNS IN YOURSELF STRUGGLING with writing, buttoning a shirt or pressing phone buttons may also become apparent with a tremor. And if you realise that you are not picking up on all the lovely festive smells, it might be time to get checked, too. Duncan says: “One early sign of Parkinson’s is a loss or reduction in your sense of smell, which might make it harder to notice the aroma of Christmas cooking or mulled wine. “Called hyposmia, it is often overlooked but can appear years before other Parkinson’s symptoms. “Another sign is difficulty swallowing, which might make enjoying festive meals challenging. “This can manifest as coughing or choking while eating, or a sensation that food is stuck in your throat.” 4. BOWEL CANCER SIGNS IN YOUR LOVED ONE SURPRISED at how little your dad, mum or grandparent has eaten at Christmas lunch? A loss of appetite could be a sign of cancer , including bowel cancer . Kiran Jones, a clinical pharmacist at Oxford Online Pharmacy, says: “A constant feeling of fullness can occur if there’s a blockage or tumour in the bowel. “Sharp or ongoing abdominal pain is something to take seriously.” If the pain feels localised to one area and doesn’t ease off after food has digested, it is a concern – and Kiran warns “don’t delay” until the new year to address it. “Bowel cancer can cause anaemia, as blood loss in the bowel reduces the number of red blood cells in your body, leading to exhaustion,” he adds. Difficulty staying awake or getting involved with Christmas activities, therefore, could be signs, along with shortness of breath and headaches. SIGNS IN YOURSELF ONLY you will see what is in the toilet bowl and it is important to check. Signs of bowel cancer include blood in stools – including on toilet paper – and changes in stools such as diarrhoea or constipation. Bowel habits commonly change at Christmas, given the indulgences. But Kiran says: “If these symptoms continue well after the festive feast, it might be time to seek medical advice.” Continuous bloating, especially if it gets progressively worse, is also a sign of bowel cancer, as well as stomach or ovarian cancers. Kiran says: “Bloating shouldn’t last for longer than a few hours after you’ve finished your Christmas dinner and, if it lasts longer than a few days, it can indicate gut health issues, or worse, bowel cancer, and should be checked out.” 5. ADDICTION SIGNS IN YOUR LOVED ONE DO you have a family member who is suddenly much more argumentative this Christmas? Frequent rows and fights or neglecting hygiene could be a sign of alcoholism . Lester Morse, Rehabs UK founder and director says: “The behavioural changes that result from addiction are often the first signs of a problem that loved ones notice. The individual will seek out and use drugs or alcohol even when the substance use negatively impacts health, relationships, and daily functioning.” The normalisation of heavy drinking makes it harder to spot signs of alcoholism . Besides, people with a problem often drink in secret. Lester says: “Loved ones may notice that their family member is less social or secretive about how time is spent. “New friends may appear in their life, with little explanation as to how they met.” Avoid confronting the issue when your relative is drunk, when they are more likely to deny or justify their use. Lester adds: “Talk about the effect their drinking has on whatever the person cares about most, such as career or children. They may not be concerned about their own situation.” SIGNS IN YOURSELF IF you are wondering whether your own drinking has crossed the line, Lester says: “Consider whether alcohol is costing you more than money. “Your drinking may have started to edge out activities that you used to enjoy. “Similarly, it may be preventing you from keeping up with responsibilities at home, work or school.” If you are concerned about yourself or a loved one, contact your GP or speak to Rehabs UK treatment advisors. 6. HEART PROBLEMS SIGNS IN YOUR LOVED ONE HEART attacks are more common at Christmas time, studies suggest. Emily McGrath, a senior cardiac nurse at British Heart Foundation, explains: “Never ignore chest pain and assume it’s caused by indigestion, especially if it continues over an extended period. “Angina feels like pressure, tightness or squeezing in your chest and the pain may feel sharp or like a dull ache. You might also feel it in your shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, back or stomach. Heart attack symptoms vary for each person.” They include sudden pain or discomfort in your chest that doesn’t go away. It can spread to your left or right arm, or to your neck, jaw, back or tummy. Emily says: “For some, the pain or tightness is severe, while for others it’s uncomfortable. “It may feel like heaviness or a pain similar to indigestion.” Feeling sick, sweaty, light-headed, anxious or short of breath are also signs to call 999. Swollen feet or ankles can be a sign of coronary heart disease – the leading cause of heart attacks and most commonly diagnosed type of heart disease in the UK. Other symptoms you may spot include sweating or pale, ashen skin. SIGNS IN YOURSELF FEELING short of breath on the dog walk? Emily says: “If you feel short of breath doing every day activities and haven’t experienced this before, it is important to get this checked out. “It may be expected if you are suffering with a respiratory problem such as a cold, but it could also be a sign of something more serious.” Dr Fincham adds: “In older people, feeling dizzy when standing is often a symptom of their medication. If it’s a recent symptom, excluding any new medications, and progresses, then seek medical help.” READ MORE SUN STORIES Emily says: “Dizziness, light headedness and palpitations can be signs of an irregular heart rhythm and should not be ignored. “Please do not hesitate to contact 111 or 999.”

How Trump's bet on voters electing him managed to silence some of his legal woes

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Man City blow 3-0 lead to extend winless run in Feyenoord thriller

A deal which could see the Elgin Marbles returned to Greece is “still some distance” away, George Osborne has signalled. The former Tory chancellor, now chairman of the British Museum, suggested Sir Keir Starmer had contributed to a warmer spirit of the negotiations over the famous ancient artworks. Greece has long called for the return of the Marbles, also known as the Parthenon sculptures, and maintains they were illegally removed from Athens’ acropolis during a period of foreign occupation. The British Museum – where they are currently on display – is forbidden by law from giving away any of its artefacts, and the Government has no plans to change the law to permit a permanent move. But under Mr Osborne’s leadership, the museum is negotiating the possibility of a long-term loan of the sculptures, in exchange for rolling exhibitions of famous artworks. No 10 has indicated the Prime Minister is unlikely to stand in the way of such a deal. Speaking on Political Currency, the podcast he hosts alongside former Labour politician Ed Balls, Mr Osborne said the museum was “looking to see if we can come to some arrangement where at some point some of the sculptures are in Athens, where, of course, they were originally sited”. He added: “And in return, Greece lends us some of its treasures, and we made a lot of progress on that, but we’re still some distance from any kind of agreement.” The Greek government has suggested negotiations with the museum have taken a warmer tone since Labour came to power in the summer. Mr Osborne appeared to concur with this view and praised Sir Keir’s hands-off approach, adding: “It is not the same as Rishi Sunak, who refused to see the Greek prime minister, if you remember, he sort of stood him up. “So it seems to me a more sensible and diplomatic way to proceed.” Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the Greek premier, discussed the Elgin Marbles with Sir Keir when they met on Tuesday morning at Downing Street, he said after returning to Athens. Mr Mitsotakis has signalled his government is awaiting developments on the negotiations. A diplomatic spat between the Greek leader and Mr Sunak emerged last year when the then-prime minister refused to meet his counterpart. Mr Mitsotakis had compared splitting the Elgin Marbles from those still in Athens to cutting the Mona Lisa in half. The marble statues came from friezes on the 2,500-year-old Parthenon temple and have been displayed at the British Museum for more than 200 years. They were removed by Lord Elgin in the early 19th century when he was British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire. Some of the remaining temple statues are on display in the purpose-built Acropolis Museum in Athens, and Greece has called for the collections to be reunited.


BERKELEY SPRINGS, W.Va. — Kerigan Bergdall scored a game-high 13 points, as Moorefield trounced Berkeley Springs, 44-23, Tuesday to open the season. The Yellow Jackets (1-0) led 8-1, 17-8 and 34-17 at the conclusion of the first three quarters. Bergdall was the lone Moorefield player with double figures, hitting three 3-pointers in the process. CiCi Kump and Sydney Rumer added eight points apiece, and Korbin Keplinger tallied seven. Rumer hit a pair of 3s. Katie Risingler led the way for Berkeley Springs with 11 points, and Kaya Delauter chipped in six. Moorfield is at Liberty on Friday at 6 p.m.The UCD-educated lawyer has been in the running for one of the top jobs in the new Trump administration and has now been nominated as assistant attorney general. The 52 year old, who is originally from Dalkey in south Dublin and a graduate of UCD law school, has been policy adviser for US vice-president-elect JD Vance . [ Irish woman in line for top White House role under Donald Trump Opens in new window ] She has been advising Mr Trump’s transition team on antitrust and tech policy, and is expected to take a tough stance on anticompetitive practices in the Big Tech sector. She must be approved by the US Senate. Ms Slater, who is also a graduate of Oxford University, will take charge of several high-profile cases against companies including Apple, Google and Visa. In a statement, Mr Trump said Ms Slater would “ensure that [US] competition laws are enforced, both vigorously and fairly with clear rules that facilitate, rather than stifle, the ingenuity of our greatest companies”. Ms Slater was a tech policy adviser on the White House’s national economic council during Mr Trump’s first term, providing counsel to the US president on technology, telecom and cybersecurity. [ Dublin woman Gail Slater leaves senior White House role Opens in new window ] A dual Irish-US citizen, the Dublin native has been living in the US since 2003. Ms Slater, whose maiden name is Conlon, has long been a close observer of US politics. She is married to Lindsay Slater, a former chief of staff to congressman Mike Simpson, a moderate Republican from Idaho. Before joining the first Trump administration, she was general counsel at the Internet Association, a trade body that represented Google and Facebook where she advised on legal and regulatory policy. She previously worked for 10 years at the US Federal Trade Commission, including as an adviser to former Democratic commissioner Julie Brill in Barack Obama’s administration.Romanian president tasks incumbent PM with forming new government

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